>blacks are set to become the majority of the population by 2030
What the fuck happened Jow Forums
>blacks are set to become the majority of the population by 2030
What the fuck happened Jow Forums
Non-whites will become the majority and that is because of the virtuous nature of governments in the West. What does it matter to the government if the hordes trap in economic servitude are white or non-white? As long as the governments can maintain control whites can be wiped out and non-white hordes can rush to the governments begging for assistance keeping the governments in power.
Wait til manticore gets released.
>*turns off ur international aid*
nobody even knows how many blacks there are in America. my guess is that they are already the majority and the gov is keeping it on the DL. Drive through the country and ask yourself what you think the real percentage is.
If you think that a nation with all seven deadly sins is virtous than you probably think God is bad
can confirm. i live in a county that is supposedly 93% white (this county has no city it's all rural) but every other person i see is a nigger. so there's no way.
40million is alot of niggers. Even if it's only 13%.
You're saying that the average American city is 1/8th black?
white people became to weak. allowed your woman to roam free with full rights, allowed blacks to invade your white lands. you kinda deserve it.
I have no bad blood with you white Americans, but you are giving away your land and allowing your birth rates to tank.
we are killing our white invaders in large numbers, and we are taking back our land.
thats the difference between us, we will take everything.
>blacks are set to become the majority
lol, South Africa is in the exact same position. Jewish revolutionaries radicalizing blacks, jews, Indians, and Chinese extracting the resources, mass immigration of nogs from other parts of Africa.
>South Africa is in the exact same position
except we kill our white invaders, where americans invite us in to take their shit.
sorry if the truth hurts some feelings
you guys are fighting against a class of peasant farmers. You guys will not be able to uproot the Indians, jews, or Chinese - and they are the ones that have the capital and connections to really exploit your country. What do you think is going to happen when the land gets taken back, the currency gets ruined, and the country goes bankrupt? It's going to go to a Jew, Chinese, or Gujarati mining company. That's what this is all about. Those white farmers are successful and don't want to sell their land to get mined so the mining oligarchs pump money into nigger revolutionary movements like EFF that will help separate the land from the white farmers.
no they're not, they're like 3% max
I think you've been watching too many movies like Ferris Beuler's day off... those aren't documentaries, shlomo.
there's like no more then 200k blacks, no way they become majority.
It feels like 60% where I am
I think the Middle East only has 200K arabs.
wrong ,black population is not increasing.
the US government says lots of things and many people here simply don't believe statistics that the US government churns out. People are just saying that based on their personal experience, it is hard to believe that blacks are 1 in every 8 Americans.
you can't fight this i've tried, the memes are too strong.
are you a retard? Someone get the rake.
> What the fuck happened Jow Forums
You fell for some dumb spam blog
Canada only visited Detroit or something. Lmao.
My bogan friend, let me spell this out for you.
If black Americans are 13% of the population, that means that they are 1/8th of the population. If they are 1/8th of the population it means that the average city will be 1/8th black. This isn't rocket science.
It's obvious to anyone that has been to America that half of the country is one big coontown, and "white" and "Latino" states all seem to have sizeable black populations that are well above 1/8th.
That's why the 13% figure is incredibly unbelievable. How many states are 13% or less black and what is the population of those states?
except it's easy to believe that outside of cities you barely see them
nice. america is going to become the congo where people get high off of fermented shit.
USA is majority urban. the rural population is meaningless because of its low numbers.
If by city you mean metropolitan area then the average city is 1/3 black but outside of that their's none
>1 in every 8 Americans.
there are some areas where the % of black population is higher, that dosen't mean half of US is black, in the overall population 1 in every american is black.
most cities have no black people then only big cities most cities under 1/2 million have little to no blacks
Have you only been to the south?
the south is incredibly nigged up. The south being white dixieland is just a meme.
We will come back one day and slaughter everyone of you on sight, you can barely keep the electricity going and you think you can fight us? I can’t wait to come back to SA, I’ll bring my Australian friends and we’ll make Rhodesia look like child’s play.
Please do based Earth Texan.
one generation of israel madness
You refused to listen, now you get what you deserve.
Nah,they keep their numbers in check by killing eachother