Mel Gibson literally cast as a Rothschild in satire about jews

>Mel Gibson literally cast as a Rothschild in satire about jews

Kikes are SEETHING

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okay, this is epic

>tfw no one else thinks this is epic

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Jews will shut it down

Hopefully we get the story about Mel calling Shia and oven-dodger on set before production gets shut down

The hero we don't deserve.

This is going to be kino


>Kikes are SEETHING

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Time to remake some of his old hits featuring mossad as the bad guys...

brilliant, i havent seen a funny comedy in years, maybe this one will be good

Ill actually pay money to go see this

same lol

how does he still make movies

Did they intentionally make it Rothchild so they wouldn't get sued or so they wouldn't get killed?

He's in another film coming out soon; Fatman, an action-comedy, where he play's Santa Clause.

The first movie I'll pay to see in the last 5 years

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Lots of friends he chose well, and lots of money.
The man is undeniable bad ass.

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Last penny I spent in a movie theatre was Hacksaw Ridge. My wife cried.

Plenty of Hollywood Jews hate Jews too. (Self hating Jew is a real thing)

You can also differentiate between 'being jewish' and 'being a fucking jew' without being self hating.

It's like blacks. There are black people and then there are niggers.

Shia le Beouf is the living proof of what happens when you peek in Jow Forums for too long.
Yes I'm willing to bet anything he's checked this infernal lava crafting forum more than twice.

Welcome to the good but dangerous side, Shia. No we don't molest kids here.

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Exactly this

Might be a negative thing if people as non-Jewish looking as Gibson are chosen to play Jews.


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>New York
>super rich
>Mel Gibson
Am curious

>i pay for things i can easily get steal with zero chance of being caught
>free things? no thanks

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Top kek
This is going to be great. I never figured Mel Gibson to be an expert troll but man that will be some trollin going on.
I cant wait for the shit storm to get up into a big jewish hurricane

mel gibson is half jewish, dumb asses

He's playing the Rothchild family patriarch, the villain, as he tries to squash the ambitions of the protagonist, a bastard disowned from the family.

hes scottish retard


Wait Shia is based now? What about HWNDU?

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I kekked

did we fuck with shia so hard he decided to come to Mel Gibson for a redemption arc?

you are either a nigger or a jew, i can steal loads of shit from the local stores and walmarts with zero chance of being caught am i going to do it? no because that's nigger shit.

plot twist.
he was based all along

He was using HWNDU to bring us together IRL to learn the value of teamwork and executing a plan.

He's worth hundreds of millions, he's iconic, and he has talent. Jews try to monopolize fame and money but if you can put it together on your own, nothing's stopping you.

Also this 100%. I buy the music, movies, shows, books, etc. I like because I want to support the creators of those products so they can continue to thrive.


Though I feel like most of this board is full of NEETs who couldn't legally afford this stuff anyway. If you have a real job there is no excuse for not supporting creators of good products. Stop trying to mask it with excuses like "I am not supporting the media jew I am very smart". If you want to steal shit that's fine but at least admit what a nigger-tier faggot you are.

Wait did Shia get trolled so hard he became an anti-semite?

Nah, that is illogical, if there is no chance of being caught, or the chance outweighs the fine/profit of being caught
You're being brainlets if you're being illogical.
No one deserves your monetary support.
You will never be anything other than lower to middle class I'm afraid. How unfortunate, but I suppose you serve your own menial purposes. Meh

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mel "gas the kikes" gibson

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He made enough money off boomers to produce his own redpilled movies

Shia and Mel are going to get into fights on set because one is extremely left and the other is right. Shia punched Tom Hardy on set of Lawless. Wonder what will happen if he tries to punch Mel...

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Did Shia get redpilled when he came here? Has he become a disciple of uncle Mel?

The only reason this is happening is because the Jews are allowing it to.

Are you really all so blind? Are you really all so foolish?

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Mel has half a billion networth because the Jews didn't want Passion made so he got all the profits

Is Shia one of us now?

>Mel out jewd the jew.
based as fuck

I used to buy every game that I wanted to play unless ot required a cc to purchase because I was too young to have one. Then games just got shittier and shittier and started being designed for dumber and dumber audience and people who dont care about skill. Take the new Mortal Kombat Itried over a friends, if you press r1 and l1 at certain times you get some cheesy bullshit move that plays a cutscene and you cant block it and does over a quarter of your hp.

this timeline just keeps on giving. never been hyped for a movie before.

mel is a mad man, he knows what hes doing.
he warned us about them.

called them oven-dodgers while doing it too!

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I saw Blade Runner 2049 in theaters 3 times, but it still didn't matter.

He do have massive balls.


God i hate that dumb shit, pirated it, fucking massive game, then an update even more massive than the game, double the size
then the garbage DLC that doesn't even fully unlock everything
so then reduced to using a memory patch (cheat code) just to unlock certain players
overall what a fucking huge waste of time, now it just sits on my microSD card, mocking me
>haha you got me, this fat turd, for free, but i made you pay with your time.

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They blacklisted his ass too, so imagine how much that doubled his hate for them

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Great pic

I'm gonna watch the fuck out of this.

Labeouf? Why? Isn't he a kike? Gibson will probably beat his ass on set


>You're being illogical
No I support things I enjoy. If everybody did what you did those things would not be made anymore.
>No one deserves your monetary support
When they provide me with a service I am willing to compensate them fairly for it.
>How unfortunate, but I suppose you serve your own menial purposes. Meh
Wow you are so above it all maaaaaaan.
If the games are so shitty you shouldn't even bother playing them right? Oh wait you are simply justifying your theft like a nigger.

Kevin Spacey can only fantasize being as based as Mel Gibson


So hwndu led to shia lurking, and now he’s making movies with Mel Gibson?



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Best fucking timeline
2020 will be the greatest year in the entire spacetime continuum


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Hey, Shia’s gotta pat the bills somehow.

"All kikes go to hell" mel is based.

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Jews are Poos

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Plus he’s buddies with RDJ

imagine all the bullying Shia has to suffer at the hands of Mel Gibson on set

>hey kid, whats a disney exec taste like?

Wanna take'm to the loo?

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Based af

not the same guy.

our weaponized autism broke him

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Oh dear Christ, Jow Forums drove Shia into full on Bobby Fischer mode.


I really think groups like Jow Forums drove him crazy, no jokes.

I'll see it twice.

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>no formal leadership hierarchy directed the operation

Kek, yep sounds about right.

Okay, now THIS, is epic.

>Twitter trannies get you fired

>Jow Forums drives you insane and makes you turn on your own people.

Wew lad, guess which one is more dangerous.

well this one guy tried to play shift manager but everyone called him a niggerfaggot


You Will Not Genocide(divide) Us ~Shhia LaBeef

Out of curiosity, I went to Shias twitter.

Sweet Jesus, what the fuck did you guys do to that man?

That was a joke...

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Based Shia, was always one of us. Basically acted like Itachi and forced us to increase our power lvls to take him down by acting like the villian. 4D CHESS MOVE

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>tfw when Shia trys to call you out, so you spend millions of dollars floating an idea that you know the jews will kvetch about, and make a bet with Shia that shady shit is going to happen and jew are going to SHUT IT DOWN

Why does this place always suck people up and drive them insane? Anyone criticizing Jow Forums starts doing "investigation" then never comes back, it's like a black hole.

I'll subscribe to that timeline.

>The zero-approval gambit

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