Prague is a white Utopia

Visiting Prague at the moment. I left the clean orderly airport and got into the taxi with a white taxi driver who didn't rip me off. Hot to my hotel, then went out and ordered a beer. By far the safest cleanest city I have ever been to. I have seen 2 black women here and a couple of Bangladeshi men. The city is Perfect and a sad reminder of what my city used to be like. How can anyone visit such a place and not get instantly redpilled? Women run alone through dimly lit parks here at 11pm at night! Nobody where I live seems to have made the connection between shit cities and mass emigration from the third world. This truly is clown world.

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Actually, if you liked Prague for its Whiteness, you should visit other Eastern Euro cities. Because apart from a few monuments, I don't like the colorful aspect of the buildings there.

I've known several liberal white women who have raved about their visits to czechia, croatia, poland, etc. Clean, safe, happy, quiet. Not a single one has made the connection to the demographics and they continue to ramble on about diversity being a strength.

Very nice city ya
Too bad theres a literal commie museum (which as you guessed it is just a grey fucking square)

yeah dont worry- EU is working hard on ways to enrich this city and country

Went there when I was 8. It’s still one of my fondest memories.

communism unironically shielded the east from degeneracy and niggers

compare east vs west
western europe is where all the 3rd world slime is coming in and culture is being replaced with globalized american jew hollywood decadent waste
eastern europe is where demographics and cultural traditions/history are still preserved

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How can the propaganda be so strong that they are literally incapable of even pursuing lines of reasoning that are completely logical. Do we need Sweden to become an Islamic republic with sharia law before Europe and the West wake up?

it's not about Islam and sharia, it's about race. Christian niggers or Hindus aren't better for Europe.

Come to Chernobyl, the only niggers that we have are the ones that glow in the dark.

That's pretty unlikely.
I living near the Czech border and they started already 2015 to establish their borders and refuse to take too much sandniggers. Also, if they take a few in, they get treated like dogs, no mosques, no free gibs, only food and 0 chance of staying from the Czech government.
I really think about to settle in Czech, since it's a beautiful white country, only with a few Vietnamese Fidschi people.

The whole of Europe and Czech Republic included must be really careful of "French" niggers.
I've seen them in Prague, Krakow, Tallinn and elsewhere. Jewish France will work tirelessly to flood the continent with apes.

I honestly think there won't be any waking up until things get really bad. As in, middle class people falling into poverty, falling into hunger, having nothing to lose. Comfort is a hell of a drug and people will live in constant cognitive dissonance to maintain it.

all true - thats why czech is still realitively not enriched.
But in politics - there are MANY colaborants and leftists who want to import them in bulks.
regular people are strongly againts enrichment and islamisation, but it will most likely happen.

Or EU will fall and race war will start. I would personally like that a lot.

Saw some Asians but they were mostly tourists or a few souvenir shop workers. Still made up less than 1% of the people in this city, and I am talking about the city centre. The only niggers here were the white English guys on stag parties zipping around on e-scooters and pissing off the pedestrians. I yearn for an era where that was the height of obnoxious behaviour.

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Well the main problem with the "French" niggers is that they can practically roam free within the EU, since they are "French".
If anybody would have guessed what it means so many years later to slave those lazy niggers then I guess alot country's would have avoided to set foot into Africa and other shit hole country's.

True but muslims make a point of tearing apart the culture and way of life of whatever country they’re leaching off

Yeah, that's why I'm saying you must be really cautious. I'm absolutely not kidding or exaggerating when I say that France will do everything to niggerified the continent.
For instance, through student exchange programs. Our unis are crowded with shitskins nowadays and many are being sent abroad to "study" there and meet the locals (what could go wrong…).

>Too bad theres a literal commie museum
If that's the one I've been to it's actually very anti-communist. It's basically a Czech celebration of their overthrow of communism.

You can visit but you have to leave again. We have no interest in new people here. Our country was once occuppied by Germans and it certainly wont happen again.

If necessary, take measures against all French people if they aren't hardcore racists. Even White expats will import their cancerous ideologies in your societies.

