Do you know anybody like in the video, or no? What are nu-males like in real life? How have you found their political views to even be like, knowing of them more personally than through the internet? Do they really mostly have glasses and beards, maybe other stereotypical hipster and SJW features? Let's examine the physical and political descriptions of nu-males.
Nu-Male Soyboys
these are literally the clown pepe memes irl and they need to get off my dick and stop sucking up to GQ celebrity fashion
I'm confused. I thought we were the clowns?
I've known one... he was a "redditor" through and through, big time atheist, fat bearded white guy. Super liberal and anti-Trump. He was also 29 without a driver's license, had dyed his shoulder-length hair purple, wore nail polish and had like three tattoos of bugshit all around his body.
One day he comes up to me, whips out his phone and he's like "user, do you like meeemes?" I chuckle lightly, because I'm thinking "wtf this dude is a walking parody" but he shows me his "meme" anyway. Fucking text over picture. And he's just bursted out laughing.
Turns out he failed his driver's test (rofl) so after that day I never saw him ever again, thankfully enough.
Sounds like all the diversity drove him mad.
It’s not for everyone.
i literally dont leave the house so no.
I see a lot if these types at my college. They don't really have political beliefs, only really care about vidya and anime
You look like that don't you?
You were actually describing yourself
that man is jewish
I work in software so most younger men.
Only insecure pussies with too much free time give a shit about something so inconsequential.
its from a youth filled with video games, movies, and over lenient and/or neglectful parenting. lots of over the top entertainment to escape into and fill in gaps that their parents didnt fill for whatever reason. they try to bring the excitement from those things into every day life. ive been there
My cousin's a Onions Boy. Eventually got married to a boy from the Navy, who took his last name, and cousin was a bottom. What gives?
*Autocorrect not Onions, Onions. Lol.
Fuuuck!. Not onions, Onions.
stop being a spic
Apparently can't say S O Y .
yeah I still don't get why they did that, its like the mods actually want you to dislike them...
his user names written in jew
I've read this pasta before
In retrospect it's pretty funny...
How accurate is this chart?
because he is a kike...
What about those who reply to something so inconsequential?
What is a betabux?
bump for s o y stories (there is a toy story wordplay here somewhere)
they're basically just stereotypical redditors, imagine some faggot really into things like star wars, yelp, calls themself a "techie", IPAs, rick and morty, xkcd, etc
dilate more
What's to examine. Numales are physically weak men who are submissive to crazy leftist females.
whats the difference?
daddy who married and now feeding some fading thirty while she could be still fucked by alpha chad. thats why alpha fucks and beta bucks. AF/BB.
Sòylent Queen
Makes sense, thanks.
hypebeasts are not chads