>sell well known cancercausing herbicide for 30 years >sell company to germans >steal billions from germans by finally prosecuting new owners that are not resposible.
>if you cant have it you gonna ruin it >vw, huawei, bayer, china tariffs...
>basically have a shitty economy that keeps afloat trough shady international politics
>poison crops and food by using heribcid to make more money >get cancer >go to court >get billions
i dont even understand this shit if you get cancer from the teflon in your cookware or the caustic chemicals in your cleaning sprays you get NOTHING but these people get 2 BILLION
James Perez
>buy well known cancercausing herbicide production company >don't change the cancercausing effects of the herbicide >get sued
If I buy a shotgun that randomly fires, I'm going to be held accountable for keeping it loaded.
Matthew Cruz
california should be nuked.
Gavin Johnson
These people got $2B and yet there is still zero proof that glyphosate causes cancer.
This is what happens when you have 12 "average" people rule on something.
Based. Fuck monsanto the jews of genetic engineered crops
Kayden Jones
What a thoroughly nigger way to act and think.
"T-they waz doin it so we can do it too, ooga booga!"
Your herbicide causes cancer. You shouldn't have bought it if you knew this. You should have changed it after you bought it.
Kevin Howard
You subhuman realize that Bayer crop product increase yields massively? We are feeding the world motherfucker
Sebastian Moore
>steal billions from germans by finally prosecuting new owners that are not resposible. Do you seriously think the new owners wouldn't know about pending legal activity like this?
Jaxon Hughes
When will the "roundup causes cancer" meme die? Literally zero conclusive scientific studies suggest this.
Matthew Nelson
>want the benefits from hundreds of millions of dollars of agricultural genetic research and development >don't want to pay Who's the jew?
Oliver Murphy
Wtf I love glyphosate now
Ryan Evans
>cancercausing herbicide There is still no proof for this other than a study concluded by the eu
William Miller
You'd think Germans would be smart enough not to buy shit like this. Why buy the rights to a chemical like that except for pure profit? This is the price they pay for not doing research and acting cautiously.
Now, we need the makers of Atrazine to pay out $100B. We must cause the collapse of modern agriculture to save humanity.
Camden Cruz
glyphosate is amazing though.
Connor Bell
A lot of this has to do with international politics. Its basically the Chicken War all over again.
Glyophosphate is fine when used as your supposed to.
I prefer high test vinegar for my weed killer now but it's nice to get deep rooted shit and grass with glyo
Eli Flores
>increase yields massively
This is not true and shows how little you know about the topic. Do your research before you, in your usual German fashion, decide to dictate the lives of others based on your sick idiotic ideas.
I don t give a shit hans . Monsanto literally has the monopoly on genetic engineered plants. They force farmers to only buy their crap . Monsanto is cancer.
Carson Gutierrez
>Buy American corporation >Don’t expect to get sued High IQ German engineering everybody
That's completely wrong. DuPont, Syngenta, etc. still exist and actively compete with Monsanto. I don't know how things work in your country, but nobody's forced to buy Monsanto hybrids. People buy it because they keep Roundup dirt cheap. They almost make the stuff at cost to promote their seed sales.
Gavin Barnes
You damn Jewish fuckers
Yes, I work for Bayer Monsanto and am fucking proud of it. We are feeding the world. Thanks to GM seeds India managed to increase its yield by 50%
This. And Monsanto has no patent on Glyphosat. Other companies sell it as well
Josiah Green
Good job giving those people cancer you cretin, how could you
Mason Martin
Thanks for destroying the world by making food widely available to humans. Too bad you don't wanna let insects and other plants feed in the glory, eh? Just humans, for all we're fucking worth.
Congratulations on the collapse of the food chain cocksucker. Insects are disappearing, but hey John Q. Boomers lawn looks great because he soaks it in Round Up. Go kill yourself and please take the board of directors with you. In a generation or two you'll be looked at as environmental retards on the level of Mao. Ntm the whole Zika scare was your fault too, dumping agent orange level toxic garbage causing massive birth defects and blaming a virus as old as time in a panic to cover your tracks. Anyway, remember to kill yourself.
William White
>muh Zika Are you a nigger? Zika was developed to fight the tons of Niggers in this world
Anthony King
1. Shampoo is safe for human use, doesn't mean you should drink it. 2. That guy isn't a Monsanto rep or lobbyist, he's just some scientist.
Completely wrong. As a farmer, you decide what you grow (subject to government regulations). If you want to use Monsanto's shit, you have to pay. Why is this such a confusing thing to you hippies?
Oliver Perez
who wants to bet all parties involved are jews and this is just money shuffling to cook a few accounting books?
How about all the crop science haters in this thread fuck off to AOC and build themselves a nice mudhut to live in?
You Niggers realize that we can not feed your fat asses if every farmer uses his own feces only to fertilize his small field and removes slugs and other vermin by hand?
Asher Martin
Well hell. I had no idea... because honestly from my standpoint the answer to the whole population/resource problem is to euthanize every brainless undesirable sucking the teet of our intelligence and hard work. However, I am an entomologist who cares more about insects than I do about subhumans, so if your corps can find a way, please stop the wanton killing of my little winged friends. Carry on mein freund