BASED and REDPILLED Fictional Characters

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>you look like a Puerto Rican whore

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>unhealthy fat italian mobster who kills innocent people, cheats on his wife, gambles and drinks excessively

kys fag

>based and redpilled

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Lt. Mark Rumsfield

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Tony Soprano was a cocksucker compared to Al

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You're supposed to post your choice. Not bitch like a fucking cunt about someone else's choice, Nancy. Goddamn let you husband post.

the tool man was pretty based though

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>BASED and REDPILLED Fictional Characters

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>BASED and REDPILLED Fictional Characters

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kys newfag

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Clint Eastwood

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Dumb leftist wrote and directed this movie.

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Literally fought the ZOG his entire life

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Does it get more based and red pilled than this

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"Shut up!"

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"I'm alone not lonely"

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He did nothing wrong

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ya want a smack to?

Fucking this.

>nuclear family
>blue collar handyman
>not a filthy degenerate
>life lessons every episode

Here's a tough pill to swallow: No one on Jow Forums will ever measure up to this.

THIS! Also Burt Gummer was my childhood hero.

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>The whole project of world government -- going back to the League of Nations -- has been funded and manipulated mainly by wealthy bankers.
>Remember that the UN itself was built on land donated by John D. Rockefeller. The wealthy have always been the ones to profit from one-world government.
>The United Nations' secret goal -- well, this is David Rockefeller's description, from half a century ago: "the supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers."
>The UN was founded not to end war but to gradually dissolve national governments and replace them with a Globalist meritocracy.
>Average people never benefit from government and business on a scale they can't even understand.

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perfect timing

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Draco Malfoy

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literal cuck

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Is he dare I say /our guy/?

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Arthas did nothing wrong.

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>Land of Nod means "To wonder"

Pretty sure he'd be against Zionsim

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Literally did nothing wrong, but defend the greater good against vandal drugged up degenerate Daniel mentored by the child battering Demon King Myagi

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>Realized that everything happens in reaction to something else. A la how fascism rose as a defense from communism, which rose from blah blah blah

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untermensch orc
Degenerate midlife crisis boomer
Literal traitor
What did this faggot want to do again?
Glow nigger
Based aryan
>Israel foreign legion
Schizo lizard

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Did you see how this turned out tho? He had it all and he BLEW IT ON HIS EGO!

>that literal cock joke
Good scene, but he wasn't red pill enough to see that he wasn't getting off with his cash and prizes.

Indoctrinated puppet

The definition of red pilled.

Red Rover red Rover let Ray go on over.

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That was more of just him being him that a character. Sure there was a lot of acting but hes just like that normally.


>reeeeeee Phil whacked my fag
Nah fuck him

Whats this from?
>Why arent people labeling them?
How are other people supposed to find these red pill characters?

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Based Dredd. That's who he's based on, Harry Callahan

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>Indoctrinated puppet

A victim, but otherwise a patriot when not corrupted by the Reapers.

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Based film.

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