Any zoomers here? What is school like in the current year?
Are their a lot of trannies and fags running around?
Any zoomers here? What is school like in the current year?
Are their a lot of trannies and fags running around?
zoomer white girls like black guys
>changing his shill thread because j*nnies finally caught on
nice one
are zoomer girls all that cute? wtf
eh, I have a good school despite all the nigs and trannies. Great sports teams and after school stuff.
>mfw school makes me happy
>school makes me have state nationalism and hate the idea of fedral government.
>learn about Jow Forums from tard in class
>been here on Jow Forumsfor 3 years, unfortunately.
White girls like niggers, black girls like white guys, spics are spics, gays are ostracized
Yes you should get a nice fertile zoomer gf. The older women get the more crazy
born 1998. in my high school i was the last “party” generation. we loved drinking and having fun. accord to my brother who is 3 years younger nobody has party or drinks and just shop and go to movies for fun. i got drunk every weekend and partied and somehow never got a dui thank god. after school life seems like shit now. i’m currently about to get a real estate license instead of college.
also have a gf i met in high school. she’s a basic girl but i love her. gonna be an accountant and kisses the ground i walk on. not a bad life rn except i don’t have much money
My wife is a highschool teacher, there are so many fags and trannies in each grade it’s unbelievable.
This is honestly true. They are more whore-like than ever before and seem to take it as a matter of pride to brag about how they want to suck/fuck bbc.
Jesus Christ that is very black pilling.
I don't remember girls being this hot in high school
You don't need money if you have love.
This doesnt surprise me at all. Every time I see zoomers that are the same age in high school the black dudes are huge and ripped while the white ones look like they're still in the 5th grade. I swear they're putting something in the water
went full confidence mode and dated a chick that looked almost identical to this but cuter last year. one of those girls that shocks you when you see how good looking they are.
anyway i had 2 dates and i was bored to tears of her by the end of it. these girls grow up without having to develop a personality
This user has wisdom
School in the current year.
Born in 97. From my former high school I hear and see a lot of degenerate shit. A teacher that teaches gender studies controls all of the trannies in the school and has them protest fag shit all the time. When Trump came to town she had them go out and protest his rally.
a few trannies here, a few more fags over there, there's a little bit of everything at my school.
Unless you have a special niche or your mother runs a real estate firm yo ass is gon git skinned doin dat shit nigga. You ain't going to make any money but you'll sure as hell spend it on advertising and showing ghetto shacks to po folks that don't pay shit for commission.
>the white ones look like they're still in the 5th grade
go on
Ok mom.
This is actually true -- unironically.
thank you user. it’s tough for me because i haven’t gotten my shit together and am poor but she has money and is going to get wants. i’m a pos and trying to get it together with her help but for me it’s hard. i hope you do well user
Teacher here.
There are trannies and gays, and there's rainbow flags painted on the edges of lots of doors, but it doesn't seem to dominate the school. Mostly it's pandering to Natives a lot since it's near a reserve and on "unceded" lands, lots of typical immigration pandering like playing alternate national anthems, and all the teachers are rampant leftists. Overall it's not crazy though. A kid did get a MAGA hat taken away by some old fat feminazi.
There is a "personal development" class each kid has to take which includes putting condoms on wooden dildos and likely plenty of far left propaganda, but I'm not much aware of its curriculum.
As far as how much your kids (hypothetical) are being indoctrinated, depends on the teacher, but the overall spirit of the school's faculty and administration leans left left left yes.
Way to fuck your life up.
it’s going to be full time and i have support from a firm already ( i live at a small and medium town) so i’ll be decent. sadly my future wife will be the bread maker
> Every time I see zoomers that are the same age in high school the black dudes are huge and ripped while the white ones look like they're still in the 5th grade
Probably because Tyrone is 21 repeating the tenth grade again.
It scares me that you have this picture saved to your HDD.
I work in a school. Fag groups are always sending stickers to put on the walls. Usually parents at least partially rip them down though. Every other month has some kind of fag day as well
This ^
Where do I even go to meet these girls?
Ive got a few numbers in public but Im always afraid of underage. High esteogen society really fucks me up seeing beautiful girls 16-18 who look like theyre in their late 20's.
what’s your career if you don’t mind
there's a huge amount of trannies here. LGBT tolerance is taught in school, and no wrongthink allowed. I'm in california though, other states probably are less bluepilled
It's called failing class year after year. It's hard to be going through puberty when you're 22.
My school is extremely chill compared to other shithole public highschools it's not that bad as long as your not a cucked loser
Stop calling yourself those things and stop looking at yourself negatively. This is going to sound cringe but you're already valuable, your gf can see that but you're struggling to see that in yourself. No[thing turns a girl off more than constant self deprecation.
Which province?
I imagine Ontario to be an unbearable place to teach, especially in the cities.
Many test out tinder accounts despite being under 18. They all have snapchat and instagram accounts but enjoy having digital proof of your luring if you hit up their DMs. I'd generally recommend not bothering.
