And they came for your kids and still you did nothing white man

And they came for your kids and still you did nothing white man

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Every. Single. Time.

What is the story with this Alia chick?

Blockhead joe at it again. ”””Reporters””” going after children should really not be legal. Also, daily reminder that this happened

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blockhead back at it again, imagine being this guy lmao. a gossip merchant talking about childrens shitposts

Bad goy, bad goy watcha gonna do? Watcha gonna is when the Jew come for you

>Whoring out your child to read shit on the internet instead of yourself.
unironically cringe and bluepilled

Sam kind of deserved it tho, it may not be directly in his blood but the guy is every much a kike as Bernstein is. He literally pulled the same shit on one of his own fans.

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Do you have to prove you own the video fo the copyright strike to be legit? Could be anyone larping

Yes you do, you have to fill out a large form.

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No, no. You have to make the syllables/cadence match. Like this:
>Bad goy, bad goy, watcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do when the jews gas you?

This was published today, spread the news

watch her completely fold when being told israel is our ally and jews are our friends. skip to 29m52s in

BREAKING NEWS! 14 year old rat bait strikes again!

>your kids
>implying I give a single shit about future generations

well he does look like jew, has jewish name, had media exposure and also behaves like a jew
probably just a (((coincidence)))

Das amazin.

Every. Single. Time.

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I got my 8 year old niece on vid saying "gas the jews"

We don’t want this kikery

By the comments, I can tell that not a single fucking one of you bothered to watch the video.
Get your ADD in order, stupid, millennial faggots.

Oh Bernstein. What a kike.


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>"I've been covering this stuff for a while now and this is the most shocking thing I've ever seen"
lurk more Joe

Can I get a basic gestalt

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You think the west needs muzzies or is the final nail already in the coffin?

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I would think that would get infected

>listening to Cracker Joe

islam is a punishment against degeneracy as a consequence of letting jews rule

I think he hit the wrong marks on that one. His parents probably called him smart instead.

Blockhead Joe running smear campaigns on little girls now I see.





This needs to be delt with. Targeting children is crossing the line. You'd think after 200 journo's got put out after Covington Catholic they would have learned their lesson. Mr. Cuckstein needs a lesson in manners...the lulz'y way. All day. All night.

To the MODs, I told you this fucking fag patrols here looking for reasons to slander the other day. Im not going to let him target children without repercussions

>and still you did nothing white man
Im putting his whole fucking family, in the 'darkzone'. I assure you, I will be doing more than most.

>Attackers installed Pegasus on target users’ phones through WhatsApp’s call function, according to the company; users did not even have to answer the call to become infected. Pegasus can turn on a target’s microphone and camera at will, peruse emails and texts, and track location – all without the target’s knowledge
During Pizzagate, James Alefantis was scared shitless about "The Pegasus Unit" getting put out. He threatened a youtuber and his mother than tried to blackmail him. He told him, he can leave up everything...the kill room...shit about the kids...the satanic shit *BUT* he only had to take down the Pegasus Unit shit. FUCKING SAVED! And should be it's own thread...

no bs, anons, was that tweet real?

Shut the fuck up retard. You and other brainlets like you are the reason Soph is being blocked.

I've seen it. It's real.

Lol, how? I don't fucking use social media. And take your 1 post...and shove it up your stank rotting pussy slut. Your opinions are as worthless as you

Yeah just googled it. Color me (((surprised)))... and even more (((surprised))) that he didn't get banned by twitter...

he'll never write for the NYT.

>viewtiful joe

but the 11 year old drag queen, now that's cool and powerful

Listen, and listen good. Im actually...getting ready to 'come back' to social media, soon, within the next 30 days. It's been a loooooong time, many years. But I assure you, 'when' I come WILL know about it. Im going to make headlines fffffucking your world all kindsa up...all in one day XDDDD

ya senpai the key is to just be jewish and white. whenever someone gets into racial shit i just ask them "bro you antisemetic?" and they shut right the hell up


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Doesn't twitter ban people for trying to incite violence?

Yes, and they refused to even make him take it down

>this is the person calling me mudslime on Jow Forums

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user the archive is literally in the screenshot

Joe Bernstein should be put in the oven

Attached: who-would-win-the-jews-some-pizza-ovens-18004832.png (500x342, 81K)

Archive this shit - I aint contributing to this clickbaity website's crap!

Take your eceleb bullshit back to plebbit and stay there.

You're the kike stealing shit

the guy posted the vids to shill for sam because Sam's monetized channel got taken down, he could have been DM'd about them. Sam should be the first to know how much it sucks to get deplatformed.

Sam basically threw a hissy fit because VMUdream entertained the idea that Sam might not be a good person.

Attached: vmu.jpg (592x125, 15K)

You should follow suit. You're not wanted here...

are you the same guy that posts this in every thread

where's the tranny image

your attempt at deflection doesn't change the truth

Tell me what's kosher, Bernstein.

When I heard her say 'BCE', I decided I never want to hear another thing from her.

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>they came for your kids

Those perverted jews are at it again.

Likewise, but let me tell you this, one copyright claim doesn't outweigh all the goodness Sam has put into the world.

KILL a filthy Jewish kid on your way to work tomorrow

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(((They))) are afraid.

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we created ONE.. .we can create an entire ARMY.

Paul Atreides sister?

Maybe the white man should do something instead of talk about it on a Slavic macaroni arts and crafts forum.

Ayatollah Soph will deliver us from the Judaic serpent

wew didn't know she grew up
Protest when?

Here is the original for you all. This meme is my pride and joy of Jow Forums

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Hahaha if a kike used that on me I'd be so fucking happy and BEAT THE LIVING SHIT out of him immediately

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the comments of people freaking out are amazing.

you wouldn't do shit, toothpaste

Just tell me, how was YouTube able to decoment and demonetize Soph's channel? Now her videos are being blocked, too.

Not if she keeps getting blocked in YouTube.

just remember to burn the body
their rotten souls in turn poison their flesh making them useless as fertilizer

It makes me really sad that Jews would censor a cute little girl. If there really is a day of the rope, then I won't feel bad about having to deal with the Jewish kids.

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>they dont know who (((blockhead joe))) is

i remember her i think it was 2015 making those commentary videos
how times change

She's got an alia atreides thing going

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>muh Jews
The "Jews" aren't censoring anything whiner. You censored her with your cries of "muh pedos!" to YouTube. When you created that scandal, you scared the major advertisers away from YouTube, so you left them no choice but to change the algorithms to avoid recommending videos by children, and to demonetize their videos and channels and disable comments to them. "thunk of da chilluns!!"

Good old Viewtiful Joe heh?

One of the buzzfeed jews literally just wrote an article about his campaign to deplatform soph because she hurt his feel feels. Stop lying

>how times change
Yeah Nigel they sure do. Retards make them change even faster.

Fucking mental garbage. You caused the damage and aren't even man enough to admitt it.

Attached: FGuuk.gif (500x209, 989K)

Stop picking on little kids you kike

Seriously sick fuck?

>LEL OMG, dis girl so based
>she like swears a lot and says /pol stuff

Losers. All of you.

>Bernstein, Buttfeed reporter
every single time