Alright, which one of you madmen is this?

Alright, which one of you madmen is this?

Attached: soap anon.jpg (1080x1189, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks like weed butter

I did now buy the fucking soap

Attached: tumblr_mdoofnJZev1rfj6xso1_400.gif (350x233, 798K)

how the fuck am I supposed to wash my ass with that it's literally got pointy edges


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way to capitalize on a dead meme

>mighty white soap co

Maybe if your stoner ass bathed more often you would recognize soap more easily.

Hahahah, going to have to buy this goy

Attached: Screenshot_20190513-213502.jpg (1080x2280, 549K)

What does it say i cant read cursive


>dead meme
Keep wishing on that star, faggot.

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Do you guys wash your asses with soap? I never do. I tried it once and got diarrhea a few hours later so I assumed that was the cause and just never did again.

Found the nigger

Is that a soap shaped as a magazine or am I in the wrong here?

You don't stick the bar of soap in your ass
crack , you fucking retarded mutt. You put some fucking soap on your hand and then spread it that way. Holy fuck. Are Burgers really this retarded and disgusting?

Sold out, fuck.

Attached: Screenshot_20190514-004215.png (1440x2560, 2.23M)

I like this guy's stuff

Attached: 1551650484282.png (1489x929, 1.58M)

that looks delicious


Is that holocaust soap?

>and that's that. It's no bloody joke
read that in his voice

Is soap a good idea as a side business? Seems like a popular trend, memes or not.

There's definitely a TDS joke in there.


Alright, this is clown world meme thread now.

Errryyonee post your best clown world memes.

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Thanks for making us look bad Cletus!

Dr Pavel

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You are worse than a poo in the loo.

ProTip: Don't put the whole bar of soap up your ass. It's not a pineapple, it doesn't belong up there - Just poke the tip in and out a bit, and lick it afterwards to make sure you're clean.

Can confirm this soap is real and really damn good. I have a desk drawer that's almost filled with soap now because they keep making stuff I want. Also the CIA soap does actually glow in the dark. It was one of the first things I ordered.

You're alright fren

Attached: tenor.gif (498x276, 2.29M)

Heh. I’ve seen this soap company before. It’s cute.

this faggot literally honks when he laughs

you must be new here

>Jordan Petersoap

Somebody was selling tiny Apu paintings on Etsy at one point. I know soap and paintings seem dumb but I think we need more creativity like this out there, if for no other reason than to piss off the artsy craftsy fags who have cornered the market.

Attached: FB794481-014C-4D54-9F15-D53728087F35.jpg (1588x1588, 254K)

I thought it was a popsicle

Attached: original.jpg (640x497, 76K)

honestly this is probably a madwoman

Creativity and our memes won us 2016 it sucks we've been so stagnent lately


This is from Air Jordan Peterson's Pop Culture of Critique.

The host does the whole show in a Peterson impression and he shills this company every episode.

I think all of the “boomers,” e-celebs, and Q-tards who came swarming in to claim credit and cash in demoralized a lot of people. Funny how after the election suddenly EVERYBODY was a part of the pure autism chaos and lulotry.

Dont but Skyking. That shit stinks like old ladies, even if its pretty.

The CIA NIGGERS soap is alright, and it does glow

Looks more like green marzipan with le rainbow

It's become so depressing here in the last few years and not even in a blackpill way, at least there was comradery with your fellow doomers. It's boring.
First time I've been here in like a year

I know the feel. We’re still here. These other types claiming glory on social media (and getting banned, lul) and the, for lack of a better term, rdonald fags spamming here is just more piss in an ocean of piss. It’s just more spam to ignore here, and other shitheads on other platforms to blame for shenanigans.

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Let's rock and roll

Attached: Tmnt2_2_004.jpg (1980x1484, 1.2M)

Clever names. Definitely one of us and I don't think it's an accident that it's in cursive

Even cursive has been dumbed the fuck down. I’m old enough to have ben “taught” bubble cursive in school. I write in 30’s era cursive and just wait for people to say they cannot read it. I cannot fucking believe schools stopped teaching even retard cursive. These are the same people who cannot tell time unless it is digitally displayed. The absolute fucking state of our modern public education system.

>cannot tell time unless it is digitally displayed
Yikes, I didn't even know that was a thing.

Attached: 1552865557591.jpg (500x322, 16K)

I’m not even kidding here. People cannot read fucking clocks.

I never learned to write cursive. I almost never missed school, but cursive never came up. Graduated almost top of my class. I now work an office drone job where it's not needed. Public schooling is a joke.

What was with the "honk honk take back the rainbow flag" thread before. It had like 25 posters and 100 replies in two minutes all with lgbt memeflags all vomiting these pre prepared statements and crappy clown OC. Are these crappy threads organised?

Call me paranoid but I think this is by design. You will rely on Google to tell you what the Constitution says because you cannot read it. And other historical documents.

I mean it was a rhetorical question, since I've never actually washed my ass with soap. I just assumed that that's how it was done. Water is good enough for anyone who's not a faggot.

I can’t believe I’m linking fucking Star Trek, but here ya go.

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Feels weird reminiscing about the good old days of a Croatian spearfishing forum

The side joke is that you're supposed to stick your dick in it right?

Pretty sure its reddit larping. They have been trying to ban any right wing platforms, and have been caught faking racist posts e.t.c to then switch accounts and report. They also make threads like that to then screenshot and report it to the media.

I thought it was blonde pressed hash at first.

>No wash cloth
Nigger detected

That's what I thought it was until I read the name.

reminder that honk crap is posted by Israeli jews

Just like the word nigger we took the meme and made it out own.

>doesn't use asterisks for expressing alarming situations
*nigger detected*

I already did nigger, waiting for delivery

if we're shilling alt-right websites
might as well shill mine

Attached: SupportChristianFacists.jpg (894x628, 37K)

Aparently is was renamed since I ordered

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What's the website?

>Not posting your best product

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Holy fuck I’ve seen this exact thread and remember some of these replies, someone here has too feel the same thing I’m feeling.

would buy if i could pay with cash since we are monitored all the time

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its called marketing to fucking stupid niggers

I just saw the trailer for this guy's new movie. It looks like a fucking self-insert fanfiction about Hillary Clinton inexplicably falling in love with a character who is basically just Seth Rogan. It's been out for over a week and I only just found out it even exists.

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I'm glad it's going under the radar is hate to have to hear about it any more than you just told me. So fuck you I guess.

Idk. Something mighty white soap

I disagree. I liked Sky King. Also bought CIA, The Soap Cries Out, and the grapefruit one. All smell nice and have held up well. Would buy again.

Does your dick fall off if you wash it with the soap? Id rather not find out myself

/our soap/


Naw. Hasn't happened yet at least. Seller seems legit and makes no attempt to hide his identity or location.

It's to clean your dick, bucko!!!