If you're counting on a teenage girl's ability to keep a secret as the thing standing between you and slamtown in prison, you should just rethink it.
this isn't a thing where i am
t. new york zoomer
There is like 1 black kid at my school and its like 50/50 with mexicans and whites some mexicans are chill but some need to gtfo back to Mehico
the new freshmen honestly are the most toxic forms of life i have ever seen they need to be drafted into a fucking war or something
i don’t act like that to her for sure, i have dignity. but i’m a functioning alcoholic ( i drink as fast as i can from 9pm to 12am) and when i wake up i do pretty much nothing sadly. i still have to get myself together
BC, probably just as bad as Ont. It seriously confuses the kids too. A lot of them have older syblings that are becoming transgender and they don't understand. Some will say they are gay too, but as they are just kids and dont understand sexuality, they just take on this hyper-self-sympathy persona, as if they have some stigma they are bearing. Its all just for attention
Hey fellow island rider, wageslave oldfag here, has degeneracy finally come to the island? It's been little more than a decade since I left school and things seemed pretty normal.
It's already completely over.
How common is pedophilia with teachers preying on children
Grew up in SoCal can say gym teachers were not in it for the paycheck
Estrogen in the water. Look at how feminine all the guys are
>A teacher that teaches gender studies controls all of the trannies in the school
they are his henchmen
>virgin in the back
>zoomer white girls like black guys
More details?
If that’s the case feel free to off yourself while we continue.
Zoomers include 18-20yo
Mars.2001/De4thful if anyone wants her name.
You cucks are fucking weird with this BBC fetish shit. Kinda gay.
jesus christ, seeing that made me sit up straight
Jesus Christ, Saint Brenton was right, it's already too late.
May God have mercy on Canada and grant her a swift death.
Use the time you have to lift, go for walks, read books or internet articles, listen to podcast, lectures and talks on Youtube, figure out if you want to start a business. Immerse yourself to what the world has to offer because if you get a traditional job you won't have much time for yourself and your gf and spend your life on your career which will not make you happy.
Hopefully she doesn’t fuck her students user
Graduated 2 years ago this June. Went to high school from 2014-2017
No, not too many trannies but plenty of those types of degenerates. Saw some with tails and dyed hair and shit. They hung out in their own crowd.
People just kinda kept in their own cliques. Vast majority didn't want to start drama or anything so they just kinda did their own thing. I would compare it to walking down a street. Everyone is going somewhere but sometimes you stop along the way or make friends.
As for the trends, it was fucking cancer. When I was in high school (2014-2017) 2014 was when MLG memes were popular, and then fidget spinners the following year. Normies got a hold of those memes and made it absolute fucking cancer.
Saw my fair share of feminism, but by far the best thing to watch was Trump getting elected. It was November of senior year and holy fuck.
Surprisingly, he got the majority support from the kids in my school, which was a very large school in a Liberal area. Saw Liberal friends vote for him. Talk about a spergfest the next few days with all the SJWs and BernieBros bummed out.
idk what schools are like I am just here on a business trip
>faggots and fucking trannies in a school, and that's OK
Maybe we, as a species, would have being in better place if Cold War actually became hot.
not true. “trashy white girls” like black guys. respectable white girls and rich ones liked white guys. still the same
Its actually annoying. It is completely untrue and actually makes me want white genocide seeing idiots fall for it so easily.
Zoomer here
Graduating high school in the next couple of days
I come from a very conservative area despite this there is a ton of faggots running around. no trannies thank god. The last really faggy guy got the shit beat out of him for being gay so I guess that's good enough. One thing I have really noticed with some of my classmates is that most of the guys that are in my classes are either fashy or conservative we had few socialist people in the school but they got bullied so much a majority of them changed schools. On the other hand, the women in my school are either your run of the mill degenerate thot or ultra conservative with very few exceptions.
Most of my classmates dislike blacks mostly because we come from an area that is heavily African American (School is about 40% black) so most of us are immune to the pro-black propaganda that the left is pushing.
for details, my graduating class has about 150 people in it so a relatively small size so this is probably not the norm especially for larger cities that are overrun with degenerates and communists.
School overall is pretty shit though because of the number of blacks that go here
>tfw I took college-level classes my last two years of high school to get away from blacks
>giving a shit about leaf-jing
Sounds like me right now, but I get high instead of drinking
none of this would have happened if the Kennedys didn't exist
Couldn't say for pedos since that'd be elementary school.
For teens though, I only know of one case in this province of a teacher trying something inappropriate with a student, and it was when I was in highschool. Pretty much all teachers have the consequences drilled into their heads and all the policies during their education courses/licensing to the point where you would have to be strongly retarded to understand all of that and still engage in any kind of inappropriate behaviour with a student.
Yes BC would be terrible I'd imagine. Just recently I saw that story break about the teacher essentially grooming students to be trans, and that's the biggest problem. Many teachers around me and future teachers going through the B.Ed programs are all indoctrinated through their university courses into this sort of child abuse. Even just one can do irreparable damage.
OP specifically said in school, which could still include 18yos who turn 18 during their senior year yes, in which case those three apps still apply.
You gotta stop the drinking user. Nothing good can possibly come of it. Take it from me, I'm only 2 years older than you and it has already fucked my life up. It doesn't sound like you drink responsibly either, or else I wouldn't be saying this. The DUIs, fights, ruined relationships and bad decisions are always waiting around the corner for you to slip up.
