Why did Hitler gas the jews? What was his side of the story?
Why did Hitler gas the jews? What was his side of the story?
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It didn't happen
have you ever actually met a jew
Hitler tried to export the jews first.
No one wanted them
If you can't move the trash burn it
Not sure he did. However, if he did it is because THEY WOULDN’T FUCKING LEAVE
The gas made them awfully skinny. Funny gas, that.
and you're honestly saying you didn't want to gas him/her at any point?
you really expect us to believe that, Tut?
Some say the board that rejected him from Art School was filled with Jews
Himmler was the one who started it. Hitler just went along with it. A big error in hindsight. Hitler should have been the one to create the Jewish state of Israel then he would be looked at as a hero.
He never gassed anyone... In fact, Hitler (as opposed to Churchill) was wholly against chemical warfare since he was gassed and blinded for 6 months during his service on the front lines during WWI
He wanted to send the kikes to Madagascar and rounded them up and liquidated their assets in order to pay for the process.
When the "allies" started the "denazification" program where they gathered the surviving German men children and women to show them all of Hitlers "atrocities" against humanity, they presented to the crowds *and this is documented extensively throughout literature and video evidence* repleys believe it or not esque presentations of "Shrunken Jew heads, lamp shades made of human skin, soap made from Jewish fat and all sorts of other oddities with which allies used to brainwash the remaining Germans into believing they were taking part in the most evil this world had ever seen.
Funny to think, though, that through the years all of these staples of the so called "genocide" of the Jews have all but faded into obscurity as they are obviously too far fetched to continue to try and beat into everyones heads.
They couldn't abandon the whole lie though as they were far too invested both for financial gain but also for their brainwashing of the goyim masses.
The Holohoax is the thin layer of glue holding up the Jewish power monopoly in the west. Their strategy is one of panic as they continue to poor more and more over the weakening hold. Too much weight and the whole thing comes falling apart.
These people are not as intelligent as they would have you believe but that does not mean they are not brutal and wont do what is necessary to continue their strangle hold over the west.
This war is fundamentally an information war, then a financial war and finally, a "hot" war.
We have the means of only fighting on the first front and so with that, i wish you all good luck.
Typhus is a big bad boy.
Also why he shaved their heads.
And burned the corpses.
And employed doctor's.
Their clothes were dirty
>Typhus is a big bad boy.
>Also why he shaved their heads
Nah, they were also gassed too.
Source: ask any nazi guard who was present at these camps.
to kill the lice which were the only things that died by zyklon b
I'd love to crush your balls with pliers and see what you'll admit to.
Come on, lets do this
if we spent all day debating if gassing occurred/did not occur.... then nobody is asking why it occurred in the first place. From this position, either position is then further entrenched in their original position.....
They've admitted to it through speeches, radio, literature, memoirs before they were even captured.
They completely deserved to be tortured.
>then nobody is asking why it occurred in the first place.
A simple question from a simple minded bong deserves a simple answer. It's because the nazis were evil
>Why did Hitler gas the jews?
>What was his side of the story?
Kikes are lying rats that literally eat children?
Blood libel
Eye witness testimony is the worst form evidence--ask any detective or prosecutor. Don't you think it's strange that the "gas chamber" at Auschwitz was built after the war, yet the millions of tourists that visit it every year are never made aware of that fact?
Why does Hitler look like Mesut Özil?
Why do non-jews see a shitskin Mesut Özil and jews see an Aryan god of super powers??.....hmm
>Eye witness testimony is the worst form evidence--ask any detective or prosecutor
You're probably taking this quote way out of context. Maybe if a crime were to happen and there were only one or two eye witnesses to testify, then yes, this is the case. However, if you have not two but hundreds of testimonies from all groups, even the nazis who benefit the most from lying, all agreeing to one side of the story, then it is strong evidence.
>strange that the "gas chamber" at Auschwitz was built after the war,
No. The gas chambers were around even before the soviets captured the camps.
All were tortured, many had been threatened that their families would be sent to gulags and signed confessions they didn't even read.
Sounds like you need to be tortured to understand, don't be shy, it's not like your life was worth anything
>every single eyewitness tells the exact same story
No better evidence for a story being fabrication.
Fuck the allies, a bunch of savage cunts who single handedly destroyed Western Civilization under the Shadow of Zionism. Honestly, my parents should've stayed in Germany....
>that exact gif
You beat me to it brother, cheers
>The gas chambers were around even before the soviets captured the camps.
no prussian blue staining of the walls to indicate that is true.
