I get my intel from intelcrab, inteldoge, etc.
Looks like they are a couple of days behind me.
Check the Archives
is never wrong.
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Shills BTFO.
what war u jew?
Those digits though.
100,000 burgers finna fight for israel
Trains rolling to the coast.
Show me your war faces.
soo WWW3 or just a war against Iran?
SS and SF are surrounding the Venezuelan Embassy in Wasgington DC as I type.
Korea mined the tankers.
Russia is moving all of its Strategic Bombers laden with HYN to the Far East.
So our country mobilizes men and women to die in fucking Iran, and their numbers are fewer than how many illegals invade our southern border every month, a border our government refuses to defend. But yes, go die in a third-world shithole, Americans. Iran is more important than the extinction of the middle class and the eradication of your culture!
Trump is peaceful this is just posturing. I can't stand with him if it goes down
>faggot thinks he knows what is going on in iran/turkey
This is going to be Ugly.
Vietnam Ugly.
120,000 according to NY Times
Please user, stop.
When you see a thread with the OP picrelated, it's bullshit.
Not to mention they got a fresh military that's been preparing for the great satan to arrive for quite some time. Iraq was pretty depleted the first time we fought them after their fight with Iran and even worse the second time we invaded.
Of course war with Iran is coming
Wesley clark told all these dumb niggers what was going to happen.
>US has third largest navy
Guess I'm gonna die in some pointless fucking war to defend Jews. Great.
another war for Isreal? nice
how much till the war begins? weeks, days?
>samefagging faggot
you should be proudly rockin your israeli flag
Thanks Obama.
Wrong. Don't get me wrong, they have a decent military, but we have an absolute fucking rager of a war boner right now. We executed the invasion of iraq about as well as can be expected, which is to say, far better than any other military in the world could have. 3 days. 3 days to push to Baghdad. So Iran.... Maybe a week? I'm not even memeing, we would reach the capital that quickly, bag the men in charge and then put out fires for months to years. That's how this works. There's not a "they can stop us", there's only "please put up enough of a fight so I don't go soft."
The Jarhead I got the info from last week said 100k. So it has escalated 20k since then.
That does not make me wrong.
Idiots like this said no troops would be activated and I was full of shit.
You look like a FOOL, DON'T you?!
>is never wrong.
We're not going to war
Only the White ones tho. Illegal Spics get the White women when the men go die.
we are going to waste so much American lives and money "putting out fires" as you put it. Iran is the undisputed king of insurgent warfare and we know it.
By count, presumably.
i love you inb4source poster. some day the world will burn and we’ll know that you were right.
oh fug
We are. The gods demand it, and the jews. You can defy one, but the fucking kikes always get their way. Hopefully this time around, they'll get a hell of a lot more than they bargained for.
It wasn't 3 days you jack ass, it was over 3 weeks to reach and another week to secure it. It went so fast because the Iraqi army was running in the opposite direction lmao they hated saddam more than us
>someone opened a PDF of an OPLAN that’s been around forever
Jesus Christ the absolute state of happenings
maybe they were running because they didn’t want to die and it had nothing to do with cope propaganda about hating saddam, dad.
Yep. This fag is never right. But make enough predictions and maybe one will come true.
I wont get a dime from this is my main concern.
They said in the NY Times that 120,000 is just to defend Israel from an attack but that a full scale invasion would require far more troops.
They're building up forces incrementally. This summer is gonna happen.
I don't disagree. My hope is that we'll end up in the same situation we did in WWII. Where we got so tired, and hated so deeply that we gave the final word on the nips. Let's do it again. But this time, hit something worth hitting. Create an irradiated no man's land where there once were shitskins. It's hard to fight over a holy land that's now a smoking crater.
You get your info from shills on twitter? Haha Shit about to hit the fan? Or OP Is Wrong again?
Incorrect. I'm guessing you just checked the Wikipedia page, and in that case, you saw 3 weeks for major combat operations. We were fucking in Baghdad already. It took us awhile to lock it down.
>We executed the invasion of iraq about as well as can be expected, which is to say, far better than any other military in the world could have. 3 days. 3 days to push to Baghdad.
And it's still a shithole riddled with insurgents. If we do Iran similar to Iraq, that would include disbanding their military, a step we seem to be preparing for already, because Trumps administration declared the entire Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization, and we probably won't stop with them.
If we dismantle their army and intelligence agencies, then the same shit will happen that happened in Iraq. That is, these angry ex soldiers, ex spooks, ex officers will join up with militias, terrorist groups, organized crime, etc. This is what formed the nucleus of the command and intel structure of ISIS in the beginning.
It will not be one week. Iran is armed better, they are better organized and more disciplined, etc. Not to mention they have an active directorate of the Quds force in North America. These are like paramilitary spooks. Expect significant terrorism and sabotage stateside if we go to war with them properly.
