In wake of all the shilling Jow Forumss endured over the last few months I figured I would start a pro 2A nigger hate thread. the best of both triggerings
This is a pistol shitlords deal with it
lets start the thread out with we hate the jews
That's what happens when you have to deal with ATF-bullshit. People find a way to bypass it.
we hate the niggers
guns are the bad mkay not negresses
if gun porn is your thing this is a 500S&W
This is now a gun porn/chicks with firearms thread.
so just buy a 90% lower receiver and make your own at home with basic drill press and shop tools.
Just type 90% lower into your search engine and see....
>liquor bottles, gaming mouse, and powerful handgun
lmao you're literally the dude that the feminazis keep warning us about
>hurr durr AR Pistol fuck 2A fags
it's the ATF that makes these retarded rules
Moving on to gun storage aesthetics.
I will be at the winemac range tomorrow, any indiana fags have the time I have ammo to spare
As long as it can kill traitorous government officials and corporate media propagandist then I do not care what you call it.
this is where I am at in terms of function over form.
Trump wins 2020
Anons fire up twitter trolll accounts for laqueesha and Dashawn talking bout how we riotin in the big cities and shit
Anons go to big cities with guns
Blast niggers
Cops don’t investigate or care
for complete retards they even sell a kit where you bascially just push a button and it completes the 90%
Looking good, bro.
I've gotten some real cool books from dear old dad
love you buddy we could be the best of friends
these are 50 cal cast of my own design. I call them cheeto hitlers and there for all the libtards in the world
you don't know disgruntled until you've met a man like me. we are the worst kind of goy.
Your room looks like the set of Shooting USA.
Even has their site open on the laptop...
Having a big think right now...
I believe that was charlton hestons gun room you were commenting on faggot
sorry linked a episode with the old set, here is the new one
rock on brother
now pass me an ice crispy
it had to be indiana. user if your local go to the winemac range around 9am, ill be there look for ammo boxes with mde stickers
You mean Jim Scoutten right?
thats funny, like I'll probably go out in the morning and get a ice cold monster zero to start my day. why is this a type of people a joke? why is it funny that white men around the age of thirty succeed in life? have you ever thought of this as a psyop, maybe to keep you from succeeding in your near future? dom't let your memes be dreams user, they're mind fucking you.
Ditch the optic and swap for a little 3" can flash hider and this would make one hell of a little truck gun. A binary trigger as well would nice
Do you powder coat them, and how does sealing and lubricating the bullets work? I've been thinking about casting too free myself from the gunshopjew, but it looks like an involved process.
I'll give you a protip:
white men generally succeed by the time they are thirty. It's because they're not retarded niggers. the stereotype holds true, white people do good for their selves.
Sorry man, I'm south of downtown between methinville and the town where all building are warehouses. If you were closer I'd take you up on that.
>short barrel 7.62 NATO
I have a can on order and should be approved by august
>inb4 gov cuck
i have other means.
I haven't had any fouling yet, but I haven't shot too much since I started casting. powder coating with china freight paint for 25 minutes at 250 degrees seems to work well. always resize.
any local anons really I'm bored as fuck and only have like 2 friends. I went the whole /sig/ route a few years back and while my life has never been better, I have a family now and that life is great, now I have no male friends outside of immediate family. who are all cucks
I meant the ones that are can shaped. I like the look a lot more than the others. I didn't think it was actually yours, what brand?
Thanks, I want to start with 9mm and .357 and maybe later move on to .303 or try some 12 gauge slugs to cook up some homemade african eliminators.
Where are you located?
The hoosier riech (Indiana) if from what I can tell from our convo.
Mooresville reporting in, keep a eye out for my Hoosier user tag fren, I'm around.
shame you live so close to Gary, south side is where its at. Pic related
I'm in fucking Gary help me bro. I work at the mill and it is what it is. for fucks sake I need some comradery. It's not out of helplessness or whatever but I am tired of turkey hunting alone. my kids are ten and six and they're both girls.k they're starting to get out of admiring deer skulls.
Can I order a few hundred thousand?
That’s a pea shooter.
I could use an user honeypot or not, [email protected] whatever, I'll shoot the double crossers.
I can see why you hang out on pol at 4am. Having nobody is a bitch, I know that feel.
ok what's the point of that? you lose so much of the 308's power with that short of a barrel.
4+4+4 = 12
12 edges on the outside of a star of david
makes me want to move to alabama and fuck her sister too
I love pussy and I love guns.
would bang
what movie is this?
Aesthetic as fuck.
Lol, it's real. Even the comments. There are a bunch of them. Has to be a honey pot.
I've seen similar listings on AliBaba and eBay as well. For all intents and purposes it's just an oil filter. The ATF can't regulate it, obviously, and they can't check that everyone that buys an oil filter is using it for its intended purpose.
This is why I like homely chicks. No one wants them, they tend to be wholesome.
i cant see why you would hate niggers, what did they ever do to you?
>This is a pistol
pls explain
it looks like a rifle