You can stop lying now, or can you?
Because they are filthy degenerate parasites and every other country hated them too so there was nowhere he could deport them to. Read: americanfreedomunion.com
*silent laughing
if the british hadn't bombed my parents coastal town in croatia for a year i wouldn't have been born in this shit hole meme of a country
>All were tortured, many had been threatened that their families would be sent to gulags and signed confessions they didn't even read.
So you're telling me that if I give you the name of a nazi who admitted to the Holocaust, you'd be able to give me proof that that person was tortured.
>Sounds like you need to be tortured to understand, don't be shy, it's not like your life was worth anything
I think you need to follow you're leader. With a bullet... to your head... preferably on Webcam... now
go call up the frenchie faggot to help defend your bullshit, till then i'll keep dreaming about crushing your nuts with pliers
>no prussian blue staining of the walls to indicate that is true.
You don't need prussian blue in order to prove the existence of a gas chamber. It's not a requirement. Given that, some of the alleged gas chambers were found with the blue markings.
Never forget that the great destruction of western civilization and the White Race is at the hands of the Zionists and their Anglo/American slaves!
...or if the Roman empire didn't
Or if Attila didn't invade
>No better evidence for a story being fabrication
>Most retarded statement I've read in some time.
>from a germ
>makes sense
how can I forget, every day more shit skins are flooding this shit hole and the gatekeepers are all freemason or kike faggots
>You're probably taking this quote way out of context.
It wasn't a quote. It was advice.
>The gas chambers were around even before the soviets captured the camps.
Then why not let the evidence speak for itself? Why go through the trouble of recreating it. Claw marks on the walls? Come on, kike. You're sick. You should all be exterminated.
gas yourself kike, the Black Sun rises, and this time we actually will rid the world of your parasitic and destructive existence!
I don't need frenchie to help me. The simple fact that you're looking for a way out of this conversation means that I'm winning
A German soldier "confessed" to using a pedal powered brain bashing machine, yet none were found in any of the labor camps.
Yet these cutdick brain damaged kikes still want you to believe the testimony coerced from torture.
tisk tisk
>Why go through the trouble of recreating it.
If you have a bombed and damaged genocide, slaughter house, then it makes historical sense to preserve it. Do you have any proof that the gas chambers were completely constructed after the war and not just fixed? With scratch marks and everything?
Have you ever even been punched/kicked in the nuts? If you have you understand the pain, and the willingness to say just about anything to prevent a second kick/punch. Imagine having your balls in a vice grip! There's nothing 99% of men wouldn't confess to (even if verifiably false) in that situation. I know you're a fucking kike though, it's blatantly obvious.
The only people who died by "gassing" were Russian farmers at the hands of the NKVD, specifically Isai Davidovich Berg who designed and utilized a truck that diverted exhaust into the rear compartment and asphyxiated the farmers.
Of course this would be later blamed on Germans who did no such thing
>anybody who doesn't agree with me must be a kike
... or a normal person? You seem to be in denial that you are a miniscule minority and that 99% of the world disagrees with you and thinks you're all retards.
Go see a therapist, please
Also, the actual victims of the WW2 Holocaust were those who burned to death in cities that were firebombed or had hydrogen bombs dropped on them.
The US government spent half a million dollars trying to figure out how to cause a firestorm in German and Japanese cities.
>Goodbye to Berlin
>Erich Mendelsohn designed some of the world's finest buildings - and helped destroy the German capital. By Jonathan Glancey
I've already addressed this argument. Read the thread, nazi
No, he avoided the truth like a typical shit eating kike
Why do I get the impression that you have a punchable face?
Also, why haven't you left the thread?
yes, love the money
i have no idea why stalin gassed the croats friend and i find it strange that you should ask
I know you'll never understand how the justice system works in the civilized world, but I'll try to explain. You have to prove your case beyond a reasonable doubt. As far as I am concerned, you have three strikes against you:
1. You contaminated the crime scene with your reconstruction (any judge would throw the case out based on this alone).
2. Many of your eyewitnesses have changed their stories over the years, and some have even been proven to be LIARS. For example: youtube.com
3. You have made it illegal to investigate your claims in the nations in which they are alleged to happen, as well as the surrounding nations. This is the nail in coffin for your story.
I vote not guilty.
He wanted to commit the least efficient genocide in human history and cover it all up.
The best evidence I have seen so far for planned extermination campaigns was in goebbels diary who said they would accept up to 60% casualitie rates in transit or in specifics was left out.