Well most of they Vietnamese have their shops near the borders, they are most likely run by some organizated crime groups. Selling cheap cigarettes, clothing, booze and so on. But that got better many years ago, when Czech finally made it illegal to sell your stuff from a wooden shack which wasn't actually a massive house or smth similar.
Also I never run into any trouble on those markets, only in the 90s it was a little bit rough.

Moving to Brno in 2 months. There are too many hispanics even in the whitest parts of the US, so I researched in depth European countries to find ones that had ideal demographics and desirable legal systems (gun ownership, some degree of free speech, etc). Czech Republic was on the list and it was very easy for me to find a job there, especially because I am an EU citizen. The only countries higher than Czech Republic on my list were Finland and Estonia, and I wasn't able to find work in either of them. I also like Poland, Croatia, and Ireland.

It has more advantages than defaults.
It makes people despise them more, it makes them less likely to "integrate" in any way possible, it systematically differentiates them from the rest, makes it easier to track and identify and in the end to deport or kill as a whole.
But I guess that I'd be less pragmatic if my daughter had been abducted and raped repeatedly by Paki scums. I actually think that I would have made quite a bloodbath in Londonistan at this very moment.

Id prefer white germans over sandniggers by trainloads.
Lets make czech the ethnostate.

Yet people still call me a yid any time I suggest a comprehensive eugenics program ...

R u Saxon? Do u have pretty sa,on waifu for me to breed????

Lol implying one doesnt cause the other. Germans and other non-Czechs arent welcome and you can be sure many of us will raise arms against you in the long run If you occupy our territory. I definitely will

Sweden has gotten really bad....completely cucked. The Swedish men are completely dickless.

then go and live there, stay there, don't come here because your own people are too stupid to produce any kind of content and shill for them
but instead you'll come to first world countries and steal whatever is not nailed down and unclog toilets because thats the only thing you are competent at

Can you speak Czech for us?

Kick the jews out of Austria and gypsys out of Slovakia and I'm in

žádný problém Francouz. Zůstaňte doma. Zůstaňte tam, kde jste. Opravte svou vlastní zemi.

Fix your own countries you fags

I don't plan on moving. That doesn't mean we shouldn't seek for a continental solution of the problem, because it is a European issue.

Just look at the amount of non-Whites populating the planet right now, and their demographic rates compared to ours.

Preserve your own culture, language and traditions, but avoid useless White infighting. Good day.

Hello burgermann, yes I lived pretty deep down in Saxony (like 20mins with car from Czech border). I am sorry, but we have our hands full to breed with our leftover white woman, feel welcome here if you are a Facharbeiter in some craftsman field or something similar, since we seriously need workers and such.

Don't act so pissed my Czech friend.
Germany may have had occupied you, but we did threat you pretty gentle, as long as you weren't a jew or a dirty communist.
Czech didn't even had to go to war with us, since we left you with the production of our war related stuff. Also Czech didn't even had to suffer anything under us, communism was much worser for you.

I found the center of Prague extremely touristy, desu. Much more so than German cities. Very diverse too. Only on the outskirts of Prague did I feel comfy and not getting harrassed by tourist shit.

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Personally I am perfectly willing to support fellow White countries with military aid. Most are. But dont expect us to take you in. You guys brought this on yourself and now you gotta fix it. No chickening out here on our cost.

Pretty much this

“refugees” all cross to Germany through Austria, Czechia or Poland.

They don’t refuse anyone or even control their borders. But their countries (except Austria) are so unappealing to Muslims that they move on to Germany, the UK, France, Denmark , Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden. Around 25,000 every month right now, all coming through Greece and then taking the Balkan route up through Romania or Serbia and then Hungary.

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The idea that you can fuck up your own country and then flee to a country you clearly look down upon is fringe and if you think we just take that you are mistaken.

do you know the language ? and do you think you are going to get paid the same as in USA ?

You pretty much know that technically many city's on the border actually and ever belonged to Germany?

There we go, as I said you are condescending and dont even respect my country. You fucked up and now you want to rationalize a way into my country despite feeling hegemonial. Fix your own Hans. We deported you guys once and we will again if necessary.

