Let's talk about paganism , what do you think of it? Is it a good thing to follow? Is it substantial enough to be revitalized?
Let's talk about paganism , what do you think of it? Is it a good thing to follow...
This types, has nigs like varg and lacks any sort of community, cohesion and often trie is true(at least here in America) as they often do and accomplish nothing,
I dont think its beyond possible to revitalize the faith and i think paganism is free of many of the fatal problems christianity has. However, it will require effort, effort I just dont see pagans putting into it. They should be converting people starting with their families, they should be building communities and eventually temples/groves, they should be compiling the literature of their faith and attempting to make it compelling to join without diminishing it. I don't see them doing any of this.
Sorry about that mess at the top it was something I wad going to include but I deleted only some of it. I'm a phoneposter so yeah.
Basically most of it was stuff I stated already and making fun of varg whom I think is very niggardly.
Only homos are pagan
And the ones that aren't homo are just LARPers
just bee yourself. but it’s not substantial enough to revitalize. pagans are right when they say christians are a bunch of kikes who take credit for prior existing european values and christians are right when they say pagans are larping. Jow Forums has a serious problem with two things being true simultaneously.
The human sacrifice aspect is unavoidable.
Its all flowers and songs with nature, until its time to toss a flayed womans corpse in the bog.
>trying to define 'pagan' as some nature worshipping Wiccan bullshit
fuck off
It depends on what you mean by paganism since its very vague nowadays and two pagans can have completely opposite values unfortunately. I heavily believe in ancestor worship more than anything, and I do think nature is sacred. I also think Christianity is supremely cucked. I don't really care for any of the of the other aspects typically associated with paganism though.
your only source for this are the testament of conquerors with an interest in misrepresenting their new territories. in other words, you’re a jew claiming hitler genocided 6 gorillion.
>should I deny the one true God, Jow Forums?
Even praying to literal rocks in your ancestral land beats praying to a jewish rabbi named jeshua.
Christianity or Paganism are the only two faiths that Europeans should be.
But remember everyone, our people come first, race traitors regardless of faith meet traitor ends.
human sacrifice was never a thing in european religions.
Au contraire, your desert semitic religion literally performs blood libel to this day. I bet you are branded. Where's your dick skin, shabbos goy? Did you enjoy your first blowjob being to a rabbi?
most Danes practice traditions directly rooted in the old ways, unbroken through generations down the millennia. Our Christianity is, for the most part, simply a veneer covering the continued practising of the old way.
then there's the openly pagan, asatrua, folks. They're not that many, but they're respected and recogicnized by the state as a religion with right to marry, baptize, burry and so on.
>Celtic triskele
user I...
>your only source for this are the testament of conquerors with an interest in misrepresenting their new territories.
nigga wut, we find sacrificed corpses all over the place left by pagan rituals.
I would date a pagan qt like that, but it would be a secret ploy to convert her to Catholicism and marry her and love her forever as a trad catholic girl.
>human sacrifice was never a thing in european religions.
kek wut?
user, that there on the right is a cross, what are you talking about?
>human sacrifice was never a thing in european religions
of course it was, user. No need to gloss it over and shit, back here in Denmark we have enough bog bodies who were obviously sacrificed to fill our museums many times over, and the old texts tell of sacrificing of prisoners of war as well as vulontary self-sacfrice to the Gods, especially Odin.
>our people come first
how does it feel to need a cause?
kill yourself nigger, trash, subhuman, trash, nigger.
>a trad catholic girl.
google worst women in history. most were catholic
I'm talking about the hammer on the left, known as Mjölner -or Thor's Hammer, Mjolnir in contemporary English. the little symbol placed in it's center is Celtic, not Nordic. Someone got confused drawing it, is all. No biggie.
Kindly provide evidence.
The onus is on you, since you are making the extraordinary claim.
Barbarians are not applicable. Your people were not considered human until 400 AD.
>Tollund Man
he's a Dane alright.
This is not a cause this is basic instinct, would you not protect your family and people naturally?
ah I see it now
>Barbarians are not applicable. Your people were not considered human until 400 AD
we didn't care then, and we don't care today.