>1. You contaminated the crime scene with your reconstruction (any judge would throw the case out based on this alone).
He wants strict compliance of evidence in a war-torn Europe, even though the nazis had thoroughly tampered and destroyed evidence before the soviets arrived. Even if we did have this luxury, we still have other camps that werent reconstructed like Majdanek and Sobibor.
>2. Many of your eyewitnesses have changed their stories over the years, and some have even been proven to be LIARS. For example
So? There are people who claim that the WTC had bombs planted in them, or that they were called up by the government after the attacks? People lie about historical events. How is this news to anybody?
>3. You have made it illegal to investigate your claims in the nations in which they are alleged to happen, as well as the surrounding nations. This is the nail in coffin for your story.
Another dumb response. In the Ukraine it's illegal to deny the holodmor. Are you saying that didn't happen either?
>I vote not guilty.
Nobody cares. You sound unintelligent. why would we want your opinion?
Gas them?
Surely you jest! The führer would never do something like that!
Where is the gas the jews speech? You are not up to date.
The official current narrative is that the nazis covered it up.
But left 7k eyewitnesses in auschwitz.
look at that cutdick brain damaged kike fail at pilpul !
what's the matter with this new generation, are they all this ineffective at bullshit artistry?
Hey ugly motzah boy, the British had cracked the ENGIMA code in 1942 and never once captured an order to commit genocide but did see many requests from the camps for medical supplies and food. How ironic that "death camps" would want to keep their victims alive enough to "gas" them to death.
the absurdity of these subhumans is limitless
>Where is the gas the jews speech? You are not up to date.
>I am talking about the "Jewish evacuation": the extermination of the Jewish people.
It is one of those things that is easily said. "The Jewish people are being exterminated," every party member will tell you, "perfectly clear, it's part of our plan, we're eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, ha !, a small matter."
even prince stinky admitted that hitler didn't want to exterminate you piece of shit rats.
your propaganda has been busted in more ways than one and you have no arguments left to prove your conspiracy theory against the Germans is true.
Initially he wanted to ship the Jews to Madagascar but the Royal Navy forbid him saying that they would block his ships.
Thus "Der Endlösung" became plan B.
Lol @ all the holocaust denial in this thread.
but since I'm on a roll here might as well add Raul Hillberg a professor who studied all the German records and not one stated "killing" of jews with regards to solving the jewish question, but there were many documents about transferring them to Palestine which actually happened.
tisk tisk
I am reading this right now
Look Patton realized it. The white slave" we're brave believed in the cause BUT was un aware of
If I had the money to run full page ads I would inform the masses
The idea of using Zyklon-B is credited to the Schutzhaftlagerführer of Auschwitz (Camp Deputy Commandant) SS Hauptsturmführer Karl Fritzsch.
Karl, born in Bohemia, into a family of stove builders, served in the campgrounds of Dachau, Auschwitz, Flossenbürg.
Karl, served under Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Hoss, in late August 1941 Karl experimented with Zyklon-B on a group of Soviet POW's, the effort proved so successful that it became the preferred method of Jewish removal.
Zyklon-B was primarily used at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Dachau and Buchenwald, this was the primary means of the removal of approximately 1 million persons of Jewish extraction.
Karl Fritzsch went missing on May 2nd 1945. He was believed killed in the Battle for Berlin, the Soviets later claimed Karl was captured by MI-6, other reports claimed that he shot himself in a dirt basement as Berlin fell, still other reports have him living in Oslo in the late 1960's.
The last mass gassing at Auschwitz took place on 30 October 1944 as the Soviet Army approached the camp.
In November 1944, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, ordered all gassing operations to cease.
Zyklon B was delivered by ambulance to the camps by a special SS bureau known as the Hygienic Institute, only the SS were allowed to handle the Zyklon-B pellets.
Johann Kremer, the SS doctor who oversaw gassings at Auschwitz-Birkenau, testified during the Nuremberg Trials, that the "shouting and screaming of Jews could be heard through the walls of the killing chamber and after 20 minutes the silence always made him smile."
In 1919 research by Fritz Haber of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry ultimately led to the development of Zyklon-A and Zyklon-B. Fritz Haber ironically was Jewish.
From 1929 until the end of WWII, the United States Public Health Service used Zyklon B to fumigate freight trains and clothes of Mexican immigrants entering the United States.
How accurate is that speech in other parts? Did they really not touch one Mark?
I swear on my mudda tone wooden doors.
>How accurate is that speech in other parts? Did they really not touch one Mark?
