Why Did The Jews Name Their Country "Israel"?

2,000 years ago, their country was called "Judea". Israel was the kingdom north of them, ruled by their brothers, who they were at war with.

Why did the Jews rename their country after their brother and enemy? Why didn't they rename Palestine, "Judea", like it was before?

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Because that would remove a critical layer to their deception. It would reveal that the Bible isn't really about them, or that they are God's "chosen people".

>we need those goys to believe our country is a real country
>i got it lets call it "Israel"

because jews are sneaky, crafty, deceptive and can't be trusted

Because the blessing of Abraham was given to "Israel", and their entire claim of being super special holy people relies on inheriting the blessing of Abraham

quick rundown:


seems like the sort of thing you need a temple and sacrifice for in order to be legitimate before your mountain top blood god but i dunno

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The same reason Modern Jews are not Semites, but claim criticism towards them is "anti-Semitic"

Honestly? who cares, it doesn't make a difference and dosn't grant Jews any special powers outside their fantasy that keeps them balancing my checkbook every morning.

Based jewsforhitler. That guy is probably the most accurate when it comes to the jews. i wish he would finish his series

>Abrahamic religion is self-insert fanfiction.
The only blood gods that matter are Khorne and Armok.

Thanks , watching rn

The real question is where the fuck did they get their flag from?


who cares what they call it, it will be wiped out all the same

Because officially all jews are supposed to be part of the tribe of Jacob who was renamed "Israel." Jacob aupposedly had 12 sons and one of them was named Judah which is what Judea was named after. There were 12 tribes, I don't bother naming them all you can see them in the pic.

When the Assyrians invaded around 700 BC they allegedly destroyed all but 2 of the tribes, Judea and Benjamin. Thousands of years later the returning jews decided they wanted to LARP as "all" of the tribes of Jacob (Israel) so they renamed themselves Israel instead of Judea. Israel is the more inclusive term even though technically Israel was destroyed 2700 years ago by Assyria. The modern state has no real ties to it.

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I just looked at what Tyre looks like today in Lebanon, and the island has been connected to the mainland. I'm sad now.

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the star of david, or the red shield, is actually the symbol of the rothchilds, the ones who created israel. its also the symbol for satan. really makes you think

not even five minutes into this and having a good kek

1) The Kingdom/House of Israel was the CSA to the Kingdom/House of Judah's USA.
2) One split from an earlier, larger whole and both contained some of the earlier subsets of that whole.
3) Conflict ensued, but unlike the CSA, Israel remained independent, with both Kingdoms both occasionally warring and allying to confront greater threats (like CSA/USA would likely have done.)

So modern-day Jews (which are not descended from the House of Judah, to whatever extent one would even tell that now) view themselves and inheritors of that earlier, united kingdom.

>2,000 years ago, their country was called "Judea".

Also, short answer: 3,000 years ago, their country was called "Israel".

So they picked what they liked better.

>Modern Jews are not Semite
what are they then? The thing I balk at when trying to excise Jews from the rest of Israel and Go'd Blessing is they are still of Judah and so what Jesus though David. While its valid to show the whole of the sons of Israel are called by God through Isaac denying Jews any claim the the land of Israel is going a bit far.

ding ding ding. We have a winner

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You left out the part that all jews are actually khazars

Israel existed as a Semite pagan kingdom during the first millenia BC, like Ugarit. It was conquered by the Assyrians, who carved out Judea as a semi-autonomous "rump" state. It wasnt profitable enough to rule it directly.

The Bible's history of Israel is fiction. Virtually none of the details happened. It was written after Alexander's conquest, and the Jews used Herodotus and Thucydides as models. The idea of a divided nothern and southern kingdom is a rip off of the Peloponnesian War. The Patriarchs are fictions. The first independently verifiable king of Israel is named Omri, and he existed about 800BC.

Jews are humans humans divide themselves both were jews

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Because they are a Khazarian mafia who needed Christcucks to support them so they just called themselves "Israel" because the bible tells Christcucks to suck the dick of anyone and anything named "Israel".

Nice try Moshe but there are no "returning" Jews. All modern-day Jews are imposters.

The longest running scheme of the Jews is stealing genetic material.
Someone like Ben Shapiro, that's "100% Ashkenazi" can never inherit Israel. As long as they can achieve some percentage of Israelite blood they can inherit it.
Ever wonder why Jews are obsessed with blood rituals? Now you know. They're liars and thieves. All they do is steal.


Not really

Modern "Jews" are mostly a result of Judean Levantine people mixing with Italians (Romans) which is what created modern Ashkenazi and Sephardim jews.

That's why modern genetic tests show Ashkenazi/Spehardi jews are closest to South Italians/Sicilians.

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>be Jow Forums
>place great importance on genetic results to demonstrate ethnic purity
>believe Ashkenazi Jews are actually descended from Turkic tribe
>find out that Ashkenazi are genetically Euro-Semites.

wat do?

