Should the US do more to pressure Poland on Jewish property restorations?

Why should Poland be able to keep buildings, land and other assets owned by 3 million Jews in Poland pre-ww2?


Georgette Mosbacher, the US ambassador to Poland, on Monday sought to defuse the latest row, saying the Just Act did “not impose any financial or legal burdens”.

“It’s just a one-off report for the US Congress, which is intended to analyse the progress of countries within the field of restitution,” she wrote on Twitter.

However, Poland’s decision to cancel the visit drew a sharp response from Israeli politicians. “After the Holocaust law, now the rightful return of property to the families of murdered Jews is off the table - that’s unacceptable and we, together with the international community will challenge this decision,” Yair Lapid, from the centrist Yesh Atid party, wrote on Twitter.

“The Polish government is using and abusing the memory of the Holocaust. It is Israel’s moral obligation to make its voice heard. The US government has to take a stand and say enough is enough. The Polish government must return to the negotiation table and discuss restitutions of rightful Jewish property.”

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Germany should be partitioned, prove me wrong

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Srsly wtf is wrong with you?

>poland is european country not flooded by jews and shitskins
>jews: oWo what's this...
>pay reperations goy

Scratch more toliets and pay your bills you stinky slavic polish basterds.

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Absolutely. Also let's talk about Poland's huge role in starting ww2. We should make them accountable for this too. And they should give Germany it's clay back too.

>The US government has to take a stand and say enough is enough.
That would be the most humiliating thing for the US, since Trump.
Can't wait to see that.

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>literally who posted literally what literally where

Man, I feel bad for Poland. Scooping all the congealed blood and Arab jizz out of Britain's toilet must be a nasty job.

We already have been partitioned... 3 times.

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