A meme a day for the lolz of the day

So apparently Final Fantasy 7 triggers sjws and npcs LMFAO

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jow Forums: Tifa getting fucked by niggers

That's Futaba tho.

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we must protect the milk

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Is it breast envy again? Or something new this time?

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Isn't the original of this MF from League?

This is a garbage thread and you write like a middle schooler. Come back after you’ve gone through puberty you colossal faggot, you are a disgrace

Why should we listen to you? You cant even protect your own race.

They hate the buff nigger speaks like a buff nigger still. They want his lines changed


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Some Reddit fags are pissed about Tifa's bust size too. They'll find more though. Always searching for shit to bitch about.

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Last one

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Wut wuz dat wh*te boi?

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Did SE really remove the tit bounce in the victory pose in the remake?

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Unironically best waifu (next to Samus)

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nice overeem

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Your sister is doing well. tight asf

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sorceress from dragon's crown

They're always upset about everything.
If anything panders to them, then they complain about what how insufficient it was.
If anything doesn't pander to them then they barf the same old themes like sexualized females or stereotyped minorities, etc.

But that happens with everything on the internet, really. It's just a cacophony of people complaining all the time.

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There's already a black guy in that game