I'm renouncing my citizenship and moving to the Balkans

There is no point to living in this islamic shit hole anymore.
No one born here wants to fight for their rights and will gladly suck muzzie dick and lick their assholes clean.
fuck this place

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Fuck Ontario it's a shit hole

The west is chinked, the prairies are fucked, i'll never give a fuck about queerbeck and the east coast has always been hell

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your ”pol humor” threads.
Face it. most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history. get over it losers


Shouldn't you be bathing in shit?

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Checked. Designated shitting street.

Shit is breddy fugged desu just enjoy the clown show m8

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Aren't there more muslims in the Balkans than in Canada, and aren't they more insane than the ones here (at the moment)?

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i thought you maple-niggers were colonized by chinks the poos and Philippines

Yeah but our fearless leader loves sucking off the hajjis especially hard for some stupid reason. To make matters worse, the only real option we have to choose from besides him in our election this year is a shabbos goyim.

Did you know it costs $5k to renounce your US citizenship? And that’s before you get the IRS to come and audit your taxes to see if you owe anything or are trying to get rid of Us citizenship to avoid paying taxes on your income.

>No one wants to fight
>So I'm going to run
Good, Get out. And take a couple people with you while you're at it nigger

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Lol, I love how you bigoted racist antisemitic losers have to rely on fake news to feed your outdated opinions. You really are on the wrong side of history.

These are our niggers.
People wont even touch them. No one gives a fuck about them

hope you like drunks and rapists

>No one born here wants to fight

>runs away to another country instead of fighting.

I’ll take all the females!

not where my parents are from, besides at least the muzzies in bosnia aren't shit skins

To clarify: females 20-40 years old.

and how have you helped the cause?
>posts a pepe
yep, typical cuckadian.
lick those muzzie assholes clean while I'm gone

1 person vs the pro muzzie system.
this is why i call all burgers cutdick brain damaged slaves, you're beyond retarded

You can comb them for lice as foreplay.

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