Most young White women have a deep seated resentment towards white men viewing them as oppressors. They identify for more with POC than their male peers. Honestly most of them just hate us and want bad things to happen to us. This is the mindset of the typical GenZ white woman. It seems like at least on a social and political level all women are deeply resentful against us and want to us in pain. Why are they like this? Even my own mother did a jibe at me over this. I just wanted a GF to love me.
Why are young women so hateful and resentful towards white men these days?
Because she likes you. Go say hi.
Theyre not and these threads are shit
Yang gang virgins on this board say the exact same thing but they have a special term for it, "boomers"
>We gon get all dem CEO positions when dem old white men are dead!
No girl has ever liked men. You've only ever been helpful on occasion, but they still hate you at the end of the day.
are you gay?
It’s a shit test user. This woman can’t think she’s just saying what the (((culture))) tells her to think. The white man is the only one dumb enough to give women power. Pretty sure Abdul and Jamal have no intention of letting her “live freely”.
>Most young White women have a deep seated resentment towards white men viewing them as oppressors
no, most women dont, you only notice the ones who do and shill for them openly, just like (((they))) want you to. They want you to hate women and they want you to think that most of them hate you. You fall for such OBVIOUS shilling and propaganda.
Because they're pissed they aren't getting treated like the little bitches they are, they want to be dominated and ordered by white men
Bitch looks Lebanese
Women are a bit like animals. They are naturally anti-civilization creatures who tend toward degeneracy, but in the proper environment they can be brought to heel as semi-reliable companions. Jews are an entirely different breed. They have capacity for rational thought and actively scheme to bring down society, which women don’t do.
They don't know how to make a happy life, unless you think having lots of sex will make someone happy.
>OBVIOUS shilling and propaganda
I'm just warning you, that's all.
The female of our species, or more correctly, the female mind in our species, is extremely susceptible to individual psychosis and solipsism, and even more so, herd panic, trend and consensus; and verbalizing those behaviors by drama, outburst, disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossiping, and reputation destruction that never ceases.
This is the reason why women’s testimony has been discounted throughout history; why the cancer of abrahamism was spread through women; why women defected against their men and their civilization yet again, to feminism-postmodernism; and why there are continuous calls for “women must be heard”; and then, not surprisingly, counter-to-all-evidence that “women must be believed”. The female lacks the degree of male agency because she is more dependent upon the panic of herd than the hunting of the pack.
It is rather obvious that once given the franchise under the presumption of agency, that women took out their anger on the church in europe, and on men in america. It’s rather obvious that as much as marxism was designed to appeal to and rally men at the bottom, that feminism and postmodernism were designed to appeal to and rally women as was christianity. It is rather obvious that women’s urge to nest and preen are more easily manipulated by advertising marketing and media.
But Truth is Truth. The feminine mind lacks agency regardless of the sex of its bearer. And we cannot both preserve our civilization which is the originator of truth, reason, science, and all that comes from it by once again submitting to the herd of the female in this modern era as we did in the ancient.
Women cannot think
They're not human
They mindlessly follow whatever the man in their life says
Liberal women are liberal because either their men are or their man is the media/government
“Herd Panic”, and “herd consensus”, as well as the series solipsism, psychosis, and disapproval, shaming, ridicule, outburst, rallying gossiping and reputation destruction as a means of obscuring the truth due to lack of agency and fear of falling out of sync with the herd, must become part of our conscious vocabulary and argument such that we bring the distinction between lack of agency, falsehood and fear, versus agency, truth and reason.
Lacking agency means you are not yet human and therefore not worthy of or capable of reciprocity any more than is a child – but require parenting.
It is truth that in modernity we have greater prosperity and as such greater ability to absorb the damage of the feminine mind than in the past. But that reservoir is not limitless.
That same prosperity however does leave us a choice: we can oppress one another, or we can revolt and separate, and develop feminine (failing) dysgenic orders and return to the animals and another dark age, or masculine competitive eugenic orders, that will continue our transcendence.
It’s time to choose which of those consequences we will pursue.
Fair enough.
Because old Republicans, due to white nationalism, have ruined our country. Just like you guys. Their race is relevant because their politics is white nationalism and it's a failure.
Kill yourself, unironically.
Yes goys! Be afraid! Hate white women. Believe our cherry picked degeneracy examples. Let Tyrone and Jamal impregnate them. Just play vidya. Women are too much trouble!
