What political philosophy promotes physical fitness the most?

What political philosophy promotes physical fitness the most?

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National Socialism


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Conquest of kingdoms.

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anarcho syndicalism

Clerical fascism. We are supposed to represent the peak of man, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

>"libertarian" with fascist symbol on arm

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It's well known the right wing is typically far more physically fit than the left wing.
Here's a shill article basically warning you not to work out ( or at least boast about it ) because if you do, you could turn into a right winger.

The left actually tries to make fun of the right's fitness.

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Meanwhile the left.....

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Anarcho Egoism is the most fit philosophy man. Fitness is literally the elevation of one's ego over the masses. Any collectivist ideology is a crab in a bucket cope. I'm my own God and arbitrator.

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Sounds based.

Not sure about Lininism (whatever the fuck that is), but in USSR there was continuous push for physical health.


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Liberals are weak faggots

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>Nazi physical fitness manuals
I want one.


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Fucking gains thieves.

Considering obesity rates are the highest in red states, not anything on the right.

That's able-bodyist and offensive