who is the person that made this decision?
>3g cell towers would literally cook the pole climbers if they didn't shut them down
This is not new.
That's not a hazmat suit, it's a Faraday cage.
Fucking ignorant nigger.
>hazmat suits protect you from microwaves
hows that paper hat job working out for ya?
It looks like he's wearing a tyvek suit because he's using a power washer.
5g research has been going for Decades. All the smartest engineers and shit couldn't figure out it was radioactive, but your basement dwelling brony ass has figured it out!
Go skip a vacine
Hazmat suits don't protect you from radiation you fucking retarded catamite. It's to keep the paint fumes off him.
Daniel Faraday?
Fuck off kike.
You dumb fucking nigger 5g is radioactive it just doesnt emit xray or gamma ray radiation. It radiates microwaves, the likes of which cook your dinner every night you pathetic neet. When these come to my country I will personally track each of them down and blow them up
>5G emits deadly paint fumes
5G is 'tuned' to human skin. It is actually pretty safe if you dont mind a burka.
No, Michael
based Auzzie
Tweak it a little and we have that magic microwave from the space power rangers
he thinks that money doesn't drive public health research results
>microwaves arent stopped by basic shit
Alpha radiation is so tell me why the physics doesnt pan out for a weaker EM wave?
Having it tuned to the EM resonant frequency of water (what magnetrons are tuned to) would cook you at a rate equivalent to the inverse square law
Ok, I'll ask; why is it attached to a tree
Also protects against shark bites abd glancing sword blows
Im lost, what do you mean
Its for the electricity.
It has high voltage lines and microwave intensity to burn u it has to be that hot there to reach to ur house but its only hot up close
So they want to pre cook us? damn lizards.
They use faux palm fronds to try to make the towers look less obvious when placed in urban areas. They still stick out like sore thumbs, desu
>EM resonate frequency of water
Implying that 5G isnt tuneto this and no one is saying it is a death ray. But it will fuck you up.
If it was up to me I would just force them to use 2.4/5.8 WIFI everywhere.
Who do you think, memeflag?
You're Lost, you tell us what it means.
He’s fucking pressure washing the god damn thing, you fucking idiots. Literally go kill yourselves.
where'd this fucking bear come from?
So wait is this a bait thread? I hope no one actually believes a hazmat/tyvek suit protects against radiation.
5G is smaller wavelength than ur microwave oven. 2.4/5.8 WIFI is closer to microwave oven frequency.
Lmao as if I needed any more reason to avoid 5g, this sells it
I never thought I'd live in a world with surveillence cameras every 10 feet and radiation towers. I'm going to start buying lotto tickets in the vain hope I can buy 10,000 acres in Siberia.
Why of course every pressure washer company I see has their crews dressed like astronauts so its no big deal.
death ray makes no fucking sense since that is not how em waves are disseminated throughout space.
I work in the industry on tower and DAS side. These guys where detectors and everything. Yes this isn’t new. 5G is not dangerous you retards. Unless we are talking how raw your dicks will be from 4K porn that downloads in 20secs.
>Alpha radiation is an EM wave
what in the fuck even is american education
Alpha radiation isn't EM, it's a helium nucleus. Gamma is EM and that takes a significant amount of lead to stop.
If the microwave signal was stopped by "basic shit" it would be useless for signal broadcasting. It wouldn't get into a house for example.
If that is me i'm still wearing a lead lined jock strap.
Ultimately it's for self-driving cars and trucks on Planet Retard Agenda 2050 smart cities.
That suit is to prevent you from getting outer space on you when you're so high off the ground.
Light is an EM wave.
your mind bone will melt and space jew cant save you... nobody can... but maybe moth man... but hes on vacation
Ya, the guy power washing the cell towers is wearing a hazmat suit
probably cause he's cleaning it
a suit like does nothing to ward radiation
go fuck your dog kike
You son of a bitch. Now I want to play shekel clicker.
He does it for free though
If you see one but bullets into them
user . . .
