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Finally we can shape the world without worrying about the animals

Was it not written in the scriptures?

why is this mentally ill individual so medialised?

b-but i thought black lives mattered?

She has autism man. Why the fuck does she even get a platform. All this shit will fuck her up big time. Just a fucking kid...

The acid rain, the hole in the ozone layer, the instant iceage, are all going to get us, any day now.
>(The journalist repeats for the 500th time for the last three decades)


Funny part is that shit is real, literally more them 200 species going extinct daily, 1000x times the average rate before industrialization

>think of the children

Nah just FAS

50? pfft
i can make it 10
hold my beer

I hope that includes the fucking animals over on /b/as well.

I guess I'll panic.

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Are you the Chinese prime minister or American president? Because of so, yes you totally can.

Yeah, the chinks keep eating everything that moves

I'd like a cure for sticking my cock into a retarded womans front hole

Where though?
I still see the same animals here.

Stick it in the back hole

Do you have any idea of what the CO2 footprint of a 16 year old downsyndrome teenager in western europe is? Better just off yourself kid.

Has she started growing tits yet?

Is there anything more bug than thinking that teenagers are WISER than adults? They're actually just hopelessly idealistic, hell I know I was too.

Ask the fbi about that

>Why the fuck does she even get a platform
Surely you know why. She’s simply a vehicle to push a narrative. In this case, climate hysteria nonsense. Once her usefulness is depleted she will be tossed on the discard pile with all the other former mass media-contrived puppets

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Does it matter? Every scientific fact proves what she says, its a complete consensus

They sure obsess with fucking kids

>complete consensus

Providing aid and medicine to the third world and allowing the economic expansion of developing nations while importing millions of new consumers is basically white civilization doing an ecological murder suicide. Good times.

imagine eating humans

Go ahead user embarrass yourself, also what about posting antivax on facebook at the same time uh? You took the redpill right user, you sure did your research


Thats a bright side, im sure the people who caused more suffering to Europe will be the first to offer themselves right Germany

you morons are getting distracted by a literal mongoloid girl
i can only imagine the jew who came up with this plan laughing himself to death

she's right thought, we need to be panicking and acting. a lot of us still think everything will be okay lol.

Complete consensus on what? All animals being extinct in 50 years?

Distracted from what user? The literal plan of the jews are the entertainment which h you consume openly and the banks you gladly comply to. They never hid anything you dumbass, thats the point. Thats what control and power means.

Dude. I remember when I was 12 and thought bananas would be extinct in the next 10 years. She needs a firm slap across the buttocks.

kys commie

Liberals don’t mature past the age of 16. This is why they agree with a child’s world view.

My King is literally the owner of the military, who is a commie now

The answer is population culling particularly in the 3rd world, but the left are so weak they will not even entertain this idea, instead they will hasten the destruction of the planet by bringing the 3rd world savages here where they will consume more.


There’s an organised push happening on climate hoaxing. Davos decided it or whatever. I wish it were true I really do, but it’s not.

Didn't that nearly happen because of a banana blight and corporate monoculture?

Some driftwood rat that lived exclusively on this one island approximately 12 acres in size, DEAD due to rising sea levels!

Press F to pay respects.

doesn't matter if so many of your people hold socialistic views.And I doubt it's like in italy where the lefties are irrelevant.
Get your fucking shit together, or you probably need more africans reality check

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It did, they literally had to engineer bananas that would grow anywhere to prevent it

You fool.

nah I'll be having only g*rmanics

Remember that huge hole in the ozone layer and the scientific consensus on us all being dead from solar radiation by the year 2000?

ur a fucking nigger, fucking zoomer here
votas a ciudadanos seguro maricon

Imagine having a climate shekeler's hand this far up your asshole.


it is just nonsence, we have to take care of the earth yes, but not at this level of AUTISM

If it’s any consolation, I sure feel dead.

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You know nothing, we are one of the few countries that took almost no refugees. We block everybody from entering into our African border and even shoot them. Gtfo

leftist propaganda

blacks BTFO

No I don’t think so, it was being pushed hard in the media around the age I started paying attention. It didn’t even come close to happening. So somebody ought to slap her. Same story, she’s seen something on the news and the gullible little child has fallen for it. The most famous example of this story is the one where an acorn drops on a baby chickens head so it starts running around frantically telling everyone that the sky is falling down. Lmao.

