This retard accomplished nothing. Muslim terror attacks aren't being committed any more frequently than before...

This retard accomplished nothing. Muslim terror attacks aren't being committed any more frequently than before, there's no "acceleration". He only garnered more sympathy for Muslims and fucked over gun owners.

Attached: 6436614.jpg (1500x822, 110K)

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he spooked the sand niggers. if only a little bit. that's good enough.

tit for tat revenge killings are never actually bad.

Pretty much. Threw his life away for nothing.

His attack lead to the killing of Nigerian and Sri Lankan Christians. Christians are being persecuted at genocide levels for their faith.

you know, waaaay back in the last centuries...

Indigenous tribes would attack whites.
Kill a few.
Rape a lot.
Steal everything.

The whites then would whistle up a response amongst themselves and go after said indigenous.

The end result?

The attacks stopped.

Always meet force with overwhelming force.

Be as horrific as possible and inflict terrible retribution.

Never back down.

Thats how you win against the savage

i agree. anybody saying otherwise has simply lost their nerve when shit finally started to get real.

do you seriously believe that? the attacks were planned for a long ass time, they just dedicated it to that at the very end. they would've happened anyways

50 is a good score, possibly the highest civilian score yet?
I think the idea was that we all go on a homicidal rampage till they fuck off like they did in myanmar.

Two eyes for an eye is the best way to strike fear into the hearts of the primitive barbarians, agreed.

The Boer knows how to deal with savages.

True but it doesn't matter. Then Sri Lanka outlawed visiting muslim clerics out of nowhere. Hopefully they will go further the next bombing.

There was a whitecuck traitor here in Aus who went on a deranged tirade on social media about how he invited white Christians to go to his house to fight and that he bought a scimitar to behead them as revenge for his Muslim pets.

Tarrant definitely lured the anti-whites out of the woodwork, you just haven't heard about I because the media refuses to report on it and police stop attacks before they happen.

The Jews are about to invade iran and kill millions. He's a gnat.

>Thats how you win against the savage

hurr durr read the manifesto
it totally explains how his retarded plan was actually GENIUS
hurr durr take action

Based boer

how did he spook t hem when they wasted like 200+ christians in sri lanka like 2 weeks after?

hurr durr do nothing
it will totally save the white race
hurr durr just sit on your fat ass sticked in your gamer chair all day

>fails to grasp the fundamental concept of accelerationism

They killed his stream before the end. Do you think we'll ever get to see what was recorded on his go pro?


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He is the Apex, the turning point of social sentiment. The avg westerner didn't recoil in horror, other than the media they were largely silent. Now the drums of the saxon are starting to beat.

We already had several copycats. One of them will suceed soon.

fuck off, he is a hero. One of us for 51 of them. Still to great a price to pay, we need better tactics

And yet everything is going as he planned

I think you missed the point, because you just described accelerationism while trying to refute it.


lmao fucking retards. Muslims aren't invading you, they are being welcomed. As long as your borders are open they will keep coming no matter what you do.
>durr we guna scare dem an dey wont come
You think any of those muslims that comes from a country that gets bombed daily is gonna be afraid of some 1 in a million faggot with a gun? lmao

>high score
look at my flag
they breed like rabbits and they'll import more just to spite him
>garnering sympathy for Muslims is acceleration

>look at my flag


He's forever living the minds of you ding dongs posting about he "accomplished nothing". Fame through the incels, good enough.

cry more faggot hahaha


we had rifles, they had sticks. that battle wouldnt go the same way today.

People have forgotten about it already. Lol!

Yeah, but he disarmed 50 bombs.

This, nazi wannabes BTFO.

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>garnering sympathy for Muslims is acceleration

Did you read his manifesto?
That was part of his plan.. sympathy for them is going up either way you look at it. They can do no harm, they rape, kill and terrorize and they're still beloved by MSM. Increasing their favor to it's peak would be accelerating this process.

I'm not even white and I know this.. I don't even care for his beliefs. So if you're a snot bubble who wants "secure the future" of your lab rat albino race.. why don't you know this?

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Alright so.. "accelerationism", being an "accelerationist" is a thing now I guess.

It's not exactly a new concept.

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I agree he could have been way more efficient if, instead killing random mudslime, he aimed at progressive politicians (aka the people who push for mudslimes in the west).

No, today we won't have to reload as much. More trigger time.

>Did you read his manifesto?
>That was part of his plan.. sympathy for them is going up either way you look at it.
His plan was 4D Chess level retardation. Sympathy went through the roof because of this shit.

>This retard accomplished nothing
I dunno. People seemed to really enjoy that video he made.

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I don't see how his manifesto is proof, and you're comparing them being the perpetrators to being the victims. People shit on tabloids for defending them when they commit atrocitirs, but not when atrocities are committed against them.

