What would be the ideal fragmentation and why?
Balkanize this
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Look up the SEC conference. Those states. Plus maybe Oklahoma. All those other fags can fuck right off
Gib Holy Kingdom of Deseret
Jew and kebab removal.
yeah i'm fine with this, that'll be the nigger containment zone.
See this.
Confederacy (Southeast US, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia + Oklahoma)
Texas Republic
Arizona/New Mexico/SoCal/Nevada are a state for the beaners
Northern California, Western Oregon, Western WA are a state for the cucks
Eastern Oregon, Eastern WA, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming = De facto ethnostate, maybe throw in Dakotas
Colorado/Utah = Stormin Mormon Union
Dakotas + Kansas + Nebraska + Iowa = Plains
Michigan + Ohio + Illinois + Wisconsin + Indiana + = Midwest Republic
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, DC, Maryland, parts of Virginia = Atlantic Republic
New England = New England
Alaska and Hawaii get annexed or go independent
>Texas to California
Race mixed to oblivion mongrel hordes + asians
Last stronghold of the White Man on the North American continent
>Jews have all relocated to Israel and China now that the destruction is complete.
t. time traveler from 2035
In this scenario, the Midwest (mostly), Confederacy (if you force out the niggers or carve out a territory for them), Plains, Texas (beaners though), East Northwest, and Colorado/Utah would be relatively conservative or white.
Jews would take the Atlantic and LA
Ideally the Jews would be forced out though but that's probably where'd they try to go (NYC, LA, DC), or the Cascade Republic with all the pozzed SF/Seattle/Portland cities.
Throw them in the ocean because fuck them.
I've been studying every proposed American province, state & territory, it's pretty interesting to learn what might have been.
In an alternative timeline, there could have been at least 16 major states if the rest considered joining to make larger territories, but didn't in favor of power of state and county. Most likely for the better however.
>Jews would be forced out though but that's probably where'd they try to go (NYC, LA, DC), or the Cascade Republic with all the pozzed SF/Seattle/Portland cities.
And then they would start whipping those regions up into a frenzy to attack us.
Sec, big ten, big east, Pac 10, big 12 pretty accurate
Replace big East w acc. Mountain west also. New York independent or takes nj dc virginia. NE is own state.
This is the most accurate but dc and NYC wouldn't separate, Boston and NE would seek independence.NYC would take upstate NY and jersey/Philly east PA. DC take NoVa to NYC. WV and perhaps Kentucky blue. Missouri grey. Idaho Wyoming green. Wtf is Utah doing???
>What would be the ideal fragmentation and why?
Pic related (I made it) would be ideal for several reasons.
If we balkanize into several large states within CONUS other major powers will play them off against one another and the former CONUS will turn into the proxy battleground of any other nation that matters on the world stage.
If we have a more controlled balkanization with just a small excising on several smaller sub regions while maintaining the larger CONUS as a nation we can effectively enforce a Monroe doctrine 2.0 (and no, not like the BS in Venezuela)
This map lays out how most of the "Clinton Archipelago" would be cut out. Shitlibs would permanently lose on a national scale and a true nationalist party could step forward and slay the cucked GOP. Negroes would get their own state (2/3rds of mississippi and NO), SA spics would get S FL, and shitlibs would have their own areas (So Cal and NYC/NJ/DC/Baltimore)
Any shitlib we could peacefully deport
Some would self deport
Same goes for the beans and the nogs, any black prisoner we insta deport to their new state. Also after a year or so those that don't self deport offer them $$ to move, it will save us money in the long run. I suggest 150k, seeing as they cost us 750k across a lifetime I'd call it a deal.
Chances are all these new states (remember we're preventing foreign intervention) collapse upon themselves in a decade or so. If they do, great, we walk back into fallow soil without a shot fired. If they don't, still great, we have rid ourselves of a massive problem in our society and have more than enough land to survive and thrive.
Obviously strict border controls would be enforced. These people would lose US citizenship. We'd do heavy vetting to let the few white "conservatives" in the shitlib areas back into CONUS. For any whites in the cut off areas that aren't shitlibs compensation for lost property would be in order.