Clean yourself up, get sober(or at least learn to drink responsibly) and the money will come to you.
i started college doing business but couldn’t do college so i switched to real estate. thank you i will definitely keep that in mind
as someone who's graduating high school i can tell you that the interracial stuff is mostly a meme
my school is above average, as in you needed higher grades than the national average to make it to this school
the school is like 85% immigrants / parents to immigrants vs 15% swedes, not even swedes just whites, like actual swedes probably 5%
my class is 50% white / 50% immigrants and the whites stick with the whites and the blacks and arabs with themselves, no interracial stuff at least in our class, white couples which is refreshing
anyways, it is fucked, it shouldnt be like this, yet 83% of the country voted for same levels / more immigration
My high school would have sent that girl home for wearing a midriff-baring shirt
What? I thought Kennedy was pretty based. With all the moon and federal reserve stuff.
Kek niggers cope faggot low t bitch boys. Only a minority of white women will go with niggers.
I even dare to bet white men fuck more black women
Sorry extrangero, I mistook you for a dominican zoomer, enjoy the island and the rum, don't tune in the land radio; zoomer music is shit.
I go to a Greek school.
Race mixing is rare. Diaspora girls are kinda racist. The grade chad makes fun of the black kids and says nigger alot to them. All of the boys are redpilled lite™
Yeah I was lucky enough to go to a wealthy mostly white public school the up coming seniors look rough though
the only thing that sucks is there isn't many parties except during football season and for big events like prom.
Did you have a Nazi clique to hang with? Bet you'd crush puss if you did
this is toronto. it's a nigger shithole.
Zoomer women are right fully zyklon klay
>be me
>last year in h.s.
>every day there's new tranny/gender/gay drama
>teachers are based, try to keep it from affecting other students
>everyone knows the kids are mentally troubled. they probably were goths who cut themselves in a previous generation. Now they let the doctors self-mutilate them for same effect
>got taught about the barbary wars in history
>bio teacher drops redpills about DNA and sex
>teachers try to innoculate the rest of us against clownworld
>a few loud mouth feminists and SJWs, basedboys, leftists, not many but they are loud and 'run the show' put up the clownworld posters etc.
>everyone else is low-key against abortion
>everyone else is low-key MAGA
>everyone else is low-key about our rights and freedoms. IN fact, our class asked for a law elective last year. Filled up, so popular its now permanent. Constitution all day.
>we get to vote for the first time in 2020. Look the fuck out.
Ok listen up. I'm much older than you so you need to pay attention. DO NOT EVER talk about yourself like that. It is poisonous to your mind. You will drive people and opportunities away from you. I'm actually a little bit offended on behalf of your soul that you speak about yourself that way. You must become a killer. You must go out and destroy the obstacles in front of you and go for your dreams. This is the way men are built. Your woman loves you because she senses you strongly have this potential. Make her proud. Justify her love for you. And, absolutely get her pregnant before she's 23. But you have to fucking kill it in your job between now and then. God bless you for the love you've found user. Don't desecrate yourself.
no I will date all the zoomer girls I want
>Nic pik dear
>Send vagane pik for quantum research
hot chick
yeah no,
the LARGE majority of black women look like half tranny trash
and the other portion doesn't have a high enough IQ to string together a sentence
i can’t. been drinking since i was 16 (i’m 20) and it’s impossible. started off buying beer for me and my friends on weekends and now i buy every day. 2 40oz. cobras. if it’s beer it’s 8-10 natty lights a day. i drink from 9pm-12am so it’s not like it affects day life but i just can’t stop and i wish i could /:
>sleeping with a black woman.
That's like one step removed from zoophilia.
Nothing of the sort here yet. We are becoming more Nationalistic by the day. I think we might actually survive the cuckening of Europe
senior in high school here gonna graduate very soon
>are there a lot of fags and trannies
there's a few gays but that was always the case i'm pretty sure... there's 1 transexual that i know of in our school
Finally something I can speak about. Through my experience as a nigga who's been to majority white schools, majority black/Hispanic schools and mixed, I'd say that there are a lot more gays and trannies in white schools. The level of education in black/hispanic schools is absolutely disgusting, and mixed schools are fine when they aren't trying to force diversity.
BBC worship is 100% white cuck bullshit or totl ethnic-cel fantasy.
Rememer this... every single women of evewry single race that lives in the west has fucked a white dude at least once, cant say the same in reverse.
Stay cucked shitskins ;)
Any president would have perpetrated the moon-landing to contribute to the cold war supremacy. The only based thing any president has ever done regarding the federal reserve is abolishing it, t. one Andrew Jackson.
Ok, and I thank you for your honesty here. STOP DRINKING. Seek healing in Christ. I recommend Orthodoxy, but find any Church where you can connect with the Holy Spirit and find healing. You can do it. I was in your position once. But you need to seek the healing of the wounds to your soul that is causing you to choose to drink. But, stop drinking. I can see that it is actually the ALCOHOL ITSELF that is causing you to run yourself down. The alcohol is damaging your mind and soul.