Could it fall off it's axis & throw the earth into total chaos?
NASA says Moon is Shaking!?
give us your best crazy space bunny
Extra signal coming from Saturn’s north pole, to initiate Iran War.
>NASA says Moon is Shaking
Must be Trumps fault. Moon is triggered and now literally shaking.
>150 feet shrinkage in 100 million years
Yeah, quaking in my boots OP
You guys don't believe Moon is real, right? That a HUGE ball of rock just floats in the sky? It's a NASA hoax invented to take tax payers' money.
but Mars after 2028!
it's aksully a giant egg bestowed upon humanity by that infernal rabbit
Didn’t the USA blast some rockets to the moon?
Ok, ok, that's probaby not what it's suppose to be doing
Just be thankful we only have one moon. You have no idea how much having a second moon made entirely of warpstone sucks. Trust me, I remember growing up under morrslieb. The fucking warpstone makes the skaven go extra nutso.
Pick related. It's morrslieb.
wink wink
Heaven and earth shall pass away but the lord and his word remains forever.
We must be sober and vigilant.
It was all fake, the rockets were actually tiny jew penises.
The moon is a Jewish conspiracy.
Reality isn't real
Its because I cracked my knuckles and started flexing.
finger guns right back at ya bud
There will just be one bible and all 157 volumes of the Torah floating through empty space after the end of days when Israel blows up the universe, just as prophesied.
Trump is using space force to remove the move that is blocking our souls and keeps us brainwashed. Also Israel will get hit by that asteroid bringing peace and prosperity to the Earth. No other countries will be harmed.
What what? Man-thing think warpstone is bad-fail? All goy-men be slaves to Skaven! We-us are chosen ones yes yes!
same reason the north pole's upper jet streams are all fucked and its abnormally cold here now. the solar systems electrical shit is getting fucked yo
It's just shedding some charge since the Sun at min output, net charge back to zero
A rock will stand on seven hills.
Literally shaking
>cannot take signal in cellphone in some earth areas
>make a call of moon to the earth
I guess the old telephones are more potent than modern ones.
Damn, post-Trump Jow Forums is fucking stupid.
>preparing scenarios for POSSIBLE asteroid impact
>a week later
>chaos asteroid inbound goyim!
>a week later
>Duh moon is tilting goy!
And the goyim lap it up.
I think the kikes are trying to trick us into believing it's the Jerry Falwell end times prophesied by a kike so that we go to war with Iran for the kikes.
For real though.
Funny thing is this is a psyop being done SOULY to Jow Forums Jow Forums.
None of you newfags even know about the structures on the moon or 33rd degree Buzz aldrins mother
Literal goyim.
you seem to devote an awful lot of time to making threads about me. why not this level of criticism for the user bidding for President in 2020. hmm
Why do the call it honey moon?
Why doesn't the moon spin?
Why do they call him Buzz?
Where do bees keep the honey?
Have you taken the honeycomb earthpill?
What did Buzz see in Antarctica?
Are you on the square?
>The bible says
Into the trash it goes.
Take your fake cgi bullshit elsewhere!
>Throws out the text that calls out the jewish takeover 2000 years in advance.
Choice is yours dumbass
Based and red pilled muthrfuker!
what rabbit are you talking about
Very compelling argument, just remember hell is forever.
so what do you want?
>God literally says he's going to shake the heavens in the end times
>Very compelling argument
It's as equally as compelling as your 'muh bible says' pics.
Who are you?
It's more to offer another answer to the cosmological question so that people know NASA isn't the only answer.
guys look at the sky
>give us your best crazy space bunny
Its actually moving further away every year. Which would be a cause for concern if we werent in niggercattle world.
And you believe the sky is real. ahahahahaha
hey ron
fun fact: The moon never rotates. It's literally just a billboard sprite in the sky that moves around. Really lazy.
>all that bad trip mumbo jumbo
dude weed lmao
hey, billy
that hurt
let me smell your dick
Are there any other moons in the know solar system like it? Answer: no
How do you think i got here from mars? Do you really belive lucas got the idea of the death star out of HIS own mind. Kek.
come over
you've been out fuckin the sheep again haven't you?
come where?
come over
Can I come over
come over over over
you're cutting out, come where?
>off topic
come where
who is bringing the snacks over
what? sorry. you're cutting out
come over over over over over
Do (you) know where you’re going when you die?
I don’t either but I’m not taking any chances.
I'll bring the snacks over now come over
who is bringing the snacks where
come where
is the moon shrinking causing this?
what type of snacks, i aint eating just any snack
i have no clue where to come over
That looks very fake, but whenever I say this people tell me
>you're not a physicist you're not an astronaut
I'm bringing the snacks over
come here over
the moon is shrinking fast
but my nuts are shrinking faster
The moon is an ancient hollowed satellite brought from another solar system to amplify Saturn's waves.
and there is surveillance equipment aimed at earth via deep "craters" on the surface
how fast
who was there to pan the camera?
Don't let anyone make you feel stupid, deception is everywhere at this point.
I'm bringing salted nuts over
was for I don't know what post it tried to reply to
I think NASA's answer was that it was automated, but I don't believe any of it.
i dont like salted nuts though
what would you prefer me to bring over?
what kind of come are you talking about?
bringing the snacks where?
bring where?
maybe some Doritos and a comfy pillow. im getting really sleepy right now. good night user. we may meet again one day hopefully.
owo kind of come
owo what is this bulge
Bringing snacks over to the shed over in the back yard
nighty night over where you are
johnny, johnny
the rabbit that lives on the moon, don't you know?
3 space eggs.