It was typical for camp guards to rob valuables from corpses so that they could keep for themselves. This was illegal at the time because those valuables actually belonged to the state. This is why Himmler is discussing it. To remind newly employed ss officers not to do this.
>How accurate is that speech in other parts?
It's a recorded speech. You can look for another source with another translation if you'd like. The Posen speeches are fairly easy to find. But yes, the translation I gave you is accurate.
I found a verified document proving hitler ordered the extermination!
img very related
For anyone still on the fence and want more sources to debunk the jewish conspiracy theory against the Germans here are many resources for you to choose from:
>Robert Faurisson My Revisionist Method
>Robert Faurisson - Le problème des chambres à gaz
>Auschwitz: A Personal Account by Thies Christophersen (1979)
>Made In Russia : The Holocaust
>Breaking the Spell - The Holocaust Myth & Reality
The Jewish Question is an evolutionary, statistical effect. It is not a conspiracy. There are many groups in the world, conspiring for various aims, but this is not the Jewish Question.
Just as Nigs don't have impulse control (on average), Jews don't have the European sense of morality (on average). This is from evolution and genetics. Jews perceive Europeans as an outgroup, and they have a genetic predisposition for ingroup cooperation and outgroup predation. Jews are willing to weaken the other groups around them, if it is profitable. This applies to whites, nigs, everyone.
Europeans actually want the best for nigs, that's independence and segregation, but Jews simply don't think like that.
Much like with every other race or species, Jews are inferior in many things but are masters in others.
Europeans worked as a race to settle the United States in the 19th century. Jews realized they are scraping the barrel when it comes to survival of the 'fittest', so they worked as a race to make fitness obsolete in the 20th-21st centuries. You don't win a Jewish stand-off by shooting faster and more accurately at dawn. A Jew will pay a guy to have sex with the wife of his opponent and convince her to poison her husband the night before the duel.
The Jewish Question is average group behavior, and it is a problem to be solved by physically removing the group.
environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics
In America, Jewish dominated institutions pump extreme sexual promiscuity in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. College is a whore factory. Kids learn more from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. It isn't a conspiracy, it's genetics. This is the Jewish Question.
Yes, Hitler never killed any jews and that's why Jow Forums loves him, for something he didn't do.
it's the "Jow Forums is one person" retarded argument again.
who let the tards out, who, who, who....
It's a speech by a politician. Who told everybody about his campaign promises. That would be the most generous anti side interpretation. On the pro side the best would be that they killed as many jews as they could by unspecific means.
Thats interesting.
>Very often no incidents occurred, as the SS men kept people quiet, maintaining that they were to bathe and be deloused.
How did they delouse people in auschwitz?
The Jew was stealing the Germans money.
Didnt he want to dump em on madagascar?
Everyone needs a hobby.
Many people who admire Hitler do so regardless of whatever happened or didn't happen to jews.
He had to delouse them and their clothes because kikes are filthy animals and were making his comfy labour camps dirty and diseased.
Excellent write up. Evolution is really a blight on the world.
khazar d.n.a
Jow Forums hates Hitler because he was a crypto jew co-opting anti-jewish interests for their subsequent destruction.. Jow Forums is trying to give him a bad name on the internets get him banned from Facebook etc., it isn't even 4D chess.
The real crime is that of the Nazis was trying to destroy Christianity ie kike worship.
The refugees are plundering the german social system
why did adolf have a huge cross with the effigy of mother mary holding baby jesus at the base of it at Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's Nest)?
is Sgt Jow Forums still heading up the operation?
Why do some people think this? It is clearly rubbish. They were skinny because they were staved.
Of course millions were kept as slaves, on starvation rations. But millions were just killed on arrival at some camps, like Sobibor and Treblinka, and Belzec and Chelmno, and Auschwitz
And of course millions were shot on the eastern front. They didn’t have time to get skinny.
But the gas had nothing to do with them being skinny.
This is the David “Hitler fanboi” Irving version isn’t it?
Pity Irving was lying, and manipulated and misquoted to cover up Hitlers part.
Looks like the wetbrain cavalry has arrived
One little problem with your alternative history fantasy. The missing millions of Jews.
And the documented and witnessed functioning of Treblinka, and the gas chambers at Auschwitz
Why do deniers lie to transparently?
It is as if they want to be caught
No one had a hydrogen bomb dropped on them.
This and other basic lies by the Lying Leaf.
And again with his own special brand of retarded argument from partial definition quoted out of context like a Lying Leaf would
go peddle your bullshit elsewhere, drunkard