@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Moderate? 5/13/19
>Pres Trump meets w/Hungarian PM Orbán 5/13/19
>Pres Trump welcomes Hungarian PM Orbán 5/13/19
>SoS Pompeo on CNBC 5/13/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/EUHighRep Mogherini 5/13/19
>AFSec Wilson/ArmySec Esper @Meridian Intl Ctr 5/13/19
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Jason Meister (&Lara) 5/13/19
>TrumpTV Real News Update (Lara) 5/12/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FoxNewsSun 5/12/19
>Corey Lewandowski on WashJournal 5/12/19
>SoS Pompeo @Claremont Inst 40th Anniv Gala 5/11/19
>VP Pence Commencement Address @LibertyU 5/11/19 (full)
>Lara Trump on WattersWorld 5/11/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Mil Mothers Celebration 5/10/19
>VP Pence on F&F 5/10/19
>HHSSec Azar on FBN 5/10/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan meets w/Latvian DM Pabriks 5/10/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan @Washington Conf on the Americas 5/7/19
>SpecRep4IntlNegs Greenblatt @UNSCAF on Is-ra-hell 5/10/19
>Pentagon Press Brief (UndDefSec4A&S Lord) 5/10/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yo my niggers what’s gucci

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state flags where you at?!

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Guy looks too good to be a NEET cuck

We more huggy than China!

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Someone explain the China selling bonds strategy...

TX here

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So my great grandmother died and left me and my 8 other cousins a will of over $1,000

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>The only benefit to being a millennial is that I won't be able to afford retirement and will likely die working so I won't have time to be 85 years old getting stolen from by shitskins while everyone around me slowly dies.

I'm glad I was able to leave as a NEET for a few years after college
it was basically my retirement years since I know I'll never get the government subsidized bullshit the elderly get now


Florida user here!

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nn frens
i hope we all wake up to china being a nightmare state where people are starving sheep that sometimes get killed in mysterious explosions and machine accidents but they go on with their lives like nothing happened because they have to focus on stealing IP from people who actually innovate or else their farce of a state will collapse due to the 9d underwater polo being played by a steak salesman who is most famous for giving kevin mccalister directions in that one movie

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Get ready for President O'Rourke in 2020 you magapede cucks

and you?

im not posting the mn one already done since it's wrong

all I can find rn fren

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How many /ptg/s are we up to now? Has anyone kept track? This much be the longest continously running thread on Jow Forums

It's not a strategy at all, it's a desperate act of a cornered animal lashing out in a blind rage. China holds $1,130,900,000,000 worth of U.S. treasury bonds and treasury bills, and if they felt like using their last holdout in economic relations with us they would sell them in an attempt to collapse the dollar. Except the dollar is already abnormally high so it wouldn't do much of anything.

US debt is relatively good for profit. China has own currency and getting dollars only from trade. Less dollars they will get - less paper they will buy. It is not possible for them to print US dollar. Basically the answer that no miracles in math.

>worlds largest subversion attempt in human history and things were slowly turning in their favor
It's pretty amazing what the Trotskyites got away with for nearly 70 years, and terrifying to think what might've happened had Trump not blown up their plans.

Chinks own more US scrip than anyone; and they think they can just sell those bonds off, and call in denbts and tank our economy. They would literally give up their biggest leverage, and not get nearly what they think they will out of the deal. It'll weaken the dollar, making US exports better, there's no better place to put that kind of money than in US Treasury Bonds, and it will also raise yields, lowering prices and hurting China's portfolio in the process. It's a self-nuke; like killing a natural predator that keeps your grain alive

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That's not that much but congratulations on your windfall.

I think some /sp/ general/s might have had more threads, but we're getting close

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>get ready for beta 2.0
can't wait for him to come out ;^)


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according to the archives, we are at /ptg/ # 39563

is the any other way it could hurt the US?
something sneaky?

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Roy Moore rally awoo

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hmm one second

O'Rourke will get the nomination.

I look forward to seeing Trump's meltdown on live television during the presidential debates. There will too many topics to discuss which will effectively shut Trump down.

They could always hold onto them, thus keeping the dollar in a position that suppresses our exports.

who dis?

i watched him for 2 minutes on madcow earlier tonight. he literally sounded like a dude that works in a head shop. it was so fucking cringe. he doesn't have a chance in hell

Hmm, looks like Tucker will be off tomorrow night, guess I will just watch BASED Forged in Fire instead.

sorry meant for you user

oh wait wearing the hat...oh.

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between 36k and 37k

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That would be awesome, actually. Printing new United States Notes when?

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Rmember that Tucker is off tomorrow night.

>Bolton boner intensifies

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Didn't daily japanese threads start since moot's early days running Jow Forums?

This is way better than porn.

Biden will get it and you'll sit there and take it like the bitch that you are!

There's a new 'stache in town

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That 14yr old Cuban who turned into a rightwing instathot

He never did; his entire campaign was about laundering DNC donor money, and now that it ran it's course he's trying desperately to stay relevant. 2020 is going to end a LOT of careers as people choose to skip senate runs or potentially get primaried.

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I don’t believe you.

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what the actual fuck is going on today? someone wanna impersonate TNN real quick?

Thanks fren, it's another Mark Filling in episode. I will be watching Forged desu.

To be continued...

