It seems many of you have yet to notice this

It seems many of you have yet to notice this.

Your welcome.

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sorry, can't notice jews with all these diseased niggers he's letting in my country

You got in.


Right wing veneration has led to pretty great results for me personally. All I had to do was worship specifically White Jesus and believe in everything leftists and jews hate/mock and now God answers my prayers like Jarvis on demand. It’s pretty awesome.

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Got any sauces to defend this hypothesis, bucko?

If only there was a covert way to get Iran to nuke Israel

You just want to 4d chess us into liking him again. gtfo jew lover. lol

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holy fuck now I get it. Trump is pretending to be Zionist so everyone that hates him starts hating Israel too

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>send bombers and ships to the persian gulf
>poke at iranians
>iranians strike oil ships
>send missiles into iran
>iran attacks israel
>stop attacking iran and say, 'my bad'
>pull out all forces

I count about ten. Not ten hundred, Ten.

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That's four. Gorillion


lol Jarvis, that's a great Marvel Universe reference! Seen any good movies lately?

I stopped watching after Avengers 2. Did I miss anything good or did the sjws take over superhero movies?

oh boy that thread didn't pan out the way you hoped did it OP?

Will you still get your internet points redeamable at tendiebros everywhere?


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even if that were true, it's not significant enough to make a real difference to Palestinians.

Nice Ben Garrison edit, now post the real one.

If that is real it would be the greatest play ever. If.

>Your welcome.

My welcome.

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if they did they wouldnt turn a profit now, would they?

Maybe he will still complete the system.