She has three years left to live

And that’s why her parents support her. She has a terminal illness that renders any future meaningless after 2022.

Attached: 83DE448E-782B-4DBF-90AC-61AB50A42AEF.jpg (1097x1125, 296K)

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watch her completely fold when being told israel is our ally and jews are our friends. skip to 29m52s in

doc, what is the diagnosis?

How immortal are you? Life span difference? You're still looking down the same road. What that means is that you too should do whatever the fuck you want.

Attached: ZomboMeme 06052019231004.jpg (612x612, 86K)

While completely useless people live until their 70's.

meh, the light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, or something like that

this nigger is a golem for israel , if being called infidel by Muslims is so bad you had to send 38 zillion to them what about being called goyim

Cunnyitis, its fatal for my dick

>Relating to the jews
>Why would anyone ever do that?
There's your meme. spread the word.

She literally looks like she is dying. Both mentally and physically. Not a suprise.

Lmao Jesse went hard in that clip

Life long Democrat voter.

She has ligma

who is she? she looks familiar

Fuck that boomer nigger in the aids faggot shirt.

Attached: 3653.jpg (700x843, 93K)

we need to run some more tests to be sure

Attached: 1506310149485.jpg (768x576, 93K)

no u

hi JIDF don't you get tired of spamming this shit?

Attached: 37313seflwx21.jpg (1564x1564, 269K)

JLP the false Christian gets destroyed by Jeff Durbin


She was LtCorbis

ligma what?

Is there any evidence that she's sick or did you make it up?

I'd like to see her belly button
inb4 "her"

Attached: ltcorbis.jpg (1000x1644, 1.06M)

this is an example of how easily kids are manipulated and watching that nigger do it live was a real creepshow

Based Kamikaze zoomer

Then Sophia should reproduce early.