Transexual children HAVE THE RIGHT and should start hormonal treatment and sex reassignment surgery before puberty, so they will look like the sex they want to be when they are adults.
Prove me wrong.
Transexual children HAVE THE RIGHT and should start hormonal treatment and sex reassignment surgery before puberty, so they will look like the sex they want to be when they are adults.
Prove me wrong.
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And we HAVE THE RIGHT to do this to anyone who does this to young kids
you don't believe what you say so that is not possible
i dont have to prove you wrong.
The children will in a few years, when they start to sue you and all like you for allowing this kind of thing.
So its a self solving problem.
Nothing to see here.
>children HAVE THE RIGHT
children don't have rights
Didn't ol what's his face start on homone replacement treatment too soon so his dingle was too tiny to chop into a fake cooter and they had to use a length of his male intestine to make a phony vagina instead?
While transgenders are poor, sick in the head people that deserve pity; transgender apologist and body and soul mutilation enablers are dangerous sociopaths that deserve nothing but rope.
>Hey, I have an opinion about X, drop redpills in this thread.
I know this is low tier bait. You could have said this instead and you would of gotten the same response.
I also deserve the right to kill what i create. The government should stop trying to tell me what I'm allowed to do with my creation. I created it I should be allowed to entertain myself with it however I see fit. From what it seems though is as soon as a child is born it belongs to thr government
Is it kids becoming fags or the parents? Every kid I've known is ok with their gender, what causes these levels of degeneracy?
What a clear cut explanation. I now know the real enemy.
Its a combination of outside influences and parents that enable their children, allowing them to act this way. When a kid is that young, they are impressionable and easy to indoctrinate.
child abuse
You only want to fuck them. I could say all young girls should be on strict diets, have their hair dyed black, wear ice blue contacts and get full c cup implants. Because I want to fuck that. Doesn’t make it a moral imperative now does it.
>Prove me wrong.
beign gay lowers yout iq by 50 points on average, your way of life is flawed and pointless.
This guy here gets it.
been a while since i have played amnesia. that game had a killer soundtrack
Trans suicide rate proves you wrong
Is there anything worse than a tranny? Honestly they are the nastiest sub human, most disgusting, fucked thing on this planet. I thought about making a website that tallies every time one of them kills themselves just to remind me that good things still happen.
Filthy fucking pieces of shit..
and what is there no world conspiracy?
>Is there anything worse than a tranny?
Pedos, but I guess they go hand in hand
Obvious troll is obvious.
unironically referencing the daily mail
Point still stands, doesn't it?
who says a woman or a man should look a certain way? Who is to say a woman can't have a beard? No hormons necessary, just identify how you feel right?
you know all those suicidal trannies they talk about, well it happens because this treatment is nothing more than fucking up thier body, they realise they're freakshows and doing this shit to themselves didn't change anything except fuck up thier perfectly fine bodies. Not because of lack of acceptance and fucking bullying and shit. Children DON'T have the right to do what they want, they're dumb and naive that's why we don't let them go out on their own as soon as they can walk.
If this is ok then we should let them buy
When do children have the right to change the natural development of themselves?
Transexual children don't exist, they are just brainwashed.
>An astonishing 17 pupils at a single British school are in the process of changing gender, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
>Most of the youngsters undergoing the transformation are autistic, according to a teacher there, who said vulnerable children with mental health problems were being ‘tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex.
>The whistleblower says few of the transgender children are suffering from gender dysphoria – the medical term for someone who feels they were born in the wrong body – but are just easily influenced, latching on to the mistaken belief they are the wrong sex as a way of coping with the problems caused by autism.
>Earlier this year, The Mail on Sunday revealed that a third of youngsters referred to the NHS’s only gender identity clinic for children showed ‘moderate to severe autistic traits’.
>Children as young as 13 are being railroaded into changing gender by overzealous NHS therapists who parents fear are misdiagnosing their young patients.
>Concerned parents have spoken of their worry that clinic staff are ‘blindly accepting’ children’s claims that they were born the wrong sex and are failing to treat serious mental health conditions.
fucking kek
You are not capable of making a truly informed decision until you are in your early 20's. You are an advocate for child abuse. Die.
If a 3 year old says they're transgender you better listen. If a 3 year old says they're a tractor you better listen. Children are good at telling fantasy from reality and making long term decisions that will effect their entire life.
>the science the science the science
So you want to cut off your balls and have no sex drive to fulfill a fetish of prancing around in women's clothes effectively making that fetish useless to you once your balls are gone... Say what?
I feel like there's a disconnect.
Doing this to a boy is dooming them to a life of suffering.
My 3 year old wants to be a unicorn so I'm using this bone growing powder on a wound I've inflicted on his forehead so he grows a horn there. We're still working on how to create the hooves but the horn is a start at least.
Despite representing less than 5% of the overall population, Trans or Gender Non-Conforming people make up over 40% of the suicide attempts.
No. If they don't have the right to put alcohol, nicotine, or any other drugs into their body... why hormones that literally have worse effects than the latter?
nobody ever took playing pretend that seriously before all of this mind numbing social media garbage. buy him a dress and call it a day. no need for mutilation