why is the age of consent so fucking low if we go by the logic the a 15 year old should not be allowed to have sex because their brain is not done developing then the age of consent should be 25 because that is when your brain is fully developed
Why is the age of consent so fucking low if we go by the logic the a 15 year old should not be allowed to have sex...
Other urls found in this thread:
age of consent should be marriage and marriage should be arranged
Women's brains are never fully developed.
Equal rights are a mistake.
The 19th amendment is a mistake.
Close to my take.
age to get a marriage should be 25 youtu.be
Based and redpilled.
age of consent doesn't matter if you marry ~~it~~ her.
Based and pajeetpilled
women peak @ 24, idiot
I'm European and most fathers would make better choices in men than most 18 year old women
Age of consent is literally a trap for young males to get labeled a pedo for the rest of their lives.
pajeet == muslim???
teens are not rational actors and can not be trusted with things like voteing and driving and especially not sex
nice vpn dude
If you have sex with a 17 year old in Montana you will go to jail. It doesn't matter if it's legal.
>It doesn't matter if it's legal
Found the roastie
this but unironically
Because the cops will still arrest you and a jury will still convict you.
The AoC is an anti-family policy simply designed to weaken families and encourage girls to be sluts. It supports the ridiculous concept that cunts are people when they clearly are not.
Emd the age of consent, bring back child brides
Based. Fornication is pretty much rape. Sex with somebody young isn't bad if they're married.
Should be 15 tbqh.
If it is below 18 in any State in the US it is because of Romeo and Juliet laws.
It is not statutory rape if it is min 16 +/- 36 months.
So a 16 year old + 18 year old ok, a 17 and 19 ok.
In no State is it ok for a 14-16 year old to be with a 25 year old.
you are a fucking degenerate hope you like jail and Tyrone's 15 foot dick in your ass
It should be the half your age + 7 rule for unmarried couples, no age minimum for marriage, and fictional porn gets a pass. Anything out of line is life in prison.
Fuck off back to plebbit. Let's see your tits before you go tho