Prague is a tourist shithole where brown people are constantly begging you to come visit their dodgy strip clubs. The locals are fucking miserable because there are so many tourists, and the tourists are annoying as fuck because they are drunk and want to shag. I went on holiday to get away from drunk Brits shouting “Y’ALRIGHT LADS, YOU’RE BRITISH EH? WHERE YOUS FROM?!”
There’s nothing to actually do in Prague, just look at some old buildings you can see on the internet for free without fear of having your phone stolen from your wallet. There’s even a Jewish quarter in Prague for fucks sake.
Prague is a city that sold it’s soul to make quick money from tourism.

Accually was there a mont ago, also in Užhorod and Kyiv... Pretty nice country, if you dont count roads...

>When your niggers glow in the dark without being CIA


I am an analyst, more interested in German than American politics, though America's land is most defensible. I wish to learn the trades to service my estate, but have no professional interest therein. I think you Germans need direction and a network more than skilled labor, and I will be happy to take in Saxon waifu to serve you in that capacity...

I had an opportunity to work in czech aboot 14 years ago. I was 18, fresh out of high school. We lived/worked in a small town. The locals were concerned about Germans and Slovak.
I had a great time, met some cool people, though not many English speakers.
I saw an old lady riding a rototill, carrying a shotgun.
Good times.

They still could easily win against this degeneracy. The point is they dont want to fight in the first place because they are too comfy for that. And I wont support this behavior.

T. The Czech Guy from earlier, my battery died and I had to reboot my phone.

>this delusional
mass murdering civilians in response to attack against military personnel is sure gentle

Have the crops come back or is the soil completely fucked?

nobody is looking down upon you, you are literally at the bottom
no shitskins want to settle in slavic countries

because there is nothing of value to be found there

They also cannot because we dont let them. If a nigger of any form speaks up he will be face-punched or knifed. You just eat shit from minorities all the time and then at some point think how great it would be to flee to Poland etc.
Newsflash: that makes you worse than us. The achievements of the Swiss before you are certainly not yours and is your obligation to honor and expand them. If things develop lineary from here on out I am certain my offsprings will see me in a more positive light than yours see you

Listen Vasil, that has nothing to do with respect or disrespect. I really respect the Czech people and what they accomplished since they aren't anymore under UDSSR pressure. But still I think you whine a little too much, since historical Czech didn't suffer that much at all.
Also, since the borders between Czech and Germany is gone, you profited quite well from EU money to fix your streets and stuff (which I also see as a great accomplishment, since Germany can't even get his fucked up streets fixed).
So if you act now like btfo just because I mentioned that Czech is a alternative for living there, then I could also be a fucktard and tell your people to gtfo of my country for just work leeching here. But I won't do that, since I see Europe as a whole great continent which should support each other (doesn't mean I want open borders and such).

This has nothing to do with don't want or being to comfy, since the comfy times are gone since nearly 20 years.
It's just the German mentality, as long as there is a halfway working state, there won't be any outrage.
Like Germany working for low wage, they will say "at least I have work" and not "I gonna talk to my boss to get more money".
Why do you think there where still Werwolf and SS troops defending Berlin, when the rest of the country was already in shambles?
The only time Germans disagree with the government and made it clear was when the Wall did fall, but therefore already other country's started to rebel against the communism.

It's not like nothing grows there, it does, you just can't eat the crops if you don't want to get supercancer or some shit like that.

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1. Vasil isnt even a Czech name. Condescending as I said.

2. Its not an alternative for living since we dont want it. I am currently working in Germany. Its your fault since you didnt produce enough offsprings and allow your children to study social science while I studied computer science. I take that money back though to build something at home. I would prefer to work from home but they dont allow it. The job market is a disaster here and I will help to fix it by creating companies with the money I made. Unfortunately my children have to pay the price since they only see their dad on the weekends.

Its a fairly comfy life. I make almost 8k a month and dont have to work crazy hours. The choice is yours. Personally I riot easily if things do not go my way and lethal force is always on the table

>Clean, safe, happy, quiet
Nothing of this can be said about exUSSR countries

Nuclear is a scam

>Can't be said about R*ssia so can't be said about anyone else
wew lad. Apart from the fact that the Czechs weren't in the USSR, the Baltics are fantastic, especially Little Brother Estonia.

It even seems that the environment has developed a sort of primitive state that makes it even more livable for biodiversity.

>We have it bad, so everyone does too
Russia isn't an elder brother, it's a retarded one.