Hitler was a good guy

>raised Germany out of crippling poverty
>created millions of new jobs
>man of the people, universally loved amongst his own country men
>fought for his country and loved it so much he died for his values
>had no friends growing up but ruled over one of the most powerful nations on the planet.
Is there any greater Patriot than Hitler? ITT we remember Adolf Hitler.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>created millions of new jobs
>by making everyone go to the military

He was the second coming and he died for our sins
God bless

He killed his own people, though. People with mental illnesses like depression & anxiety for example. I’m not saying he didn’t have his merits but that’s not entirely patriotic.

Wrong. He sponsored many infrastructure and public projects.

Sad that Allied propaganda continues to this day.

The greatest. I am so sick of the lies.

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How could he be a good guy? He poisoned, shot, murdered his doggos.

>t. polack

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He didn’t though. Don’t believe everything (((they))) say.

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Based. The Greatest Story Never Told should be mandatory viewing for new members of Jow Forums.

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Woah what? Is there evidence that the idea that the Nazis killed off mentally ill people was just propaganda?

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Meant to reply to you there as well fuck ^

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Germany, like most developed countries of the time, had a eugenics program for sterilizing people with severe mental/physical defects. They didn't just kill people with personality disorders. That's absurd.

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Is there evidence that it wasnt propaganda?

to think.

That now, 100 years since his rise, that we would still be dealing with all the same problems.

I love watching the man in the hightower, not for the political message in the series, but for the picture it paints of a world in which the germans won.

If it was not for the british and their refusal to understand that germany did not want war with England, the world may have been a better place.

But as always, the british, eager to reclaim their former glory as the empire on which the sun never sets, decided to fight instead of agreeing to a peace, which would have seen the rise of a new world.

There’s no evidence that the Nazis systematically killed anyone.

people always say

"what if someone shot hitler"..

I ask, what if someone shot churchill? Stalin?
Marx? Lenin?

So basically as someone who suffers from anxiety I would’ve been sterilised anywhere, not just Germany, during the WW2 period ?

anyone has the pic of a swastika and a huge reichsadler behind it?

countries with eugenics laws.

Research it.

Psst... planned parenthood....

and killed millions of europeans and made everyone to universally hate natsoc, so epic....

>As soon as soldiers entered Austria they conducted mass arrests
>Claimed Czech land, promised not to invade it
>Invaded anyway
>"B-But German land!"
>Only a small percentage of it was German land
>Promised everyone he wouldn't invade Poland
>Signed a non aggression pact with Poland
>Made a back room deal with the Commies to launch a joint invasion
Let's also not forget
>Admitted he knew the war was lost
>Kept Germany fighting leading to the mass rape of innocent German women from Berlin to as far as Austria by Soviet dogs
Truly a based and redpilled guy! Also let's not forget
>DNA tests of his surviving relatives revealed they had Jewish ancestry

Actually the millions killed, were more due to the allied intervention...

But lets not wake you from your fantasy.

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What about people who were put in concentration camps and witnessed their whole family get killed? I’m not denying the numbers were likely inflated but it’s a bit far fetched to think that no one was systematically killed.


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Planned parenthood is a good example to be fair. God they’re fucking evil.

His regime was perhaps one of the most cringiest in history. He forever doomed Western society and Europe.

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He didn't want to fight a war, the jews forced him.

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Do the math.

its been done before.

But go ahead.

Oh, and while you are at that, research the soviet handling of their occupied zones...

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Well yes, hence why I’ve believed it for years.

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I do understand that the numbers don’t add up. But that doesn’t mean absolutely no one was killed in the name of eugenics.

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Lol this. Literally just LETS ADOPT COMMUNIST IDEAS BUT CLAIM WE'RE NOT COMMUNIST lmao if you look at Stalinism and Nazism there's very little differences, and the ones that are there are cultural

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I don’t agree with everything he did, but man some of the things he said were great.

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>and the ones that are there are cultural
literally the difference.

Eugenics was and still is a fact and guiding principle of planned parenthood and several other left leaning health practitioners.


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Very would be very little difference if the Nazis won. The only difference would be which boot was being licked and in what way was our culture being destroyed.

You're correct. The main and perhaps only difference was one emphasized the economy and the other the societal system

>C-Communism is okay if you incorporate Prussian militarism

Miss you Uncle

why was hitler the best national leader?

That's right, Hitler was a communist. You really are educated on the subject. Thanks for coming by and helping us out.

