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This blatant hatred towards Israel must stop NOW. Trump 2020!
all jews are zionist
there is nothing wrong with being anti-jew.
It's almost like they want you to be confused.
Go on . . .
Until they are back on power.
The American Nazi Party now supports Democrats!
wtf i love democrat’s now
>except all but 3 of them are zionists and it’s a clown show to play to their splintering multi-identitarian base
oh never mind
gonna be a checked from me dawg
This was the plan all along because the Jews are God's chosen people.
this, chuck schumer isnt anti jew at all
>politicians have to run on anti-semitic dog whistles to trick goyim into voting for them
we have the best timeline, don't we folks?
He is an Israeli citizen.
Dead meme
nice well done
You can be "pro Jew", and support Palestine at the same time. Most Americans Jews hate Bibi
Plenty of Israelis hate Bibi and illegal settlements. Most Israelis hate the conservative Ashkenazi Jews ruining the world.
Uhh Pelosi is a kike lover, just cause she let him speak doesn't mean she hates Israel.
Fuck Dump
>remember 90% of jews voted for the dems.
That pro jew stance you mentioned is the pro globalist jew anti israel position. That's the democrat party and why now you are cheering them on. Still the same jew now you're the useful idiot.
no, the democrat and repub parties have always just been tools
No, she just knows that she'd be labeled an anti-Semite if she publicly criticized Israel. Meghan McCain is calling Jewish people (Seth Meyers) anti-Semitic now.
happened a while ago, when the democrats embraced intersectional progressive values
jews rank near the top of the power structure hierarchy, and zionism is colonialism in their eyes because white skins arent allowed to live in brown skin land
thank God Trump will easily win 2020
wow guess i'm shillin' for hillary now! buttenheim or whatever the fuck that homo's name is 2020!
Schumer IS an ashkenazi jew. Hes not a real jew hes part of the synagogue of satan,
still falling for the same bullshit?
we need to have a talk about goysplaining it is long overdue
She literally said if America burned to the ground we would still send money to Israel.
Are you some kind of nigger? Do you not comprehend that this means she is pro israel?
Does Pelosi have to suck off some Jewish kike before you acknowledge that she loves Israel?
It is so confusing how the left can be anti zionist yet every subversive thing pushed into our culture by the jews is supported by the left.
>open borders
Vote Dem and support the destruction of western culture via jewish influence.
Vote Republican and support zionism.
Jews really are experts at divide and conquer and playing both sides.
>letting a Muslim derka derka in Congress
Not much better than sucking Jew cock. Why do normie whites need sandniggers to act as their proxies?
Schumer shills for Palestine?
He literally calls himself the "Protector of Israel".
he also said BDS was "anti-Semitic":
Why can't we just have a right wing anti-Israel party. Why must it be a choice between cuckservatives and shitlibs
>House prayer
just end it
we need to quit voting for these jew puppets, once trump's out of there. i really think we need a viable third party that's right wing.
Stop jerking off to muslims you faggot retards. Imagine if a priest did this, not ok, a muslim though is perfectly fine, fuck white people based muslims!
The honkmother
WTF? I'm a democrat now?
It's not like there are any pro-Israel imams
the only thing splitting democrats from nazis is their insistence that there are no differences between the races.
then we'll have to get jews calling out other jews. Because only jews can do so without getting called anti-semitic and having their lives ruined.
> doubt
Trump and his legion of dumbfuck supporters are such good goys
You have no strong canidates cuase you guys blew your loads on Hiliary kek.
No. The GOP will reform in trump's image. The democrats will split into the ultra leftwing progressive party and the old school corporate whore democrat party.
The "political landmarks" we draw our left/right lines between will be redrawn. Making the republicans the moderates between what's left after the democrats have a nervous breakdown and become two different parties.
I wonder how this is gonna play out. Omar seems to have really stirred some shit up, but it could just be a part of a much larger j*wish ruse.
Israel cucks unite. Facials incoming
jewish Zionism vs jewish Globalism
different sides same shit
Kike In Chief
Trump is a massive shlomosexual
>labour 2: electric boogaloo
Good on them, still not going to vote for any of them.