Y tu te pasas el dia fumando porros escoria de mierda

WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT , 3 days ago 50 of them just enter.
u are a fucking disgrace for spain, MARICON

Do not worry girl. It will be your turn to fix global warm... I mean climate change.
My parents couldn't, I can't too. Maybe she will finally figure out where it is happening and will stop it.


I just wanted to be an environmentalist, but the left decided communism is more important than the survival of biodiversity on earth. There's no nuclear in their green deal. That's all anyone should ever need to know they aren't serious about carbon. And the obsession with carbon is all anyone needs to know they aren't serious about the environment either, and just want economic control. It's all so tiresome. The right wing is literally the only philosophical base that can effectively protect the environment and respect nature. And I know these people. I work with their NGOs. I do their tribal outreach. I talk to their climate panelists. It's all mostly for status.

Other countries are taking thousands a day you retard

There’s no problem with the climate. The climate will not cause any issues at all not has it done.
Animals are going extinct, but that’s human population growth, pollution and blacks munching them all in Africa because her bank sponsors brought them out of the fauna and gave them guns


But I don't want your hope!
I want you to give your money to politicians so they can buy yachts!

This made me lmao.

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wich ones?? ur are a nigger, get back to Forocoches, u retard. hope ur sister gets raped by one of this nigger u so much love, TRAITOR

Between the Chinese and the Africans, African biodiversity is beyond doomed.

>Believe in evolution
>Don't believe in species adapting to their changing environment

>liberals are so retarded they listen to a fetal alcohol syndrome girl who admits she is autistic.

You know very well all spanish young girls are walking around in groups of arabic and black man and you are not invited


> the vast majority of these extinctions are thought to be undocumented, as the species are undiscovered at the time of their extinction

Someone should have thought this line through a bit better because that sure sounds like..

>"Things that we don't even know exist and might not exist are not existing at an alarming rate".

She's even saying it in plan sight.
This is evil - nothing less.
Acting in panic surely is the right thing to do, and hope is a very bad thing. This is hate speech.

This kid is special how? Even I was quite vocally proclaiming exactly what she proclaims at that age, but NOOOO, I wasn't special or connected or some shit. Climate change is global warming, isn't it? They sure bitch about muh CO2, but why at Europe? Why at America? Isn't China still wrapped in smog? Isn't India full of streetshitters? Why not cry to them?

Go ask (((them))) doesn't change the fact its happening

This kid is just Al Gore of women, that's it, with this global warming shit, her parents will make money, like how Al gore had. And the world will still burn and nothing will change.

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It still happening and I cant wait

Onions seems to be getting quite popular between the youngsters

Same reason feminists won't try to defend women that are truly opressed

We will never see its like again

literally retarded

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This isn't WW2 user, you don't need to shoot the messenger, might want to know the message nonetheless

Yes, panic about some made up bullshit that's not happening

>I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.

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One less chinese dish

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The math basically comes down to an extrapolation of plant identification rates, specialized insects per plant, and unique plants lost at a given rate of deforestation. The amount of tropical beetles and such is so staggering, it's probably not far off. But all the animals people do care about are just as vulnerable desu.

Sure, having literally all scientists in the world be paid to lie during 2 centuries to lie by a invisible hand seems much more likely, hoe many people died trying to debunk this lie? Where is the conspiracy? They are deliberately killing off random animals on rain forests just to make you believe right user.

Species die out.
But in 99% of the cases the reason is simply habitat destruction due to enlarged human settlements and agriculture, not climate change.
Why do they always have to mix up everything to beef up their pet problem?

Let's hope she gets real power some day and turns genocidal, killing billions is the best solution to most problems

That user didn't even read the whole thing, the megafauna is first in line since it is much easier to die due to small changes in the environment, which has been proven many times over, plus niggers eat them

Isnt making settlements literally changing a climate? Why are you so upset over semantics

A culling is 100% what needs to happen but it won't.
If we just nuked (wiped it out) africa and west Asia we'd have plenty of room for humanity to expand for hundreds of generations to come.
Or we can continue down this path and and 20 years we'll all be living as slaves in overcrowded 3rd world mega cities eating recycled 'meat'

Nukes pretty soon them

Is she talking about white genocide?

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Because the reason for this is not CO2, but growing human population.
Banning fossil fuels will not save the Orang Utan, for example - they'll probably die out even faster as humans use palm oil as a replacement.
That's not semantics.