>OK joins TX
you have to go back, meximutt. your map is bad and you should feel bad. also suck a dick, spic
blacks get Louisiana, jews get deported to Israel, Mexicans get chased below panama, usa rules north America and starts to look to our northern border
t. amish fuck from the planes. your woman probably is built like r2d2... fuckin pioneer bodies.
>Pic related (I made it)
Shame to lose California. It could be restored to it's 1940s glory.
Every Latino and Black would be sent to their own countries.
why do you give them more than 1 state?
>Every Latino and Black would be sent to their own countries.
Yeah. That also applies to the Chinese and Filipinos. No more Chinese colonies in Canada, Australia or the U.S.
oh your a Norwegian. nice death metal yall have, but please fuck off trying to give florida and alabama to the brothers...
What would Hitler do?
Take it all over because why not
>Take it all
Yeah, that's right.
Oregon is going to become a nazi colony
>Shame to lose California. It could be restored to it's 1940s glory.
Could be
The point is right now in reality it's totally fucking lost
All of these areas are totally lost as is
It's conquered territory
We can hold on to it for nostalgia or embrace the hard truth and excise these cancers from our nation to preserve the republic and the European peoples that live in it
I look at all of this as a temporary loss of land
As I stated in my post, if we enforce a Monroe doctrine 2.0 and don't allow China, Russia, Israel, Mexico, Canada, etc. to interfere in the affairs of these states there is a good chance they will collapse in a decade or so, maybe less.
The new Kang republikz will turn into a giant detroit like containment zone
Commie socal will go full retard shitlib and be a Venezuela onto itself with a few short years
South FL will also turn into another Venezuela like basket case (hell, half of Venezuela is there now)
The shitlib containment zones on the eastern seaboard might survive a bit longer, specifically the NYC/NJ/Long Island state
Either way, I think that map is the only chance we have at a peaceful divorce that could actually work while not having the US turned into a giant proxy warzone
>Every Latino and Black would be sent to their own countries.
Norwaybro this is totally unworkable
Mississippi is the only state where blacks are even close to a majority at 39%
Yes I know they're a majority in DC, however it is not a state.
Either way in the rest of the South they have a handful of counties per state where they dominate. The rest of those states are filled with the most armed and pissed off white people in the country. Those white boys from the south are the majority of the actual fighting arm on the US military.
Good ol boys from the south are more attached to the land than just about anybody in the US. You tell them that the land that their granpappy's granpappy's granpappy bought is now going to be run by negreos and you will have a bloodbath on your hands the likes of which has never been seen.
If you want to do it in the most peaceful way possible they get the majority of Mississippi and New Orleans. They've essentially ruined those places already and (demographically) run them as is. Nothing else. As a population they hold 0 power. They cannot organize and can't fight for shit (I mean in a true military sense, not sucker punching unsuspecting whites on the sidewalk).
This would be nothing more than a containment zone to ship most of our prison population to.
Once my Wayne-rays become fully operational we won't need the Balkans anymore.
Why fragment muttland when you can instill a civil war and wait until they are weak enough to be taken whole?
Because I'm pragmatic. It's better that they get more land than they deserve, than to continue the muttification of Europe 2.0
Only correct answer coming through
The future belongs to the Midwest. Everyone else is nearly a lost cause.
New Cannan- Theocratic state under the mormons
>Greater Rhode Island
Looks like New Jersey is back to being beautiful bois.
>Because I'm pragmatic
Giving the blacks a territory where the local population will slaughter them is not pragmatic
Giving them a space they control currently and is sized to their population is
Once again I repeat, with an emphasis on Georgia and Alabama, the states you listed are filled with the most well armed and craziest white people in this country. You have no idea what sort of hornets nest this would stir up.
>It's better that they get more land than they deserve, than to continue the muttification of Europe 2.0
Give them a state, as I listed in my realistic map
Cut off gibs in the rest of CONUS for them
Instantly deport black prisoners in CONUS to new Kangland
See how many move
The ones that don't incentivise them with cash and an offer that debt collectors could not follow them to their new kang republic
This would be the only solution that would not end in mass bloodshed
The local population will move out. How will you convince blacks to leave the rest of the country? The latinos? You have to give them something they see as a good deal. Nothing stands in the way of conquering these territories later.
yeah this, any nigger trying to enforce this would be slaughtered
do you know how many great ambush points there are along the mason-dixon line? an insane amount where people know the land inch by inch
those little vietnamese ambushes in nam would be nothing, comparatively speaking
I would much rather move all the niggers to the north so all the dems and libshits can see why we hate them so much.
