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Art of the deal baby

lmao is there anything more pathetic and cucked than a trumpcuck?

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that's not how gofundme works.

>t. seething trumpcuck who lost his monthly salary ($300) on the wall scam


Fundraising and making money the Trump way baby

Crowdfunding is ripe for scams to the point where only idiots put money into them
More at 11

anyone retarded enough to donate to that deserved it.

I never gave money into that. So, i guess i'm not BTFO.

>still no wall
>"i guess i'm not BTFO"


And yet, it happened.

i actually got my refund

Yes but its not this easy to scam people from it. Look at the couple who got fucked donating to some fake homeless guy. You don't scam millions from gofundme, anyone who believes this should be shot in the head for being retarded.

I thought GoFundMe refunded everything?

Fucking aussies kek
my political opinions can pretty much be summed up as maga, but no way am I gonna crowdfund a multi billion dollar wall

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and yet it didn't. BLN News is not a real source.

Reddit boomers deserved this.

they changed what the goal of the campaign was and gave everyone an opportunity to "opt in". If you did NOT respond they automatically REFUNDED the money.
When I got my e-mail i just stopped responding and I got all of the money I pledged back. The only people who did not get a refund are the people who saw that e-mail and chose to keep their pledge.

Best $20 I ever got refunded it was like 6 months wages when converted to Canadian dollars

It’s true, he’s been exposed for fraud. He’s going to jail soon.

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I donated 10$ i dont care about 10$, it was the message that mattered. plus they're asked if i wanted a refund in an email...so

this guy will now go to jail due to theft by deception.

If the homeless guy and that couple who defrauded people on GoFundMe got arrested and prosecuted, then its for sure gonna happen.

>it was the message that mattered

The absolute state of denial by Trumpcucks hahahahahahaha

Paypal me $10 then, faggot. I can't believe cuckolds like you voted Trump if you're that fucking stupid

After digging, it looks like his "yacht" is actually a 600k boat he bought a year before the gofundme even started. And the "private jet" he was flying on was a veterans chartered plane or some shit. I'm a little skeptical about this being a fraud situation.

if thats the case then its just the media committing slander again, which isnt uncommon.

i don't know if it's the gofundme started by the cripple guy but he wouldn't steal from his supporters, he is a genuine patriot. it is probably fake news and he should sue

>scam idiots of a few millions
>buy a nice boat
>island hop in the Caribbean like John Mcafee and The Dollar Vigilante

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Damn, I gave 100 dollars to that thing all for what? So some guy can use it on a yatch, flying lifestyle and a couple of young girls while vacationing??

Ahahahaha good ole USA

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>Damn, I gave 100 dollars to that thing all for what?


To be fair, Trumpcucks do have a fetish for being conned though.

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What's so funny kraut??


this is apparently quintessential fake news... the guy didn't rip anybody off. he's a wounded veteran that gets to take Veteran's Airlift Command planes which is for that purpose. he bought the boat a year before his gofundme even came to be.

If you believe this bullshit getting spread, you are a gullible liberal shithead.

I think the lesson here is to avoid donating to anything that's either not connected to your local community or connected somehow to your immediate circle of family/friends (like for example a friend of a friend that needs donations for blablabla). I refuse donate to complete strangers on the internet no matter what the sob story is.

Well your comment made my feel a little better but can u give proof?

Oh no who coud have known


>I gave 10:dollars to some zoo trump retard to buy him a yacht
>it was a message

The absolute state

i got a refund so why do i care?


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>giving donations
This isn't how capitalism works.

Shut up dothraki, go rape your horse.

>literally zero proof


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reckon this is all just fake slander to encourage magapedes to refund the huge amount of wall money raised?

This is why I don’t trust the news. So much of it is unproven slander with no source


We're gonna build a wall and the media kikes are going to pay for it!

please be true

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Checked. Get bent OP

It's like bumper stickers, only the most retarded from both sides of the spectrum will do it.

Let's wait an see

that's all according to leftist journalists
it could be true but the source is that Will Sommer guy from The Daily Beast who is obsessed with Jow Forums and probably lurking in this thread right now

>lmao is there anything more pathetic and cucked than a trumpcuck?
A German?


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>literally paying for someone else's yacht
>i-i-it was a message g-guys!

But I didn't pitch in one red cent... Because I knew it was scam. It's literally impossible to accumulate billions in a short amount of time to fund a wall that over 70% of the money would in fact have gone to Jewsrael.

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Praise the kek

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Fake as fuck, the guy bought the boat before the go fund me. He would be in deep shit if he actually did this. Retarded leftists grasping at straws in the face of successful crowdfunding

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>More fake news

Funny how progs are always the ones who fall for this shit. I thought you were supposed to be so much more smarter?