Literally invented the motorway and had it developed all over the country

>Constantly lied
>Made lofty promises
>Spied on all his citizens
>Sent another generation of young, hopeful, German men to die en masse in a hopeless war
Sounds like a LARP tbqh

Mate you're a LARPer gurentee you don't even own a copy of Mein Kampf or even know what happened in the Soviet Union. Fun fact: Stalin killed the Jews too. Same shit different day, you're falling for this romanticized bullshit because you're a weak minded cretin and believe there's some semblance of honor in fighting a hopeless war when in reality all he did was waste another generation of German men on false promises

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Churchill lost the empire, made london majority non english.
Country less powerfull than ireland which can veto in EU.

What would he do if he knew about rotterham?

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if churchill knew about rotherham?

Probably nothing.

If you ignore it, it doesnt exist or happen.

>Forgets the entire war

>Churchill lost the empire
Not really, you can blame that on the Kaiser and American money lenders
>made london majority non english
Germany did that by killing all our young white men on 2 separate occasions
>Country less powerfull than ireland which can veto in EU
Who runs the EU? That's right, the Germans
>What would he do if he knew about rotterham?
Blame the Germans

>That the Brits started

>If Jow Forums sayz it itz troo

built houses and subsidized new family creation

Or it could just be true. You wrecked the world, you have bad teeth, and your food is fucking awful.

I guess you forgot the famous speech from Chamberlain declaring war on Germany.


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Go start a post about who you like in history. The fact that you spend so much time in this one tells me everything I need to know about you.

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>Literally said to Germany: You know if you invade Poland we'll declare war on you
>Germany invades Poland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands
>Okay that's it we're declaring war on you
>UM WTF UK.???!
Lmfao at your pea brain

These literally make me cry...

The greatest story never told in 1080P.

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You're a fucking retard. Hitler himself had anxiety for most of his early chancellorship. Goebbels was a depressed wreck before the Reich. Hitler himself addressed this in his speeches and created social programs to help those who weren't able to survive. Here's a small segment (though with an incorrect translation)
Allied handling of occupation zones was as bad as the Soviets. American troops deliberately starved German prisoners and even made a new category called "disarmed enemy combatants" to bypass international treaties granting rights to prisoners of war.
TGSNT has a few false statements in it I believe. Hellstorm and Europa: The Last Battle are much better.

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>raised Germany out of crippling poverty
The US did that with it's foreign aid. It also provided the steel and aluminium that made the Luftwaffe and Armored divisions so effective.

>still buttblased

>reject peace
>okay thats it we're declaring war on you
>da ebul nacheese started da war
lmao at your buzzfeed knowledge

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Mate they only know pop history there's no point

Thanks for the info, I’ll watch the vid. But I was just misinformed not retarded.

This is very outdated. You should know damn well hitler didn't stick to those points at all, most of those plebicites didn't even happen (infact I think only one happened) but one of you retards will blame that on British aggression (a country that had a pathetic army, air Force and war economy at the time)
Absolute state. Cope

>supposed ally never gave a shit about Poland before Nazi Germany
Gentle reminder the Allies did not go to war over a bunch of Jews. If Jews were a catalyst for war, no one would go to war for them. This is why (((Churchill))) declared war, because he was afraid of a country expanding its borders. Hitler offered peace three times and three times did Britian refuse. Now fuck off you irate bong. God I fucking hate "Great Britian". Can't believe we had to go war to bail out this tiny pathetic island nation

That's good. I'm used to people either baitposting or actually being retards so I've come to treat most as such, sorry.

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>Polish communists roam the rural countryside killing ethnic Germans
>Hitler asks the polish government to put a stop to it.
>Polish government refuses
>Send in troops to save your ethnic countrymen
>A random island outside of Europe declares war
>Random island loses everything in the end
Lmfao at your peabrain

The US pretty much did what Moriarty was doing in Sherlock Holmes 2 (minus the retarded terror attacks) and supplying everyone with arms and materials
If japan hadn't attacked them, the US would have stayed out of the war till they decided everyone's bill came due and then would have made a fortune collecting everyone's debts.

>What would he do if he knew about rotterham?
>Blame the Germans
pakistanis did it let in by britain from the colonies got nothing to do with germany or the EU

>>Polish communists roam the rural countryside killing ethnic Germans
Outdated German propaganda. Find proof and I'll consider your point but if you can't (which you won't) I'm just going to ignore your retard meme arguments

do we apply a preponderance of evidence standard on all warcimes during WWII?

give it up, you cant convince a little britainer about how they were the cause of the war.

They want to keep believing they are still the empire and relevant on the world stage, and drink warm beer and fuck paki's

Do you have any idea of the terrible acts the Soviets would've enacted on that poor dog had Hitler not poisoned it? The Soviets were monsters, they would've butchered Blondi alive!

>This is why (((Churchill))) declared war
Churchill wasn't prime minister at the start of the war mate