Randbot shitposting live on The Ralph Retort
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imagine watching TRR in 2019
i miss /ibs/ bros. shocked the killstream is still going. is anyone watching? redpill me on randbot
Skeptics getting Redpilled was a fun time.
Your 15 minutes came and went long ago Ralph.
This. There was a brief moment of wonderful late night merriness. Then it went to shit.
1.2k right now watching. Some commie is on.
Yes, its pretty shitty unless Randbot is on. What type of streams or vids do you watch?
When do you think it went to shit? I think it was around the new year and it peaked around Knoxville and finally petered out.
amazing that against such demonstrably wrong ideas that aren't even worth entertaining no one but destiny could mount any kind of argument, and destiny's argument was fucking terrible.
good for ralph
Randbot shitposts live and names the jew and hates niggers. He interrupts relentlessly when a guest is on and it gets annoying sometimes.
What do you think about he current state of Andy Warski?
So sick of this bloodsports faggotry.
Yeah after Knoxville. It went to shit. And the whole ice bag thing is Miami was cringe as fuck
Rand is top tier tonight. Really frustrating annoying radio voiced commie.
i saw the chat on rakieta's law stream go ape shit about andy getting arrested but honestly didn't even care enough to find out what happened. sometime i'll catch up. i miss JF + /ourretard/, those were good days
i dont understand how gunt had everything going for him then suddenly tanked his show what happened did he do something lolcow worthy? tuned in like twice since knoxville and its just dead air and fucking dull
Its not bad, its better to have on in the background than capeshit or fox.
havent watched trr since Knoxville. qualities dropped right?
Very Soi "pansexual" guest.
I miss racewarski
People still watch this trash? I thought anyone with a brain stopped after Ralph and andy proved they're no different to the unstable loonies they mock.
I've only recently started watching the show. It's ok. Not great. But I'm partial to efag drama
The tl;dr is that every time Warski ever had a huge falling out with someone, it's probably because he's a mentally unstable drama queen
Just turned on his audience hard. Got himself an ego, started talking mad shit and banning people he didn't like. The same shit he used to mock people like Donga and Sargon for doing
lmao the fucking grunting hahahaha
just weird these ibs guys had a format that sold itself and literally all of them shit the bed but i guess i should've figured they were all retards. wonder if dick severed ties with ralph
>Andy Warski decided to do IRL livestream with Failure and some other dude
>The speakers they are carrying late at night in the middle of Miami Florida have text to speech turned on
>People are donating money to get the text to speech say racist things like "Nigger" over and over again
>3 drunk guys walk by right when Text to speech says Nigger
>all 3 drunk guys are white knight cucks and threaten Andy and Failure
>Andy and Failure know the other guy they are with is conceal carrying
>They talk shit to the 3 drunk guys, and actually threaten to kill them
>The 3 drunk guys seem to walk off
>Andy, the other guy and Failure take off down the street
>They notice they are being followed by the 3 drunk guys
>Failure and Andy actively are telling the guy carrying the gun to shoot the 3 drunk guys
>Andy says "AIM!" like a hundred times
>Failure tells him to shoot after the one guy punches failure in his head
>Failure tells him to shoot 3 different times
>The guy brandishes the gun at the 3 drunk guys
>A security guard sees all this
>Calls Cops
>They think they are in the right, that they had a right to shoot the 3 guys
>Cop tells them they are stupid
>Arrest the guy carrying the gun, charge him with 3 felonies.
>Andy and Failure will now always be remembered for pussies screaming and crying because they were to afraid of an ass whipping.
It's Jim. Every time Jim backs a podcast, they fall apart months later. I think maybe they think that because e likes them that means they made it? I mean the dude can pull a 26,000 viewer unannounced stream. So maybe his favour goes to their heads.
And if you mean Masterson, pretty sure he's been on since things took a turn for the worse
Tell him the icebag story too.
Fuck off Gunt, Flamenco aka Gaytor 2.0, and Abobot, no one fucking cares about your regurgitated ice cold takes on shit news.
here's Metokur doing a commentary on the incident.
>Icebag story
My lore is not up to date on this one.
where the fuck is spcc, that was the real tragedy from stream me
>My lore is not up to date on this one.
Predates the fun shit.
In Florida Andy got a fan to drop a bag of ice on a sleeping Ralph. Raplph got super mad but Andy acted like a total fag. It was pathetic on both sides but Andy was really acting like a woman
>watching ralph after diogenes revealed his bbc cuck fetish
a lot of faggots kept pulling gay ops on his shows. i get jim and ralph plugged him here and there but i think it had some bad implications for the guy. he'll be back soon tho
Get the fuck off this board you Jewtube Normalfag.