The south is such a pretty place. I'd hate to see it further tainted with even more nigger presence.
50 states with a central government
Articles of confederacy
>The local population will move out.
This is what I'm trying to tell you
They will not
They are the most well armed white people in the country
They have the most fighting men that have served and are currently serving in the military
They are more attached to their land then white men in any other area of the country
The fucking combined Chinese and American militaries could not dislodge these people, you simply do not understand white American southerners
>How will you convince blacks to leave the rest of the country?
Cut off current gibs
Offer them 150k cash plus debt shelter if they move and renounce their citizenship
Most nogs here think that's royalty money, most of them would chuck their own baby in a blender for that kind of money.
My rough estimates 85% would voluntarily move under these circumstances
>The latinos?
That's a different story
Once again refer to my map
If you theoretically got SoCal to separate there is a very high likelyhood of it going full shitlib and instantly declaring infinity amnesty
Facing increasing crackdown on deportation a lot of illegals would self deport. Also keep in mind in my map South FL would also be a separate entity, it is far more south and central American than mexican.
As far as the legal latinos go if you look at the areas I cut out of the US, only Arizona, Texas, and Colorado remain as Latino strongholds (as picrelated shows).
You could take one of 2 routes to ridding the nation of these people
1 would be Operation wetback 2.0. We've done it before, we can do it again. With my map in my first post the US would be far whiter and far more politically unified than it currently is. You would have the political will and capital so to speak to be able to undertake such an operation.
Option 2, take the same route you do with blacks. Most legal hispanics are on some sort of welfare. Cut if off. See how many leave. Then the ones that don't take the same approach as the blacks. Offer cash to leave.
Thank you user. Born and raised Mississippian here and can confirm that just about every single white person that lives here cannot stand niggers. To lose all the beautiful land and nature to a bunch of shitskins that would only ruin it would likely cause some sort of revolution. Send them all to California. Would be funny seeing the libs deal with them.
>yeah this, any nigger trying to enforce this would be slaughtered
>do you know how many great ambush points there are along the mason-dixon line? an insane amount where people know the land inch by inch
>those little vietnamese ambushes in nam would be nothing, comparatively speaking
This, all of it
Anybody that thinks that much of dixie could be given to the blacks has never talked with a few good ol boys in the deep south
My family has a 2nd home in the middle of nowhere in GA
Blacks there are totally different from the blacks in the city where I'm from. Blacks in my area, and most of the urban areas I've been to think fucking with white people is a sport. They have 0 fear of repercussions. First time I interacted with blacks in the country in GA I was shocked. They treated me with an air of trepidation and respect.
Couldn't figure out why
Neighbor comes out one day, starts talking about nogs
Tells me "color boys don't drive by the VFW, they just shoot em"
Me thinking this is hyperbole of some sort say "You mean they just yell at them"
He goes "no, they shoot niggers on sight in broad daylight"
Then I finally got it, blacks in the country in GA are scared shitless, for good reason, of whites there.
Sorry Norway man, I mean this in the most respectful manner possible, but you have no concept of what life in the deep south is like.
we need to implement Operation Fire Rising and stoke as much hatred between the right and left as possible to break this country up.
>They are more attached to their land then white men in any other area of the country
Bikini Bottom
this is true. we want those federal motherfuckers out of our countries.
>Thank you user. Born and raised Mississippian here and can confirm that just about every single white person that lives here cannot stand niggers. To lose all the beautiful land and nature to a bunch of shitskins that would only ruin it would likely cause some sort of revolution. Send them all to California. Would be funny seeing the libs deal with them.
Lol sorry I suggested parts of your state as being their new state in my first post.
Would whites there be willing to leave/give up the deep purple parts of the state in picrelated?
