If you hate that lying, cucking Israeli-first puppet post it here.
Zion Don Hate
They’re control over both parties is slipping
>alt-right nationalists either outright dislike Jews/Zionism or don’t believe we should be giving them shitloads of money we could use for our own military
>Bleeding heart dems see what they do to the Palestinians and are starting to see what goes on in Israel as apartheid

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You kikes really think false flagging works here
>the left is turning on isreal
now if they could only turn on hollywood
user, I am so far from jewish
You’re fucking retarded
Back to Kikebart
still gonna vote for him
jew-left seems worse.
you got a viable alternative to free us from ZOG rule?
goy kvetching isn't a real form of government.
plus I'm pretty sure 90% of the Zion Don posts are just jleft kikes wanting to keep chan's memetic influence out of the 2020 elections. that and failed blackpilled LARPs who realized they weren't getting anywhere politically.
I CANT BELIEVE IRAN IS THREATENING AMERICA LIKE THIS! Why do their troops keep getting closer to OUR aircraft carriers???