>Kindly provide evidence
I posted two images of sacrificed humans from europe.
what else do you want?
>would you not protect your family and people naturally?
sure...if theyd do the same for me.
We would never even consider it if mainstream churches hadn't totally failed.
Absolutely. I'm writing a pagan revival book myself.
Christians who fight are hypocrites. They say they are Christians but they are not. Their God commanded them to love the enemy and turn the other cheek.
>Barbarians are not applicable
whatd he mean by this?
>Their God commanded them to love the enemy and turn the other cheek.
turn the other cheek is open to interpretation.
he prolly means that Greeks invented kebab but renamed it suvlaki because they were afraid to be confused with turks.
pagan savages get crucified user.
Hey a pagan actually taking my advice (or coming up with it on your own in which case good on ya.) I wish more pagans acted like you and actually did stuff irl ike compile pagan works, try to convert people and build temples then you would lose that larper label.
>turn the other cheek means being replaced
That’s not what that means.
Probably true, but paganism involves dead bodies. I still enjoy the catholic tradition.
If only there was a a way to blend moderately Pagan culture with Catholic teaching.... oh wait, it’s literally Roman Catholicism.
Psalm 144:1
>Of David. Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.
Wouldnt you be afraid to be compared to subhuman Swedes?
Shut up d&c faggot.
Granted it’s Roman paganism, but their are plenty of Catholics with Celtic backgrounds.
Agree. The solar cross was stolen from the pagens, but is the most important symbol of Christianity. Christianity has formed the most unity for the white race. The thing is to bring is to bring the two together.
not at all, the hype about Sweden being overrun with muslims is vastly overstated. I travel there all the time, Sweden is still Sweden. Same goes for Norway.
Catholic girls are whores, while pagan girls are pure waifus.
All the catholic chruches I have attended have been run by literal pedos or shitskins, all were filled with spics.
the catholic church is mostly subverted, will need a cleansing by fire in order to return it to it's old ways.
I know twas a joke. Good to hear Sweden is complete garbage but I cant imagine it will stay very nice given their immigration past.
So I can assume you sedevancist?
Damn phone
they'll be fine, they're the sons and daughters of Frey after all.
And all the photos I've seen of pagan groups/get-togethers it was fat chicks and disgusting hippie-looking dudes. Dunno if it's different in Europe. I'm in Canada. The few pagans are literally just either White trash or the goth kids or metalheads from high school.
Its because reconstruction has to happen first. It is happening but it is slow going, you need structure in belief before you expand out.
Stupidity and demon worshipping
you assume correctly, baptised and all.
Yeah I hope so, im rooting for ya from the doomed lands of the burger and leaf.
I don't see how this is productive thought
But if they can successfully reconstruct the old belief system then it stops being a larp.
if you are not white you have no say in this.
When did I do that? Stop being a projecting faggot.
Only smart choice for a Catholic to be honest. Showed my catholic mother and she was revolted by the false pope. Havent been religious myself in years, been going to tons of different denominations churches I try and find faith so thanks for reminding me I ought to add sedvacantist to that list.
>don't really care for any of the of the other aspects typically associated with paganism though.
Like what?
Hm, well I can’t deny that but then where would I find a pagan girl?
Same. I see the same shit over in burger land. I hope for any pro white groups to do well but from what I've seen they need to do alot of work.
no problem user.
It's happening user. There's pockets of us forming up out here but it's a slow business getting others on board BUT I've been getting it done.
I wish you luck and I advise taking a more active role beyond attempting conversion through Jow Forums as it probably doesn't work. You say you need a belief base and I think youre right you ought to either be congregating physically so you can live and worship propper and converting irl so this base can actually be formed. Internet conversions will be spread out and loose. Beyond conversion there are also things an individual can do such as compiling pagan works and furthering pagan theology.
I don't see how is that relevant to the question
>paganism , what do you think of it?
Shitty and boring. Wish it wasn't.
Then I say good job and wish you luck.