It's going to be really shitty.
hard for kikes to make a profit rebuilding a place left uninhabitable due to radiation. lots of shekels to made on occupation, so that's what's going to happen. I hope it happens too because the iranians will break us and we can finally purge ourselves in the cleansing civil war that will be the inevitable outcome of any iranian adventure.
fuck. i'm in hawaii. will i even survive the week?
If the Jews do to Iran what they did to Iraq, they would have total middle eastern supremacy than only one protocol would be left to accomplish...and that is the building of the third temple and the coming of the messiah
Fake + gay
Just like the Carrier Strike Group psyop, that was actually regularly scheduled military exercise.
Calm your erections boys nothing is going to happen.
Iran's is interesting to look at, they say if the US advances they'll go after Israel immediately.
Again, nothing is going to happen.
>is never wrong
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh really?
How many potential iranians would have to be interned to prevent terrorism?.
You have to be 18 to post here.
>Iran launches preemptive strike with Hezbollah and "Wipes Israel Off The Earth"
>Samson Option activated, all major western cities are obliterated
>all nuclear powers launch nukes against one another
>gas prices sky rocket as mass shortages occur
>mass starvation in all major cities because of just in time deliver
>china after losing its top consumer also collapses into civil unrest
>tens of billions of africans dependent on foreign aid
>worldwide collapse into collapse billions dying from starvation
>only survivors are ruralites & Russians in the giant nuke shelters
Faggots like you are all the same. It was just a LARP for the last 8 years worth of schizo intelfag LARP threads. I'm going to have to assume you're full of shit again.
>inb4 edgy response and accusations of treachery
>intelcrab, inteldoge
(((intelcrab, inteldoge)))
Shit has already hit the fan. Now it's time to clean it up and its gonna be a struggle.
Who else gonna be fucking milfag's girlfriend while he's dying for jews? lmaoing at milfags
Me for sure. Hope all US Troops die. America is the satan of the world. America died at the end of the1950s
right again.
And the lack of cohesion still works in our favor. You're not wrong, but prosecuting the first part of a war is easy, comparatively. Digging out the last 20 percent you missed, while they crawl into holes and breed the ideology in the young? Fucking impossible, with modern sensibilities. So we push. We accelerate. We find that stress point, and you push. Until something gives. I don't care which way it breaks, frankly. The middle east dies entirely, or we rebuild here. I don't much care which way. But this stagnation is killing my country, and my race.
Drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry.
And them good ol' Boys were drinkin' whisky and rye....
When is the happening
That would be like trying to stop CIA activities in your country by rounding up everyone with an American passport.
Look up the Quds force if you've never heard of them. They're here and they're waiting for green lights. I suspect they have already engaged in attacks within the U.S. as practice and proof-of-concept, for example the Metcalf Sniper Incident. The largest and most sophisticated coordinated attack on the electrical grid in American history, perpetrators never caught.
I hope they get sponsored by GoPro and it's all livestreamed. C'mon it's the current year.
There will be plenty of gore footage on a grand scale
Even enough to satisfy you.
>Counting people not capabilities
>Counting boats not capabilities
>Counting vehicles not capabilities
>Leaving nukes out of the equation
Kys you disingenuous nigger. Like for real. If you're that dumb or that shilly. That being said Trump is peaceful.
Unfortunately this war was decided long ago. We don't even have a choice. Israel wills us to fight Iran.
Who wants to know why the UAE was the first of Irans targets?
because of the destination of the oil onboard the tankers?
They're afraid of the Goyim in their host countries.
This. The only people who think Arabs can into war have had very limited dealings with Arabs. Notice I said WARFARE not taking pot shots with RPGs and AKs. Once we reduce them back to their comfort zone there, it will be a lot harder.
You're ALWAYS fucking wrong.
good, they signed up for it
Former spook here. op is off on this one. we're letting iran know they have a couple of options, one of which is war.
current policy is avoid war.
current political strategy is go into election without war. focus on former admin corruption.
tldr its all for show but its there if iran gets stupid
>FORMER spook
glow harder nigger
Stfu nerd. Iran has been aware of all options for decades
These are Persians that we're talking about, not Arabs. Persians very much can into land war.
Absolute dominance doesn't change. If total war it's over in a day
>another IRAN WAR HAPPENING larp thread
Because the UAE built a pipeline around the Strait of Hormuz.
It's illegal for our army to be on our border it's solely a Jewish offensive force
100-120k isn't going to be enough. Iran is not Iraq.
No Persians are pretty shit at war as well. Thats said they could be fucking Spartans and they would still get curb stomped. Under no situation could Iran resist a US invasion much less invade US allies in the region. The differences in military capability are staggering.
Why would this be necessary at this point? It seems like just gratuitous dick waving. Like it's ceased to be intimidating, and it's embarrassing. If we don't actually make a show of force now, as in blow something up or kill some people, this whole incident makes us look weaker.
You're right, I suck cocks. It should be interesting to see how we surmount it. Oddly I have no doubt we will, just a question of time. Measured in lives. Which I'm still not sure would be worse than Vietnam, though probably more than the early stages of Iraq.