Kids get cancer because cell tower

>kids get cancer because cell tower
>tower owners: it doesn't cause cancer, but We'll move it since we're so nice

Attached: ctm-0404-cell-tower[1].jpg (620x349, 40K)

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can you hear me now? good!

What the fuck is a cell-tower?

The 5G is microwave.

People say disappearing of ozone layer results to more cancer because radiation. But somethimg like 5g is totally fine

Stupid goyim

You can't get cancer from a femtocell. There is no ionizing radiation.

>these people are too fucking stupid to understand the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and it will be easier to move the damn thing to shut them up than it will be to listen to them piss and moan for the rest of forever

So gay. I hate this timeline
Kids get brain cancer so normies can have a constant connection to propaganda and selfies

Also mass immigration and joe Biden

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Have fun with being a retard

Please explain how you can get cancer from microwave radiation.

How do you think cellular communications work? Magic? There has to be some form of antenna where signals can be sent and received before being transferred across a physical network.

A radiologist scientist in Australia who worked for the largest telecom company called Telstra said the towers were emitting high levels of radiation so he stole a WW2 army tank and bulldozed them haha


of course it's CA. people live next to cell phone towers and are completely fine. I guarantee that place used to be an industrial waste dumping ground for the military

Lmao, everyone is so divided on this topic, guns, and climate change. Seems like the perfect storm is brewing because our technology is beginning to pass into an obscure phase where the common man's understanding isn't catching up fast enough to decisively evaluate whether something is objectively better or worse for us.
Topics that can be, at best, interpreted as ambiguously good or bad by the common man is what will tear our modern societies apart.

if you live next to a cell tower you are fine because the beams from the transmitters are not hitting you there, retard

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5G for Israel first

alright, now that's suspicious.
at least it might get rid of some of the overpopulation???
uhhh... at least i will have my waifu???

This guy still belives particles are real.

Aether depletion, sodomy and other sins also locally depleted the aether

how do you think cell phone radiation gets inside buildings and around corners retard. it bounces all over. fuck off

it bounces all over and every time it bounces it reduces in intensity, shithead

also, cell towers put out more waves than they admit to due to the intense modulation of the signals

kill yourself

>This guy still belives particles are real.
So much this.


>live in line of sight and you're fine
>but also waves are super intense
??? whats your fucking argument inbred britmong retard

microwaves dont cause cancer you dummy you need higher energy waves to do that.

lmao what a fucking legend. mad cunt should of been australian of the year.

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The radiation intensity of your phone is magnitides higher because it's so close.

>im actually retarded: the post
all those waves fried your brain

to be fair that could be explained by it being a proximity thing.

>cell tower gives cancer
are you americans rly that fuking stupid or you just rp ?

>non-ionising radiation is not dangerous at all

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"being a proximity thing"

yeah im sure you can explain it perfectly buddy

Holy shit you're dumb, he's spray painting it and the suit is for the paint.

wonder what gave the kids cancer

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What will you invent for us instead, Wayne?

>5g towers installed
>go to the grocery store
>come back with a couple rolls of foil
>save your city