Although Muslims are bad, sometimes I hope for an Islamic takeover. They seem to be the only ones capable of keeping their women in place. The West needs a rude awakening, or we are all fucked. Am I a cuck?
Anybody else hoping for an Islamic takeover?
Gavin Sanchez
Connor Brooks
Matthew Diaz
no because I'll be part of the Wallachian Super Nazi takeover
Cooper Turner
I'm glad they're coming. Finally the west can have a culture that never crumbles.
Asher Thomas
Jacob Hughes
You'll be a slave, retard. They'll enslave all of our women too, and breed a generation of halfling shitskins. We'll go extinct.
Hudson Smith
Justin Miller
Yes. Not just a cuck but a traitor. Imagine wanting our women gangraped because it will "wake us up".
Tyler Sanders
Mutts KYS
Your race should be gassed first.
Anthony Ross