>this is your brain (pineal gland aka third eye) on tap water
This is your brain (pineal gland aka third eye) on tap water
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is there a redpill youtube video or site you could recommend me on what i need my pineal gland for that the illuminati are trying to take from me?
That isn't the pineal gland retard.
I grew up on delicious well water far away from the city. Where are my superpowers?
There are millions of people in the US who don't drink from a municipal water supply but rather a well. I assure you these "country folk" don't have superpowers. They are generally healthier/stronger though.
isn't a spiritual thing? maybe we can't notice the effects of our dead pineal glands because our society is so spiritually dead.. we never have had to use them.
Man, how do I protect my penal gland from tap water user? Should I disconnect my house from water? Is it a jewish plot to wreck white penal glands?
Wtf i love tap water now
>your brain on Jow Forums
You are emotionally stunted and loss your connection with God.
how do I know that's not what it's supposed to look like
Ive been having stomach problems recently and i think its because ive been eating more salads recently. “Washed” in tap water.
Literally have never seen a source to go with this image.
My imagination is less enthralling since calcifying my pineal. Best change I've made to my body since circumcising my penis.
Med fag here AMA
Pineal gland self calcifies with age. Has a lot to do with brain physiology.
We are intricately designed creatures, however with intricacy comes delicacy.
I get my water from the well in my backyard, my pineal gland must be pure
you can spell delicious
the pineal gland produces brain melanin
amerikkka flouridates water to keep the black man dumb, docile, and enslaved
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
Who the fuck drinks tap water?
OP is right, once the pineal gland turns off, you turn gay just like the frogs
Neat-o, now show me one from a person who never drank tap water so I can compare. If you want to play scientist you're going to need a control group.
>((scientific studies))
I live in a small town where the tap water comes from three wells. I'm conflicted.
(((they))) are known for poisoning wells user
and what are you supposed to drink instead? even restaurants serve tap water in their drinks
>teleports behind you
>filters your water
heh nothing personal kid
And the men's testicles produce regular amounts of testosterone.
Why do they never show a picture of a supposedly normal pineal gland?
uh do people seriously not filter their water anymore? if filtering works then why does this gay ass thread exist?
acutely toxic chemical
haha cya hick
paying $150 for still
paying 25 cents a gallon in electricity to still water
Hi newfag
>thinks im a new fag when I was here for all the major pol happenings
No, you're a newfag because you think putting ((())) around something is an argument. Galileo wasn't a jew, and true scientific method is the antithesis of jewish rhetoric, so you're (((argument))) is bullshit, you're a faggot, and this thread is shit every time you spam it.
Definitely deactivates the old almonds.
>imagine being so useless and poor you can't afford a $100 distiller made in taiwan
>Galileo wasn't a jew
damn this nigga bluepilled af
My borough has never fluoridated it’s water, ever. Down London or some other southern shithole they certainly do though
>not consuming salty tasting, mineral rich, P.H high, well/spring water
They make 30 dollar filters that attach to the faucet you fucking basement dweller
>doesnt use filter.....
also disgusting, looks like a nail,
>thinks he can filter dead water
Maybe American tap water.
Our tap water comes from the mountains.
Wtf? i love fluoride now.
Post a pic of your pineal gland then.
real cool lack of what a normal pineal gland looks like
one time i was tripping so hard i made my pineal gland jizz.
i found god that day.
The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation and fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan!
Simply memed, how about I show you what an in tact knob looks like
Excellently retorted. Rather than responding to the question the original person you replied to posted, or mine, you resort to character attacks. Truly excellent.
But do you have a loicense to be here on Jow Forums?
>Excellently retorted. Rather than responding to the question the original person you replied to posted, or mine, you resort to character attacks. Truly excellent.
Yeah let me just decapitate myself to show you my pineal gland
>But do you have a loicense to be here on Jow Forums?
You paid your amusement tax amigo?
So you have no pictures for comparison of a non-flourided pineal gland.
No proof the one in OP is even a flourided pineal gland.
No proof that flouride has any effect on your pineal gland at all.
And nothing of relevance to the original question.
if youve ever wondered why its always this picture in threads like this, its because its a bunk conspiracy theory
Fuck up you lemon
it just makes you dream faggot
you can also release dmt
through meditiation
I already get 150mcg of iodine a day from my multivitamin. How much more do I need?
This. I work with a single mom aged 45 and she is teaching her son to only sit even he has to pee because "studies" says its better. I'm sure it's better but you pee sitting when taking a dump. I worry her son will go back to kill her later for raising him to be a simp. But it's self inflicted on her part so maybe I shouldn't be worried.
Would you elaborate on meditation techniques that facilitate DMT release?
Not a single one of those on the market even claims to be able to filter out hormones and flouride. On tap filters aren't good enough for that.
you must avoid fluoride 100%
Bump making distilled water atm. added a bit of himalayan salt for minerals.
>thinking melatonin and melanin are the same thing
what is it?
An epic booger blasted with liquid nitrogen.
this guy gets it
5 star post.
T. Known Boss
(((They))) used to tell my parents generation that distilled water was bad for you to drink. Drink the tap water, goy. I have a boomer boss who is still convinced distilled water is not for consumption because that's how hard they drilled it into them when they were growing up
>distilling water in a hot plastic appliance
do you want bacteria or chemicals
those are your options
The distiller is internally stainless steel and the jar is glass.
I live in a small town that was a spa town renowned for its mineral springs during the early 20th century. I take bottles of water with me when I travel because I can't stand the taste of other places' water.
On the con side, mineral deposits and buildup are kind of a problem and I had to get a water softener for my shower.
It's less complicated than that. Try some fermented cabbage dishes. You're probably going hard on plant fiber without the gut biome to support it.
Went to sea. Big ship. Made its own water, distilled right out of the ocean, so pure you weren't supposed to drink it, had to put minerals back in it. Got hot, sweating constantly, always drinking this water, not much else to drink. The whole crew. Men everywhere got manlier. Soibois never had more than peach fuzz bloomed full beards and chest hair. Gym rats got gains like they never saw before. Everyone's skin glowed healthy, everybody ready to fight and fuck.
They come back from this voyage. They get that normal municipal water again. They can taste it strange, something off about it. They begin to lose their done and a depression starts to grow.
Maybe, what you ingest can have a big difference.
im about to drop a huge truth bomb
the chemicals (((they))) put in the tap water are designed to promote infertility in whites and drop their IQ. non-white IQ is already pretty low, which results in them being good goys and breeding like rats so the chemicals dont really affect the fertility of whites.
> souce ?
> muh dick
High fluoride concentrations in drinking water has been linked with a decrease in IQ. Now that everyone knows this, we can stop bumping this shitty thread.
Show flag faggot
You don't filter it from the tap you mong!
Take water from an open water source
and you just owned yourself. Shut it down.
No-one's dropped the boron info yet?
Only amerimutts
I've been drinking unfiltered tap forever not a single fuck given
nigger did it occur to you that 99% of people use fluoridated toothpaste?
Why are african niggers even less accomplished?