He blamed Trump and Saudi Arabia for his dick pictures getting leaked. He's losing his sanity.
Juan Rogers
i've stopped using amazon when i can help it. i go with sportsmans guide or midway. they usually price match amazon too and there's actual people working there and the company isn't planning global domination.
Needing everything sweet all the time is for women. Black coffee goes well with a lot of meals, at least the good stuff with actual flavor. The hyper caffeinated battery acid kind of coffee is wake wake juice and not an actual beverage.
>I'd like to accuse mr kavanaugh >>well um miss this is a convenient time to accuse him, what's your evidence? >well I dont have any, no specifics, no corroboration of any kind, and no dates or particular parties, and the best I can do is say we were in the same city a few decades ago.
Democrats took the thing seriously which just blows my mind.
Leo Green
Oh no but then how will we be able to keep piling up endless debt
>In 2002, Durham helped secure the conviction of retired FBI agent John J. Connolly Jr., who was sentenced to 10 years in prison on federal racketeering charges for protecting Bulger and Flemmi from prosecution and warning Bulger to flee just before the gangster's 1995 indictment.
Pochohantus Spartacuss Cum-alla Buttplug Beto the Mexicant Bernie the Poor Double Barrel Biden Eats with Comb
.... who else?
Ayden Rogers
The only way for the FBI to surveil or spy on a American in secret has to come from the national security council. >Susan Rice was director under Obama and she also wrote the mysterious memo the day before the administration left, it stated Obama wanted everything done by the book. Sorry but the White House has to approve of the bypass of protocol to spy on an American without the person having some sort of substantial evidence against them. A campaign talking to foreign counter parts is not substantial evidence. Obama knew the DNC knew and the Clinton campaign knew that if they got FISA warrants based on a bogus "counter intelligence" investigation that they had full access into the Trump Campaign. >They learned from Nixon to use their authority in the DOJ instead of burglars breaking into campaign headquarters. This is Watergate on steroids and they should all go to prison including Obama. This is the real constitutional crisis when a political party in power can do this.
republicans allowed it to go on too. that faggot jeff flake was all for it. graham was the only major one to stick up for him if i' recalling it correctly.
Sick of the "Go along to get along" articles . This BS on trade has been going on for how long now? Take NAFTA with timber and Canada shoved up our asses in the mid 90's with Clinton clan preaching how great a deal it will be, just to name one total BFing this country took. It can be named and called out time after time. Canada dumped sawn dimensional lumber on our markets the next morning at 110 dollars per thousand board feet when most mills where paying 300 on the stump, meaning you have to log it at as a standing tree at 300 plus then log it, truck it, saw it, sell it against the 110 bucks as a 2 by 6 sawn in a bundle from Canada, they dumped our markets full of lumber to compete against every mill, lumber yard, home improvement store etc., with the approval of NAFTA from the Libtard overlords. You either bought it or went out of business. Shut the pacific northwest down overnight gents. 1 of many tricks the globalist have played on our asses. Ever wonder why Oregon and Washington are hard line coastal blue now? Well there you go.The list is long and deep as we all know or the informed know that didn't grow up in Mom's basement. Free trade my ass, the slave masters have interest all over the globe now with cheap labor and are reaching out to every mouth piece to sound the alarm it will hurt, hurt I tell you. >Well it's been hurting awhile in many industries you pieces of shit. Well fuck an A, let it hurt. Most are tired of the boiled frog treatment at this point anyway. Let 2 billion go without beans and see how many heads get hung on a post in some other land. Get you some mfers.
What royally pissed me off where the party apparatchiks saying "Kav couldn't handle being falsely accused of a major crime publicly." I hope those assholes are the first ones marched to the gulag if their surrogate stalin ever takes power.
Kayden Barnes
Makes me think of a thin, Wilford Brimley.
Sebastian Ross
>All I can remember for sure is that Brett Kavanaugh nearly raped me that night. I don’t remember the house, the date, any living witnesses who don’t say I’m a lying sack of shit, or anything else, but what I do know is that this 11th hour accusation is totally legit. And two doors. Two doors because of something that, even if it did happen, everyone else would have shrugged off. Please vote no. And also I only want women to question me because I can’t function.
They sure put a lot of detail into that animation.
Alexander Smith
it was a new low that i was honestly shocked at. and the notion of innocent until proven guilty was literally turned upside down. i'll never forget the whole thing as long as i live
Jonathan Morris
It was a landmark event that stopped all the "metoo" bullshit pretty much dead in its tracks. America watched on as Dems weaponized false rape accusations against a man with a sterling record, and smeared him 24/7 across their entire propaganda machine. In the end, Trump won, bigly.