I've seem similar to this before, these guys and their pilots have balls of steel.
It can protect you from alpha radiation. but that's not very impressive.
Lost it
Anyone have actual evidence of 5G damaging cells?
Need bc have connections that need to be informed
this is autistic. guy working on high voltage line wearing a suit for protection? definitely a conspiracy. jesus fucking christ you guys are retards sometimes. there is a jew menace out there spreading every day and THIS is what you focus on?
look up lecture on youtube given at university of jerusalem
and we're fucked
holy shit, please fucking kill yourself
That's so obviously photoshopped
Will do.
Please send more, connections are green lighting installations in California
its only a fucking level C suit. Its has nothing to do with radiation. Are you people retarded?
5g what could go wrong
4G is enough for me, I won't use 5G for a while
You see that stream of liquid coming from the guy? Thats what the hazmat suit is for you dumb fuck.
This is funny. Also, doesn't any frequency have to be a certain wavelength for it to be able to interact with humans/damage cells? Does 5g really emit microwaves and are they of sufficient intensity to effect cells/tissue?
But I saw it on Back to the Future user Doc Brown was wearing one of those suits when he fueled the DeLorean
Dont talk shit about mlp double nigger
thats how electromagnetic radiation, of all kinds, always works. stand right next to a fire and your pants will be set alight. stand a few feet away and you feel comfy
im not defending nor attacking 5g, but that dude wearing a suit while standing next to a very high powered antenna is normal
He’s cleaning bird shit off the tower you dip shit fucking fag
5G isn't "a wavelength." it's a massively multiplexed signal that uses a vast bandwidth of spectrum to accomplish higher data-rates than existing band systems - a la wifi - and existing multiplexed systems - such as 4G. Using a wider spectrum of unallocated/to-be-reallocated frequencies allows dynamic switching of data bands depending on loading and envrionmental conditions, while new antenna and microelectronic design allows more TX/RX bands to be utilized simultaneously by a single user device, allowing for significantly higher data rates.
the US is, to my knowledge, the only country that plans on completely reallocating the 4G LTE/ 2.5 GHz bands to 5G. Most are not.
>hazmat radiation suit
because as we all know
5G is emitting some kind of lethal gas
trust me
i am german
These threads are posted by the same sort of mongoloids who think microwaves cause cancer. Fyi, they don't, you fucking brainlets, and neither can 5G, it's an almost absolute impossibility. If you want to perpetuate batshit conspiracy theory memes, at least strive for some semblance of scientific realism and assert that the greatest danger of 5G is its danger of causing towers and phones to spontaneously combust and afflict people with thermal burns or some such bullshit.
>Alpha Particles aren't conflated as Alpha radiation
>Implying the mass matters and not the fact that it's an ionizing ray
You have to upgrade to 3G before they'll come around to your parts, Bruce.
all of this make up terms to 'explain' ur science
haha you know it only makes you look like a cheap magican talking to fools.... well ur the actual fool
embed that shit if you want us to read it, you dumb cunt
yep, this thread is going in the "hid" bin if it doesn't turn around shortly. absolutely degenerate, should be contained over at r/conspiracy.
Go suck some Jew cocks and offer your kids to Moloch leaf. Also get out of pol now.
Sent. Thank you for sharing.
WSU Dept Biochem is considerably notable source however the paper is not user friendly.
He's painting it
No really - who?
Do you know anything about this at all?
There's no substance here at all but fear mongering. I'm willing to believe you.
He's spraying shit in there to kill bee's and shit making nests you stupid ass lol you even see the damn sprayer.
Thanks for sharing that. What a kick ass way to make a living.
Some of you cunts are alright, don't use internet tomorrow.
Why wait for spics to overrun the nation if I can just wait for 5G to kill everyone.
the nigga is fucking spraypainting you retards
ask a dude who climbs cell towers anything
>5g research has been going for Decades.
based. there's been zero safety studies done and our retarded jew muppet government is rushing it right along.
oof 9 away.