Why do the jews hate Iran so much?
Why do the jews hate Iran so much?
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They hate anyone with the courage to be honest
Because Judaism is just a poor copy of Mazdayasna/Zoroastrianism and they don't want the entire world know.
>Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds
Israel is in bed with Saudi Arabia, leader of Sunni Islam, Iran is leader of Shiite Islam.
Family feuds
Because Iran is occupied by the same sand niggers who have been trying to destroy them for years
Iran is the only stable country in the middle east that is a threat to Israel's total regional hegemony.
Everyone hates iran but not everyone hates the jews
because it doesn't have Rothschild central bank
also Iran relates to Aryan
dude lmao gang weed
Israel want to be the power in the region
look how Israel fucked Iraq and Afghanistan after Israel did 9/11 and blamed it on them.
>step 1
accept you're an Americuck
Because Israelis are the Iranians of the West.
And Iranians are the Israelis of the East
they hate everyone, but especially those who might be problematic should they choose to expand their borders
They have nukes and are unirocally evil
Makes you think. We all know why Iran very understandably hates the US. But why does the US administration hate Iran (save reasons involving l'israel).
1. For Jews? The Greater Isreal initiative
2. For USA? End Times/The Rapture
Kind of don't buy it really since I reckon not a lot of people are super religious let alone firm adherents to the idea that the rapture can be ushered in with the destruction of Iran (or the repatriation of Jews to Israel) -- or whatever. Then again I have no idea what portion of the US population wants war with Iran. Seriously this shit is bananas to me. Still have no legitimate idea as to why the US administration (and populace) would want war with Iran.
I mean yeah there are US '''''''''''''''''''''''allies''''''''''''''''''''''''' in the gulf but they hated the US at first too, can't see why Iran can't take the same route. Ease sanctions (with firm nuclear restrictions in place) and the Iranian population will see through their government's nonsense rhetoric, much like how peace and prosperity did more for the safety and atheism of Europe than any war or nature disease ever. If it IS for cozying up to gulf allies then fine but that would mean there really isn't any intention to go to war with Iran -- just posturing. The current administration's makeup and perceived intentions give the impression of more than just posturing though.
Anyway, no reason to hate Iran afa i'm concerned. Only things I can think of (if you're a sunni khaliji), ignoring the israel meme:
- tons of resources
- sunnis don't like shia iran
- relatively civil and rich history
- le proxy war against ISIS terrorists (although would appreciate weakening hezbollah a lot)
Doesn't make sense.
You don't seem to understand.
The Greater Israel initiative seeks to expand Israel's broders from the Sainai to Iraq/Iran borders.
> They desire to rebuild the Temple of David.
This would be 50-100 years. Doesn't matter.
> 20th Century was the setup
> 21st Century is continuation
Evangelical Christians (mainly Republicans) and other Christians seek to bring about the 2nd coming of the Messiah. So they are "Pro-Israel" due to these obvious geo-political reasons.
Since their plans overlap it is no wonder that USA is on a leash when it comes to following Israeli foreign policy.
> ISIS conveniently cleared out Syria.
> Those refugees aren't being sent back.
Currently, Israel would like American boots on the ground in Iran to continue the above plans.
regional competitor
>Why do the jews hate Iran so much?
because they're fucking paranoid. they believe all the propaganda they've been filling our minds with and instead of taking a hard look at their actions and possibly taking responsibility for the charges leveled against them by the rest of the world, they chalk it all up to some "irrational hatred" of their race "for no reason."
funny that they could end all of that with honesty and careful introspection, but here we are; you deny the Divine Logos and this is where it leads you.
This sounds legit
Jews hate. They hate Christians, Muslims, other Jews. Hate and death is the bedrock of Judaism.
(((They))) also covet Iran's petrochemical resources.
Murder, coveting, lying, theft - the Jews really have a Ten Commandments hard-on going here.
Iran is the only stable country in the world really. Is there anyone who can trace their culture further back? Syria and the levante were occupied a bunch, china was overrun a few times and everyone in europe invaded each other at some point AD and wasnt even around until charlemagne really.
They hate everyone especially people they view as competitors. Iranians are the best Muslims in the Middle East. The are the least niggerfied and most intelligent. If the West were not holding them down their economy would be doing much better. They have the potential for a real economy as well, not one based solely on oil. Saudi Arabia would be empty desert wo/oil. Iran has a developed education system and economy independent of oil. Iranians are immure to Jewish pilpul and nothing makes the Jew angrier than that.
I believe iran holds something isreal really wants and no its no oil.
Jews hate everybody.
Iran/Persia has been invaded and overrun multiple times. Multiple different empires have taken that area and they are from many different cultures. Greeks, Mughals, Mongols, etc
They support and give weapons to our enemies you dumb fuck
They are threatening and are neighbors
This. I'v noticed in many circles where I express myself extrovertedly, I generally get kaballed.
>Muh shiite vs sunni conflict
>It has nothing to do with greater israel project or the fact that Iran no longer gives israel cheap oil like they did during the Shah era