Just uninstalled this. What am I in for?

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i heard that people break into your house and give you a race-change. get fucked, nigger.

what the fuck is this and why is it political?

most disk space


Don't bring him to my board with that bs game

I stopped playing 5 years ago when they made it against TOS to needle/flame people for their fuckups

All American whites itt think back to when you used to call niggers niggers and faggots faggots. Shame what happened, they wouldn't even let us have vidya. Oh well what happens next is not my fault lol

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Your life will improve. That being said this is not politics. GTFO.

a better life

Dota for normalfags.

I quit after Season 5. Got to Gold II.

I heard Vlad is OP as hell so I kind of want to get back.

What is that?

Guessing that you're that dota 2 fan? GTFO Dotard, not politics

i was addicted pretty bad for a long time to this game
i finally got fed up for long enough with the third world shitters that they call a balance team and stopped playing pretty cold turkey
i can still feel my addiction attempting to pull me back a lot of times but the game is still way out of balance so i can use it to reason with myself to not play it
if you do not want to deal with the same battle, do not reinstall

I just got Diamond 3.

it's go woke go broke political, apparently there is a metoo moment at Riot (the game developer)

A lot of rage

Virtue signalling is a death rattle people can't seem to understand anymore.

This game is a joke and if it came out in 2019 at the current state it is in it would have died in a month you would be better off being addicted to crack at least you get some kind of enjoyment out of it quit this shit game the Dotards were right Dota 2 is a better game and always was even back in 2015 but now there is no question about it

ahahaha pussy following the rules

how does a League fag like myself get into DoTA?

Who are the best top laners? I primarily went Vlad and Renekton top back in s2-s5.

play dota 2 men, invoker arcana is im all up for

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>is a death rattle
good point

>"like many of Riot Games’ female employees, Plaintiffs have been denied equal pay and found their careers stifled because they are women. Moreover, Plaintiffs have also seen their working conditions negatively impacted because of the ongoing sexual harassment, misconduct, and bias which predominate the sexually-hostile working environment of Riot Games.” Riot violated California’s Equal Pay Act and law against gender-based discrimination"


no wonder the game innovation slowed down, when they have to deal wit such shit internally. Take-away lesson, don't hire women if you want to be competitive

Riot fucked it up so bad even addicts drop it

When you’re ready, the very thought of the game will sicken you, but until you hit that point, you’ll probably re-install.
>t. 2008-2013 straight LoL addict

Then you don’t play MOBAs ever again. Then you find HotS and it starts all over again...

>blizzard is any better

cancer shitgame