We're modern day peasants. This shit sucks and it's just getting worse.
We're modern day peasants. This shit sucks and it's just getting worse
It's funny because we weren't and then they imported infinity shitskins specifically in order to effect that
Life is what you make it!
duh, vote for Bernie.
What if I make myself a girl? What would life be then?
Unironically better. Trannies and homos will inherit the earth, so either you or your children will have to make the jump anyway.
Found the nigger!
No. Peasants actually had communities and better family values. Things today are even worse.
thats not what Game Of Thrones shows faggot
Did peasants ever get to vicariously exist as international playboy humanoid superspy geckos? Check. Mate.
>We're modern day peasants.
>leftist whining.
You think it's bad now?
Pic related is the end goal kikes want.
Well I'm convinced. Time to pump myself full of hormones.
Also waaaahh wahhh we are living like 99% of human populations in history woe is us. Knowledge is power you have the internet ur more economically mobile than any peasant ever. Ur just lazy
I honestly don't care anymore.I have a great life insurance policy for my kid. I hope her the best.
We have been beaten by the degenerates. Hush now, it's clown time.
Pick up an actual history book nigger
you mean a public education book written by texas christian extremists? no thanks.