I always thought Semitic just mean middle eastern

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>Why Did The Jews Name Their Country "Israel"?
As a slap in the face of actual Israel (Christ's Church)

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It basically does. Taken to the extreme, it means all the groups believed to be descended from Shem, one of the three sons of Noah (see also Hamitic and Japhetic).

It's usage in things like "anti-semitism" is because, up until the recent progressive waves of European idiocy, you weren't often bumping into (and borrowing money from, and persecuting) a descendant of Ishmael (or Aram or Elam, for that matter). Just Jews, so it worked.

>which is what created modern Ashkenazi
pretty sure what "created" the Ashkenazi was Ashenaz. see . but no, just go with whatever makes the better sob story.

Palestine is philestines?

Israel was the Samiratan Kingdom, while Judea is the Pharisee Kingdom that stole Israel name.

>Judean Levantine people
We've been through this already fag. ( )
Iranian converts from North Eastern Turkey is not Judean or even Levantine.

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The majority of Israelis are Mizrahim which are Arab Jews so your retarded whining about the non-Jewish blood of the Ashkenazim is irrelevant anyway since the Mizrahim have no non-Semitic blood due to never leaving the middle east

Heresy and dort pilled

Because Isfake although accurate just sounds wrong

hyperbastepilled. thanks user!

>The majority of Israelis are Mizrahim which are Arab Jews so your retarded whining about the non-Jewish blood of the Ashkenazim is irrelevant anyway since the Mizrahim have no non-Semitic blood due to never leaving the middle east
Fuck off kike. Mizrahim are mostly North African Berber converts or Iranian converts who migrated into Iraq. None of those are Semitic. The only ones with some Semitic blood are the Yemenite Jews.
Look at this map (), the dark red is where the Semites are.

The island was connected to the mainland by Alexander the Great when he besieged the city. Its current width is due to gradual deposition of material in the intervening two and a half thousand years.

Then why are Ashkenazim in all the prominent roles while Mizrahim are "sheep"? Is that irrelevant too?

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The Ashkenazi are just a mafioso clan LARPing as jews.
They were Greco-Romans (same culture of what will become mafia in south Italy) converted to Judaism because Christians could not sell slavery nor do usury in middle age.
They took the name Ashenazi because they settled in Crimea, where it was tought Ashkenaz made his tribe.

God I wish I could go back to that time.


>They include descendants of Babylonian Jews from modern Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan, Syrian Jews, Yemenite Jews, Georgian Jews, Mountain Jews from Dagestan and Azerbaijan, Persian Jews from Iran, Bukharan Jews from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It also includes Maghrebi Jews from Tunisia, Algeria, Libya and Morocco who lived in North Africa prior to the arrival of Sephardim.

You are unironically deranged and probably an Arab.

what are you even talking about, is this some Isreal culture? Sounds like you're talking about 1842 when the Byzantine Empire ruled the 7 seas

you're missing a critical piece of the puzzle.
When Carthage fell to Rome the Edomites (Persians) mixed with Turks to produce Chazars who then founded Venice as a port for slave trade and money exchange. This was the birth of banking and the Venetian Black Nobility.
Usury was outlawed by the Catholic order and no one including the royalty were allowed to lend with interest until a Byzantine roman emperor by the name of Constantine V married princess Irene of Khazaria and Ashkenazim Judaism was created for the Venetian bankers so they could bypass the sin of usury and lend out the royal and Vatican gold with interest. This relationship is still in play after 1200 years

You are a seething kike because you literally didn't disprove what I said. None of those places you just listed are Semitic except for Yemen and some of Iraq you fucking faggot. Also the Jews in Iraq are not originally from Iraq but more from Iran.

Oh, I had no idea they kept the bridge.

You aren't even arguing the points given and using literal semantic-fueled pilpul.
You're not trying to convince me I'm wrong. You're trying to convince yourself I'm wrong.
You're engaging in selective mental disorder to avoid the truth.

Israel does not belong to the Ashkenazim or Judists and never will.

The claim that the word cannibalism comes from canaan and baal is highly dubious. I can't speak about the rest of the video, my guess is that it's 99% correct, but the word cannibal comes from another root.


Ashkenazi are named for the region they lived in/came out of (in medieval times, Ashkenaz is associated with Francia/Germany).

Your supposition is as silly as saying Cypriot Jews aren't Jews because they're "named" after Kittim.


Ah, yes, a "Pharisee" kingdom - the Pharisees being the party of the priesthood and government. /s

In this thread we see one of Jow Forums's favorite past times. Pretending Jews aren't Jews.

Because the real life bond villain behind Israel's formation was named Israel. He assassinated a lot of his own people.

lol you motherfucker

cuz edomites be nigging

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