This slut reports a rape to the police against someone she had sex with and smoked with...
Can someone explain this behavior ?
Bitch decides to accuse of rape
Other urls found in this thread:
>surfing 2x on plebbit
>posting said 2x on Jow Forums
>meme flaggot
please do not breed
Don't know what to tell you man
Just go back nigger.
Sorry but sharia law requires four witnesses. Inshallah justice shall be done.
Because she thinks it would be fun and make her feel good. It's that simple. If your slave has something you want, you take it. You don't think about what the slave feels, you don't worry if you're a good person. You just take what you want because you know that nobody will think less of you and you won't ever suffer serious consequences for it. In fact, it's encouraged.
The question isn't 'why did she do it?', it's 'why isn't every other woman doing it?'
why is the name blurred, faggot. britney venti retweeted this if you want to see who this cunt is.
You knew what you were doing leaving out that word
If you look up that name she's a prostitute...the weirdness makes sense now.
why you guys so obsessed with venti milkers. is it because the pics i found of her are all jailbait from when she was likely 16-17?
post em or gtfo.
I wouldnt even rape her
He didnt pay up
i think its because shes clearly a desperate incel and they think she might not be out of their league?
The dude should just murder her and enter jail from the main gate.
I hope they get the guy who painted her face like that. Thats just evil.
When you’re a victim of rape or sexual assault, it’s much easier to recognise when people are lying or exaggerating what happened to become a victim. This is a disgusting attention seeking lie...
she probably saw him smiling at a hotter chick
So, did she recount the story of her rape?
she is attention whore.
she doesn't have any values.
just whore out and seek attention
Too late, I already have.
I hate Reddit.
Fuck off.
It’s staged to add fuel to the male vs female d&c op
>Posts a screenshot from reddit
>”Hey guys fuck plebbit amirite haha”
Face leafy justice memeflag scum
R*dditards should be tracked and put down on sight
Fucking shit site.
>Haha that website is so bad can I be in the cool kids club I have all the same opinions haha
Imagine believing the word of a prostitute?
Half of america believes anything that Stormy Daniels says...
>Can someone explain this behavior ?
Fools have been trying to explain women's behavior for thousands of years.
Literally a whore.
I don't believe this is a real person. Seems like your typical Reddit LARPer. I like posting fake stories on /choosingbeggars/ and /relationships/ myself. 2xc is probably the easiest board to LARP on for attention since they believe everything.
If it really is a porn can't trust a word she says for obvious reasons lol.
Ah, so really it was theft, not rape.
Jesus all that flab in her photos. Normally even whores post good pictures of themselves, what is this?
She even has a website. Classy!
These people should be hung for what they do to the real rape victims
>2 hours
>1200 euros
What in the actual fuck? In Paris where the normal going rate is like 100 per hour, and where you can easily find non pork girls?
600 Euro's an hour is what she charges, give or take.
أَشْـهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلـهَ إِلاّ الله ، وَأَشْـهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمّـداً رَسـولُ الله
100 would be reasonable if someone has to pay for it, but not for her.... she's gross.
>what I did was way more difficult than what he did
only truth in the story, lying to police is way harder than fucking some slut
This is what flat truly looks like. There is no justice for flatags lmao
This leaf actually read the post and is correct for a change.
She's a midget whore
>I told the truth
>even the unseasy ones
>I did have consensual sex with this man before
>I smoked cannabis
>it's not my dealer
Your honor, everything is clear.