Also, despite Germany benefiting from climate change with higher crop yields, nicer summers and lower heating costs, Germans list “climate change” as their biggest worry ahead of migrants.
Nice, Germany and Poland top EU states for “most pro European”
>In overall figures, immigration came out as the voters' top concern (35 percent), followed by climate change (29 percent), security (23 percent), economic inequality (18 percent), and national debt (18 percent).
>But just three percent of respondents said "all is well" on the migration front and just 14 percent said the EU had done a good job in handling the challenge.
>The majority of people (53 percent) in Italy, where most irregular migrants arrive, said it should not accept any more. The figure was the same in Poland, even though it took in hardly any of them. It was also high in Sweden (51 percent), which took in the most migrants per capita in recent years.
>But separate polling in Britain by Opinium for The Observer newspaper said that the Brexit party led by anti-EU MEP Nigel Farage was on course to win 34 percent of votes in the European Parliament (EP) election in May. The number was larger than those of the two largest parties - the Conservatives (11 percent) and Labour (21 percent) - combined.
>"For some people this is the ultimate protest vote opportunity. Actually, ironically this is, in a sense, for some people ... the second referendum," he said, in comments, which combined with the Opinium survey, bode ill for those who wish to remain in Europe.
But pic related is the biggest take away lol
>Germany and Poland top EU states for “most pro European”
>Immigration and climate change
The great left right meme war has entered a new phase
The majority of Germans are brainwashed slaves. Utterly confused and controlled by the media. They have no idea what the fuck is going on in the world and actually don't care about politics. They'll only jump on a topic if the media tells them to.
Same here, when I talk to my friends they know what's up with EU, but the TV and liberal movie/sitcom stars are constantly brainwashing younger people into believing in the propaganda.
Become a polish star yourself.
I don't think, that this is about being Pro-EU but just about the membership in the EU being beneficial, and every idiot would see, that in Poland's case it is beneficial...
In Germany's case it is only beneficial to those at the top
Polish land and non-polish people is a union made in heavens
>It was also high in Sweden (51 percent), which took in the most migrants per capita in recent years.
Well that's interesting.
>But it was the lowest in Germany (34 percent), which took in the most migrants in total.
Ach, Germany. Is it WW2 guilt?
No it's not. We're a cow being milked while looking at a pile of straw or hay the farmer put in front of us and going "wow, so much gibs" while more precious resources are being taken. People see the "sponsored by EU" plaque and are told it could never happen without it, but are never told how much non-EU money had to be invested too and what long term consequences to money came with. Or our strong sugar market that is now in shambles thanks to German businessmen and EU regulations, while Germany is opening new factories from which we have to buy sugar at increased price. And so on and so on.
Projecting much?
It is rather amusing for toilet plungers to be making themselves loud for being idiots.
Projecting what? That we're being used and people aren't questioning it because they're told the gib is big? Because that's what I just said.
>t. (((study))) with a pro (((EU))) bias
Lol I fucking hate you faggots so much.
Anyone got the Brandenburg gate, then and now with a fuckton of invaders loitering?
Nothing wrong with being pro european with other white europeans, what we don't take is the suicidal shitskin part of EU which didn't exist when we become member of it.
Who said polaks are white?
Pale nigroes yes, but fellow Europeans- no!
Its not on the table yet but they will say that climate is changing and all equator has to move to north/south
its their unplayed trumpcard
(((Polak)))) detected
The virgin UK Cucks vs the Chad Polish Hussar
Poopland stronk, kurwa!
look what you did with your anti-german Propaganda Siegermächte.
Polak vermin is at its best kraut bro
a-at least we are progressive...
>Germans list “climate change” as their biggest worry ahead of migrants
pure retardation
It is beneficial only on paper, in practice it does way more harm than good.