Non-white can't fight. Also checked, Heil Hitler.

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That's true, it was pretty kino and a fun time on Jow Forums. Happenings are always great.

It was a good video, I enjoyed it.

>The avg westerner didn't recoil in horror

True. Apart from the marxists on twitter nobody gived a shit about dead muslims.

He killed a bunch of dirty muslims. That's something.

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As a fellow white male with nothing to lose in a country being flooded with illiterate third worlders, I can tell you right now that Brenton accomplished something. That something is hard to quantify, but it's slowly stirring in all of us.

He also has a rude head.

Why hasn't someone logged into the MSM's minecraft server and griefed them instead? I think such an event would arouse even more public sympathy than Mudshits.

Agree that Islamic extremism needs to be countered with fanatical resolve that scares them. But you do that with the state apparatus, not Sperg out and livestream it. It was so nonlinear as to be cowardly.

Shut up, cuck. Everything goes as planned

>there's no "acceleration".
>He only garnered more sympathy for
Muslims and fucked over gun owners.
>no acceleration
>more sympathy for foreign invaders
>more restriction of freedom
>no acceleration
>more of what is leading us towards a reset
>no acceletation
your days are numbered you low iq fuck. the kali yiga is coming to an end and your type of filth will be cleansed from gods great creation

Attached: 220px-Kalki_Avatar_by_Ravi_Varma.jpg (220x299, 21K)

LARPing mutts are always hilarious. I'll believe it when I see it.

>guess what I am

not a mutt. i moved here when i was a babby. god unfortunately has a purpose for me. he brought me to sodom (portland, or) and will not let me leave. call it a larp of you will, but i know what i am.

That's great, I bid you good luck.

Why won’t anybody do something, user?
Why won’t you do something?

Top maybe the world is starting to go in the good direction


He got the guns removed from the place where many elites keep their secret survival bunkers,.so I'd say he at least accomplished that.

Attached: FREE BRENTON NOW.jpg (700x400, 61K)

He had no financial plan for the future, so decided he could live a long time in prison without work or sweat. Three hots and a cot.

It garnered support and awakened some people, which is ultimately all that matters.
I've had people speak about him openly, that he's a hero, at a university.

>This retard accomplished nothing
50 less sub-humans in the world

>This retard accomplished nothing.
Pretty much this. In fact he accomplished the opposite of what he want to.

Howbout countering Australian extremist terorism?

That's because you faggots are unable to do something.
You are scared of changes, sticked to your comfort zone. That's why we have a society with migrants and lgbt, cause as always no one can stop them. The last hope is Gen Z

"look mom i posted it again"


First time I've posted about Tarrant, I don't usually browse Jow Forums
What the fuck are you supposedly doing? Show your flag.

>First time I've posted about Tarrant, I don't usually browse Jow Forums
your lies are disgustingly transparent. it's really pathetic when it's that obvious over the internet. find a new hobby, little one

Actual schizo. Show me the threads that I supposedly made.

>I don't usually browse Jow Forums

gtfo faggot

without mod access i cant prove any other worthless snownigger or memeflag was you, or filter out your posting habits to figure outnl which proxycunt you are. thats not the point. we both know you are lying. what i dont understand about you is your endgame. schizo is the goto insult for shills. it is tired, purposeless, and outs you in a second. this d&c tactic does not, and has never, worked. you are either new and hold a pointless teleology, or youre super hi iq and you have some genius plan to subvert the truth and bring all us lost sheep back into the fold. my guess is the former. eat a dick kike


super high iq post. dont you have some rich kikes money to hide, choconigger?

Shut the fuck up, Retard.

That's some serious delirium. Take care.

based and redpilled

>Muslim terror attacks aren't being committed any more frequently than before, there's no "acceleration".
You know, there are likely several people planning what Tarrant did, browsing this board RIGHT NOW (you know who you are, godspeed) but they're obviously not gonna say shit. It takes a couple of years to prepare PROPERLY in order not to fuck up like that like that kid who rushed it in. It's obvious why and make this shit isn't more prevalent yet. Wait a few years, and you'll be proven wrong when several simultaneous attacks happen.

>He only garnered more sympathy for Muslims and fucked over gun owners.
And that's exactly what he wanted. Didn't you read his manifesto? He wanted the government to accelerate taking over guns in order to rile up people to do what he did.
He accomplished basically cucking an entire country.

Time will tell, friend.

He was not a catalyst for things to come, but a product of how things are.
You can't stop it now, it's already happening.

It didn't actually got accelerated into anything since it's one of the regular terror attacks from Muslims worldwide

*Non-Americans can't fight
Our airforce alone can take off your whole blacked shithole within a week

don't answer him
he's trying to cope

who fucking cares muslim lover