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Do they still do the alcoholics general in cooking?




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Thank you for your diligence anons

shäd, that is all.

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thank you fren

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literally just trump said thing, dying for israel ft. iran and a new mustache on the block iirc

Also, anyone who thinks the US will win would buy as much as they can, because China will have no choice but to dump them. With no bonds, they would be getting no dollars. Their economy would be stagnant. China has zero leverage. This is the same thing that Britain should be doing to the EU. If your economy is built on debt, the debt supplier has the control. Everyone knows China is a currency manipulator. Their only hope is that Trump loses 2020. But the pain they put themselves through to try and make that happen will destroy them, and he'll still win the election. The world is about to change.

Attached: goddamn 93 was 26 years ago.png (1121x699, 401K)

My wife looks at /ck/ near exclusively... I'll ask

>My wife

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My wife posts on Jow Forums.

Belmont News Daily
>CHYNA loaded up retaliatory tariffs on the 25% Trump just kicked it to last week
>market kikes are desperate to create a buying opportunity and scare people out
>Barr is assigning someone to look into the muh Russia probe, extending beard influence Civil War generals rejoice
>Orban came to the WH today from Hungary, NYT left up an article for pretty much a day saying it was the first meeting ever despite documented pictures of the meeting between him and W
>Some drunk roastie ran her car into a wall, might be a bernout, might just be a female driver
>KSA says some of their ships got attacked last night, no one is buying into a ME war
>Bolton meanwhile has got a plan out for 120K troops to try and fuck Trump over
Same shit different day, please enjoy these tits

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>letting your wife (male) post instead of lurk only
Absolutely haram

I was feeling blue today, a gal, I like seemed to turn from me. Even though I felt blue, I went to the Denny's diner and ordered a great meal. Denny's, America's diner.


thanks user. have a bote

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I don't think Biden will. People will be looking for Obama 2.0, preferably someone not in the early stages of dementia.

Go back to tumblr, denny's.

XXXTentacion was NOT killed for money or clout or "hood violence". His friends SET HIM UP.

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>6 posts by this id

DId you try their milkshakes?

nice digits.
creepy joe v Trump.....gonna be kinda boring.

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Around kangs, guard your chains.

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just an fyi, i included "trump general" in that search
so if you go by "trump general" it's 39563
"president trump general" it goes down to 28092
/ptg/ goes down to 26951
we should hit 40k in a few weeks
she was always a thot, she just happened to vote for trump

Evidence or gtfo. The dude who shared that video after his death seemed pretty legit. He was lying about the situation but honestly seemed like he at least killed him.

God damn, I seriously miss him. For a soundcloud rapper, he had a profound change on my life.
God, I sound like such a fag.

She responded she wouldn't know and then took a large sip of wine. On second thought, awful person to ask

It's name recognition and familiarity that will be driving this election more than anything else. The Left is scared shitless and they'll put up somebody with brand recognition. The best thing they can do with Biden is keep him the fuck away from the public and shoot him up with powerful medicine when they need him to speak.

>93 was 26 years ago
This is why I no longer feel guilty about dating girls her age as a Xoomer

Biden is the Marco Rubio of this election cycle; he's not quite Yeb who no one wanted at all but kept getting pushed. He's that 2nd tier candidate who no one wants, but can sneak along for a while before it becomes clear he can't get it. The downside of course is the DNC has super delegates, so if everyone stays in, he wins by default in a contested convention. Harris could squeak by him, as could maybe Buttfag if he can figure out a single message. Bernie has too many other socialists eating his lunch


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Welp this is an arms race so 39563 is the one we go with

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In fact, I did. Denny's offers Chocolate, vanilla, and strawsbery. I chose strawsberry. It was a great malt, that I can tell you.

Im heading to America for the first time and touching down in Jew york then florida and texas.
What should I expect? What foods do I eat?

If your wife's near nigs, watch for oli rigs

>93 was 26 years ago

>Im heading to America for the first time and touching down in Jew york then florida and texas.
>What should I expect? What foods do I eat?

Try BBQ, its basically grilled or smoked meat in a thousand varieties.

Show your flag and I'll tell you more

your count includes fake trump generals, in addition any thread that is talking about a general in trump's america (yes, there are a number of threads that have "trump general" in the title unrelated to this)
my archive from the beginning of trumpgen all the way to the beginning of this year checked to make sure the threads are valid, it says in that range there are about 33.5k. using 4plebs to search for threads with "PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL" in the title from the beginning of this year to now says there are about 3k threads. this means that we are almost certainly between 36k and 37k trumpgen threads
we are still a few months, not a few weeks, from 40k

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Do the strawsberries taste like snozberries?

>felons have to pay to vote
>Republicans control the elections boards in Palm Beach and Broward for the first time in decades, Republican mayor in Miami-Dade
>each year means more and more dead voters are purged from the rolls
>Democrats so retarded they somehow manage to alienate Jews, Cubans and Venezuelans all at once
>Evangelicals and literally anyone who goes to church probably not going to vote for the party of literal infanticide
>more and more white people turning out to vote countering nignog votes

I'm ready for Florida to be redder than North Dakota in 2020

the other chains shut down in my town. Both perkins and baker's square. Now there's only denny's left and a few small business diners
>tfw went to dennys and the milkshake machine was broken