Knowing what I know about the rest of the south I've been to/grew up in I know the answer will probably be no. Just curious if it's beyond saving or not.
the africans must be repatriated
>the africans must be repatriated
Easier said than done
The easy part would be securing a part of Africa for them
Dictators (see "presidents") of their countries are bribed easily enough. A few billion should do it to get one of them to agree to let them in. The hard part would be getting the negroes to agree to leave
If we gave them part of a state in the US it would be much easier. Many of them are convinced they are owed land here. Telling them, even with a cash offer, to "go back to Africa" would be a much tougher sell and met with much more resistance.
If you didn't want it to turn into a complete bloodbath you would have to do a decade long campaign paying off rappers to promote the idea. Then cut off gibs, offer up 150k cash and debt shelter if they renounce their citizenship. I'd even be willing to throw in all the blunts, purple dranks, and air jordans on the boat ride over once they get on.
Finally our navy would do something useful for once.
>Would whites there be willing to leave/give up the deep purple parts of the state in picrelated?
yes, probably
>yes, probably
In my first map its broader regions
Here's a better representation of what I'd propose as Führer
For the most part, hell no. Maybe some of the younger people (in their 20's or so) would. But for the most part, just about anyone here regardless of age wouldn't ever be willing to leave. The land is like something sacred to the people down here. It's one of those things where everyone knows everyone, who owns what land, who owns what business, who hunts where, etc. That's another big deal to the people down here. Hunting. And usually the people that really like to hunt down here buy their own plot of land to hunt on. That, and being out in nature is really nice. Losing that land to niggers? They'd sooner fuck the opposite sex multiple times. Which is still a pretty big no no down here. There's also the tradition of an older family member dying and passing their land and house off to their children. Essentially, the hatred for niggers down here is so strong that it brings people together. That one user was right about niggers down here not being the same as some of the ones living in the city. No, the ones down here are born and bred monsters. They rarely work and only live off welfare, the majority of them treat every white person like shit, they litter, they always get some 13 year old in public school pregnant, and bully kids that aren't black going to public schools. There's more such as just a ton of drugs, murder, assault, robbery, etc. The usual nigger act. However down here the rates of crime are really high with them.
Which is why whites down here, be it redneck, hillbilly, country boy or girl, or even just regular people hate them.
If Mississippi could get rid of niggers people would be a lot happier. The state is considered to be one of the most unhappy states and for good reason.
If only user. By the time that happens, and there's absolutely no chance it will, I will be old or dead. But if still alive, I'm going to sit on my porch, listen to the sounds of nature, and smoke the fattest blunt. God would that be a wonderful day.
I have to wonder, not that it's even up to the president, but if one were running that offered to do just that, how many whites would vote?
>That one user was right about niggers down here not being the same as some of the ones living in the city.
That was me as well
Basically your rural nogs sound like the city nogs by me
In GA I noticed they act with a sort of reverence because they're scared shitless, but it was a black town surrounded by white towns
They still engage in nog shit
Stole all the peaches off our tree when we weren't there, my neighbor caught the bastard, and of course he bix nooded and claimed it wasn't him as he was walking down the road with a sack full of peaches.
They will still get away with whatever they can, but they have a healthy dose of fear in them.
Either way, I guess our only 2 options then are socal or africa
Does anyone else think there needs to be serious consideration to split America up into 6-8 autonomous regions each with their own head of state? Not necessarily even splitting up the Union, but giving the regions more autonomy. I just think the current system barely works at all, America is so retardedly big and spread out that it just doesn't work
>I have to wonder, not that it's even up to the president, but if one were running that offered to do just that, how many whites would vote?
Currently? Not enough
If picrelated happens, I think a majority
If we cut out those shitlib areas our politics would change overnight
Our elections would basically be Ron Paul style constitutionalism vs Fascists
Current cuck GOP would die or transform radically
I think it is achievable in our lifetime
I've said if before on /pol everyone should put their memeing energies into gaslighting the shitlibs in cali to separate
There's already an organic movement there that wants it
I say give those tards what they want
It wouldn't be that hard to gaslight them
If they separate even then it would vastly improve the country (fuck the GDP, I'll take a coherent nation thank you very much)
Then just cut out NYC/NJ/Long Island and we'd be in a much better position politically. Along with that racially we'd be double digit % whiter overnight as a country.
