Tell me why I should worship Israel the God of Israel and Israeli prophets.
Tell me what has led to you becoming an israeli worshiper.
Tell me why I should worship Israel the God of Israel and Israeli prophets.
Tell me what has led to you becoming an israeli worshiper.
Call upon God for your answers. Abrahamic religions are poison.
Tell me what has led to you worshiping the people from here.
I have a bible next to me you can't expect me to believe your christianity is anti hebrew nonsense.
Read revelation 2:9 then you kike
Jewish shilling for the underclass of nation not even promising to enrich the poor but that the poor should stay poor and still cause national friction in a fruitless conflict with no reward to cause national dissent and chaos.
Syriac Christians are awesome fuck you nigger
A synagogue is not a nation this is an internal jewish conflict of one jewish cult seeking dominance over the other, synagogue of satan were those who weren't part of yeshuas jewish cult who opposed his jewish cult.
Synagogue of satan were the synagogues that didn't listen to yeshua or believed in his words and he's saying his jewish followers will go to heaven and the other jewish cults who don't worship him will not.
okay retard
One should ONLY worship God, The Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), as God is the ONLY thing worthy of worship.
>what makes Him worthy?
He made you in His image and likeness and Loves you more than you yourself know how to love.
>then why do bad things happen?
Because He gave us freewill and evil is a direct consequence thereof. Nonetheless, God works our evil into good.
>so he made us just so he can sit back and watch us suffer?
Not at all. He created us because He wanted to share his Love and Creation with us, to invite us to be co-Creators with Him, and to become "part of the Family," as it were.
>then why bother with life? why not just make us as "members" of the "family" to begin with?
Because He doesn't want to force His will upon anyone. He wants people to freely choose to come to Him; God compels no one.
>Why does he then punish us for not wanting to come to him?
What you think of as "hell" is not "punishment" as much as it is a consequence. If you eat too much ice cream, you'll get a stomach ache; you're not being punished, it's just a consequence of your actions. Similarly, if you're a person who chooses anti-Christ (or anti-Logos), that is, you choose to lie, cheat, and steal, you choose to deceive people and put yourself before others, then being in the presence of God will be painful for you. If you've embraced anti-Christ, then perfect Love, forgiveness, Truth, and self-sacrifice will be disgusting to you. It's not a "punishment," it's the playing out of your choices.
All of this is contained in that "Israeli" book with its "Israeli" prophets and its "Israeli" God. Just so you know, the jews that have named their nation "Israel" are not, as far as Christ's Church is concerned and has taught for the last 2000 years, Israel. "Israel" is Christ's Church. That truth has been subverted at every turn for the last 2000 years.
Basically sectarian conflict and a new cult being born from them, nowhere is this religion in any way beneficial to non Jews, just the establishment of this jewish cult and its self declared validity and authority.
Jesus is not anti jew, he believes the current religious establishment of his time to be anti jew and his cult to be the true religion of the jews.
Jesus is not just a jew he believes to be more jewish than the current jews, basically uber judaism.
I don't see how becoming more jewish suddenly makes him aryan anti semites when he was a semitic jew hebrew.
>say they are jews but are not
Therefore he believes his cultists to be true Jews and not non jews or anti jew.
I don't see how someone who worshipd thor will see any reason to worship the true semitic abrahamic israeli jews
There's no human worthy of worship but Jesus.
Youve met jesus?
Jesus is relagated to words on a page written by men.