I would rather larp as one of my direct blood ancestors from northern Europe than larp as a glorified desert gypsy like you undoubtedly do.
>small brain: Christianity is unrionically true and everyone else goes to hell
>slightly less small brain: we should worship European pagan gods because like our ancestors did
>universe brain: In truth, the universe is unreal and only God, the Supreme Being exists, this universal truth appears in the esoteric realm of virtually every religion and attaching yourself to labels is relatively unimportant, just become an auto-didact (if you aren't a brainlet) and obsessively study metaphysics like Advaita, Sufism, Palamism, Taoism, Neoplatonism etc and you'll reach enlightenment and spiritual meaning, in the end everything will be okay. You can do all this while participating in Christianity or another religion without them conflicting with each other
The west needs a new religion for a new era
christianity serves the white man only if the white man is fiercely ethnocentric. Apart from this he should be pagan.
> a desert religion that violently took Rome then used its power structure and tech to invade Europe.
every white man in every faith should look out for his people first I will agree with you on that.
>worship virgin Mary
>still turn out as whores
Makes you think.
No, also there seemed to be evidence that they sacrificed their criminals.
Christianity merged the solar cross with an execution device used on a Jewish subversive who preached the holy destruction of goyim
Sick shit, just as outrageous and sick as the shit Jews push today
Christianity turns men into pacifists.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you"
Jesus, Matthew 5:43-44 (NKJV)
This is Christianity. This is not the making of a warrior. This is no way to win a fight.
Alright I get it, but I just can’t betray God. So even if I was to help a gf with pagan things, I would remain at least Christian.
I agree with this.
Just become Catholic, there is a lot there. You can probably still do these traditional cultural things to celebrate the seasons too.
Also this.
I'm very in-between when it comes to religion, but paganism is speaking more to me these days. I venerate my ancestors, believe nature is sacred (but still eat meat as long as it's local and not factory farmed, sue me) and the universalist and nihilistic teachings of Christianity really turn me off.
>Jewish subversive who preached the holy destruction of goyim
Citation needed.
>Christianity turns men into pacifists.
That is false.
Luke 11:21
>When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe;
Only false Christians who would rather import shitskins and bend over for Jews to prove they not antisemites are not true Christians, they make excuses for themselves to allow themselves to be cowards.
Man that sounds awesome, unfortunately my family is from the British isles so I have 2 choices of pagan faith and each one is pretty forgotten.
Yeah nah im pretty sure germans killed italians 2000y ago
I find that who just identify as pagan are posers. If you followed an old European religion why do you choose to Identify by an overall Christian term? There is many "pagan" religions
>Where's your dick skin, shabbos goy? Did you enjoy your first blowjob being to a rabbi?
I do not understand this post user, only kikes are mandated be circumcised.
>pagans sacrificed people
And the Apostle Peter who was one of the founders of Christianity killed Christians for not giving their money to god and the church.
(Acts 5:1-11)
So what's your point?
Yes Paganism needs a lot of work. There is plenty of room for advancement to be made. But that doesn't negate the value and wisdom of the old ways.
>1 body
>All over the place
For all we know it was iron age Bundy fucking around
That's interesting, I could have sworn the vast majority of white americans of european descent are circumcised. Fancy that!
What does it mean to you? To the common masses it means if I slap you on your left cheek, put forward your right cheek. Then when I also slap you on the right cheek, put forward your left cheek. And so on.
Dodecatheism (hellenic, roman) did not have human sacrifice, since it's very conception.
More greeks and romans died at the hands of christians than at the hands of seljuks and sasanians combined.
Circumcision is a problem pushed hard by kikes over here at burgerland, people are starting to wake up over genital mutilation of their children, but there will always be a number of people who follow the words of kikes "health advice" blindly.
Let me explain how it's supposed to work to you fags.
>girls collect flowers
>make flower wreaths
>toss wreaths into river
>good omen if wreaths floats and flows straight
>bad omen if wreath sinks or is washed away
>it's to predict if girl will find a good husband
>boy down the river can also jump in and retrieve the wreath
>boy needs to bring back the same wreath to the girl to try to gain her favor