Speaking out against white men is racist and sexist.
We have a lot to thank for white men, they are the pinnacle of humankind.
I support gender equality. Blaming white men goes against the basic principle of gender equality.
It's needless to say that all these anti white remarks will be investigated and dealt with in the same way.
Tables are turning.
Same methods, same tricks will be used against minorities, sjws and others who pose a threat to whites.
Just when you thought you heard it all, here comes another clown to surprise you by implying that living FREE will happen when the conditions that made the FREE-est country in the world, stop existing.
oh and OP, you need to kys with those retarded baits
I honestly couldnt even imagine wanting to be authentically racist towards essentially everything not... white; white according to white people standards.
How many awkward encounters would a white couple have to go through, just to raise a little racist reflection to carry the legacy of racism into the next generation.
I could imagine.
You suck my dick when I'm talking to you bitch
Their fathers failed them in providing a future and some semblance of family. It's no shock they're resentful.
Show your flag Britain
>implying that living FREE will happen when the conditions that made the FREE-est country in the world, stop existing.
Exactly. Oh, let's give the poor minorities and women all the control, instead of the attentive and driven white males. Oh, look! Everything's going to shit! It must be the white men behind this, as our marxist ideology cannot provide any alternative reasoning. Let's make it even more difficult for them.
American women are largely garbage, the result of endless advertising campaigns and now the target of communist social-justice brainwashing. It's why they are the way they are, plus feminism. It's really a joke. A lot of those women are gonna pay the toll!
So let it be. At least I make enough for decent escorts a few times a year.
Cause it's safe to say in 2019. Women are base cowards following societal norms.
Just live around white people and then niggers. It's a common reaction. What race are you?
The minorities will round the wimmen up and sell them to brothels in third world shitholes. Women are too stupid to vote.
African American + German (grandmother)
Plus I live in ethnic/culturally diverse Los Angeles.
they're not, it's just dumb twitter bitches trying to get attention saying this stuff because they heard it's "woke" and "socially conscious" so they feel smart saying it (omg we're like fighting oppression against the poc).
in the end, they'll still date white men and fuck white men.
this user gets it.
POC hate white women more than white women hate white men.
80% of "white women" on social-media are jews and blacks role playing with fake accounts. It works awesome on incels who think they're really white girls.
Massive shit-test spiralling downward as we keep failing it harder and harder.
His unresponsiveness points to a resounding yes
Any masculine-challenged person would feel shit when they can't do men shit properly.
Great stuff
programming by filthy kikes
White women are told white men are the most evil scourge of the Earth from the day they are born. They hear it in schools and in the media. Repeat a lie often enough, especially from authority figures and people will believe the lie. Not all women hate white men, most actually don't. However they are afraid of the rabid feminist types. So they try to fit into the crowd.
How many motherfucking godamn fucking times are you going to make this thread you fucking British browncel. Imagine being such a pathetic faggot you spam the same thread 5 times a day for over a year
>Be Twitter
>Get ad money from eyes and clicks
>Stir and let outrage manifest
>Make money from outrage
date azn qts
>Why are young women so hateful and resentful towards white men these days?
Daddy issues
the reality of their true happiness lies in becoming mothers and dutiful wives.
but now they are all whores and no self respecting man wants them.
Why don't these women move to brazil already if they want to live in their multicultural paradise?
this thread is very jewish
fuck off kike, this anti-white agenda is so blatant
>1 post by this ID
I fucking guarantee this is a shill thread. if you don't think jews push this sort of concern trolling garbage to fuck with you yuo're an idiot.
pretty much this
>I honestly couldnt even imagine wanting to be authentically racist towards essentially everything not... white; white according to white people standards.
That's because you're either baiting or don't live in reality. People don't become racist for now reason.
>old white republicans die
>we take their place and fully realise the 4th Reich
Be careful what you wish for
You dumbass incels on pol are kind of funny
Women dont hate men
Twitter replies and exposure is based on saying controversial things
user you get it
They do in the US
that is truly one of the saddest stories i have ever encountered on here. I hope there is more to this story. Ultimately, he did not kill himself. Maybe God came to find him, I truly hope so. God is Love. That story hurts my heart, user. How awful.
Americans and their problems.
20% is the highest number they could say without most people suspecting it's a fake. That's just advertising for Alphabiolabs so people buy their products and services. Planting the seeds of doubt.... Unless you have some solid sources for those numbers?