Jow Forums are you degeneratophobic (irrational fear of degenerates)?
Jow Forums are you degeneratophobic (irrational fear of degenerates)?
Why irrational? Why fear?
>Why fear?
Kafka Trap used by (((Feminists/Marxists))) to control your behavior.
Framing you as phobic frames any opposition of yours to whatever I claim is normal as a response grounded in fear and angriness and any further opposition makes you more guilty
>Why irrational?
because the direct implication is that whatever I claim is the norm.
So all in all a word like "transphibic" implies 1. that trans are normal and 2. you fear them and implicitly explains 3. that your response will be reactionary and thus grounded in anger and 4. this anger will be proof of your guilt and validates my concept/word.
This is a logical fallacy but the explanation cost is on you to educate your surrounding about it. Its effectiveness roots in the lack of awareness about Kafka Traps in the general public
This is pretty much the way jews can normalize any degeneracy and invalidate your opposition against it. As simple as that
I absolutely hate trannies if that's what you mean
AND guilt you into not wanting to have it
I'm talking about the words that end with phobic and their utilization to control behavior
Just because I am hating degenarates dosen't mean i'm afraid of them, user
Homophobic, Transphobic, Niggerphobic, Islamophobic, are all fake words that don't mean anything.
I know. The point is to frame you as phobic in a conversation to be able to utilize the Kafka Trap agains you. You're using logic. The Trap is basically a logical fallacy (which doesn't follow logic by definition)
They are useful to utilize logical fallacies like the Kafka Trap
Degenerataphobic? WTF? We already have a word for that called 'antisemite'
antisemite is a similar kind of word but not directly comparable with "-phobic" words that explicitly mention phobia
Also in general if you manage to associate yourself with the word "Change" or "Progress" (like "Progressives") you'll be able to utilize these words very effectively because change already implies shifting norms and you can easily frame anybody opposing change as angry and old (as in "#angrywhitemen" or "cracker"). All part of the Culture War/White Genocide that is going on and Trannies/3rd Wave Feminism/Marxism/Jews are the major driver behind this
Maybe you don't get it, why is what I believe beyond rationality and why it has to be fear? New juden trick?
>beyond rationality
A Kafka Trap is a logical fallacy. I'm not sure I understand you.
>New juden trick?
New? They don't use this in your country?
In most people's eyes being a "homophobe" is like being Hitler here....
Like I don't fear the little faggots screeching around but you say -phobic so 'fear'.... also if their 'norm' =/= 'my norm' who honestly give a fuck? As long as they don't go near me it's not my problem to clean their shit, there's ppl that do it already
Personally not, but I don't like (thank god) in commie zones like Bologna or Monza the presence of snowflakes there is fuckin absurd
Before the MIGA migration we used to be the degenerates.
>Everybody I don't like is literally Hitler
It makes me wanna vomit every time
>the average person is qualified to judge whether or not their fears are rational
No, it's a good thing, because 85% of Whites are crypto-racists and the more they push us into obscurity the more radical we become :)
I suspect you all of being secret faggots for Mossad. Trust n1.
The point I'm making is that calling somebody '-phobe' is a prerequisite to utilizing Kafka Traps
at least larp till the end shills
Yeah, but the White goyim always figure it out eventually, that's why they need to replace us
>that's why they need to replace us
tell me more about the replacement
you're making it too easy to recognize your and your cieclejerk buddies like shilling. Try to go deeper into the larp. But you know what happens when you go too deep.
Tell me more about the replacement shill.
You are really really obvious lmfao, I've seen you in other threads today, too bad Shlomo, time to change VPNs again
>I've seen you in other threads today
give me an example
I'll make it easy for you shill