Talking about this made me remember something actually. Lived on a hill on a nice house with a fence around it with my parents. They had 4 dogs, 3 German shepherds and a Dutch shepherd. One day I saw some nigger walking up the road, and of course some of the dogs try to run up to him. They weren't violent. We're pretty sweet but we're trained to attack. Nigger started throwing rocks at them. It filled me with rage. Had my dad been home, nigger wouldve been shot. Maybe fed to the dogs, but maybe not a good idea because nogs have aids.
If we’re balkanizing,bet your ass we’ll be annexing parts of leafland and Mejico.
>Nigger started throwing rocks at them. It filled me with rage.
My real redpill on the blacks was when I had to actually live around them as a poor college student
Growing up I didn't necessarily like them, but didn't know how bad it was. To give you an idea of how redpilling my childhood was my Oma and Opa moved from Germany after the war because everything was bombed to shit. Came home from school in kindergarten, Opa asks me "vat zid you learn in ze schule today"
user: "I learned Hitler was a bad man and Einstein was really smart"
Opa: "Ach zat damn Pollock teacher of yours is spreading lies! Hitler vas a saint und Einstein vas a damn jewish thief"
Proceeds to go on 45 minute diatribe on how Einstein stole all his ideas from his students, looked it up later in life, Opa totally vindicated.
Back to the groid redpilling
Go to uni
1st year live in dorm
2nd year fuck that, get apt
Hear someone breaking in, they walk in apt, load rifle, bolt slams home, person runs out door, chase down hallway, of course the eternal groid
Buddy gets jumped in parking lot by a pack of nogs, I intervene knife in hand to get them to stop
Other buddy got held up at gunpoint by nogs on jogging trail
Move to new place, still in shitty area
Come home one day to 50 negroes having a giant brawl for no apparent reason in parkinglot
Nogs move in next door
Dog walking around, nigger kicks dog for just walking by, filled with same rage you mention
My perception of them has never been the same since
>indiana taken over by a shattered version of kentucky
doubt, they cant find their way through our corn fields
Never give up an inch of clay
All leftists run out of the country
I support the great nation of Super Texas.
>Never give up an inch of clay
It is this moronic sentiment that will end up fucking us
You've already given it up
Detroit gone
DC gone
NYC gone
Jersey gone
New Orleans gone
Chicago gone
Deerborn gone
Baltimore gone
Atlanta gone
Miami gone
2/3rds of the California coast gone
Most of the border region in the SW gone
You can either sit there and go "hurr durr this always gun be murica"
You can do a tactical withdrawl. Any of the places I just mentioned you either live in and want to leave, or you couldn't be paid to move to. Cut out the cancers that don't resemble America in the least bit anyway. Make it official. Wind up with reduced borders, but once again have a more politically and ethnically unified country. Apply white time preferences, build your strength, uncuck your people, and retake what was stolen from you.
become best friends with FDR and hang out on the ranch while negotiating trade deals between the greater reich and the US.
>become best friends with FDR
Patton he'd be friends with
Eisenhower he'd work with
FDR he'd hold his nose while cutting deals
I propose seperate houses in each state, one for the rural areas and one for the cities, perhaps make the senate rural and house cities. They will have equal powers
I don't know if it's possible to decentralize federal system, since it requires the feds to take power away from themselves, all you'll see is more power creeping into DC and less to the individual states over time.
What really has to change is the voting standards
Letting everyone with a pulse over 18 vote is the dumbest shit ever
I think first and foremost there must be a national basic training (not service) something like the Swiss model. This would be mainly to beat the soi out of urbanites.
Reqs to vote (must meet all 4)
1. Pass basic training without issue (no awol type shit)
2. Own land free and clear (not a (((mortgage))) holder)
3. Must have produced children in a marriage
4. Must pass 1 time test much harder than current US naturalization test (which most white burgers couldn't pass currently)
If these reqs were put into law every single voter would be a(remember all 4, not just 1)
Land owner
Roughly above 110 IQ
This would give a permanent incentive for men to aspire towards things that are individually healthy and healthy for the nation as a whole. It would ensure that every voter is competent and has a stake in the future of the nation. Lastly it would be much harder and gaslight and subsequently cuck such men. The common rabble can be easily gaslit and tricked. Men who meet all these requirements have a bit more agency.
We can change the form of govt in any way we want. More centralized or decentralized it's meaningless unless we change who gets to decide shit.