>he believes he will lead a violent struggle against the police the government, the military, intelligence agencies, loyalists, leftists and such when police knocks on his uneducated meth addicted home because he thinks he will win being part of "justice"
Infantile delusional powerfantasy
>muuuh guns muh rights i am a citizen with amendments you can't do this!!! NooooooOOO,
He believes he will lead a violent struggle against the police the government, the military, intelligence agencies...
Other urls found in this thread:
OP is a massive faggot
>He believes that he can live with aids
No shit.
Not even their own who go rogue stand a chance.
1: Because of where I live and the size of my city I would know about any form of gun confiscation before it happened. It also helps that I know most of the local law enforcement and many in the local government. They would never allow it by choice.
2: I know exactly where my local government officials live and where their children go to school. In the event that my local government allows gun confiscation I would have no problem at all kidnapping and brutally murdering their children while recording the event with my phone and uploading it to the interenet for everyone to fap to it.
3: I also have no problem at all killing law enforcement or military on he goddamn spot. The 2nd Amendment was designed to defend against government tyranny and that is what will happen.
>the strongest military in the history of man
>a chink in a hole
2: I know exactly where my local government officials live and where their children go to school. In the event that my local government allows gun confiscation I would have no problem at all kidnapping and brutally murdering their children while recording the event with my phone and uploading it to the interenet for everyone to fap to it.
3: I also have no problem at all killing law enforcement or military on he goddamn spot. The 2nd Amendment was designed to defend against government tyranny and that is what will happen
Mmm power fantasy just like call of dooty am i right?
if you make sure you take at least 1 with you then it deters them from acting
If everyone did this there would be no one left to act in very short order.
Sounds like a win-win to me.
Guns are just one part of rebellion. In fact, a very small part. It's nice to have the means to directly fight state forces, because it makes exhaustion easier.
Destroying infrastructure is easy enough with household chemicals, thanks to the us military creating diy IED guides. It would be incredibly easy for a small contingent force to cripple economic and political cohesion, all without firing a single bullet.
The military would also likely experience some amount of splintering. That's on top of an already internationally funded and supplied insurgency.
This will happen a couple of times. There'll be a couple of Ruby Ridges and a couple of Wacos. And then federal buildings will start blowing up and the families of politicians will start dying. The Feds learned this lesson in the early 90's. It was reinforced when the BLM found themselves hilariously outgunned at Bundy Ranch and backed down.
You have the communication skills of a nigger.
>he thinks rednecks will lead some sort of revolution
that is why our most powerful weapon against the (((police the government, the military, intelligence agencies, loyalists, leftists and such))) are our keyboard, pens and memes you doofus
nothing riles up the government more than weaponized memes.. they can't fight against it.
I wish I had the
>A jet can't stand on a street corner and prevent peaceful assembly
>A jet can't kick your door in at 3am
pasta, but I don't
when cops are outfitted as soldiers its pretty clear who they believe their enemy is.
the bundy militia bullshit was just theatrics, my dude. if the gov came with some actual firepower those larpers would've gotten liquidated very quickly and you wouldn't get oklahoma's in response, you'd get retards like the guys who stormed a wildlife refuge and had to beg the internet to send them snacks and a couple of them would get blasted
Did i ever say that retard? >he thinks the military would disarm regular civilians and not join them in the race war.
Bitch the police already bussin caps in yo asses.
It's best when they stack up like that, it makes the misters spraying Lofentanil-DMSO more effective.
Lol. You again.
Crazy anti government anti american terrorists.
>tfw the ones that don't collapse get chased down the street and finished off.
This is how all.the cowboy tough guys rednecks will end.
>i can fight governments with mu gun bible and truck
Culling imbeciles who defend the 2nd amendment will be good for white gene pool although maybe only like 3 or 4 people get liquidated.
>dabs on the power-mad government with nuclear level memes
heh heh, nothin personnel, statists.
we all know what would happen if they tried to confiscate the guns.
some family would go down in flames rather than give it up, it would be all over the news, and the left would cuck and back down as usual because they're pussies.
Delusional people thinking of fantasy and not reality.
You're losing, shill.
You're losing badly.
I'm buying guns for home defense and to provision against the near inevitably that left wing psychos will activate to prevent 'nazis' from reclaiming government from international Bolsheviks through the ballot box and the steady/sophisticated application of redpills to a blinkered public still emerging from the fog of three generations of leftist agitprop.
You faggots are the dangerous ones.
Anitfa is a terrorist organization.
also the CIA drafted a report detailing a mock confisaction plan awhile back. they prefaced it by saying 'it should be noted that what has been proposed in this document would be impossible'
Holy shit you have completely lost all grip with reality.
nah. few moving images of crying/dead children and the left would roll over like they always do. bitchmade to the end.
Gun confiscation will be slow and steady to prevent any conflict and eventually a bit more force.
Meanwhile Everything we fight for prevails, and everything you press craters.
The delusion faggot is once again projecting.
Take your meds, schitzo.
The second strongest military in the world is the United States.
The strongest military in the world are the citizens of the United States.
>everythinh we fight for prevails
You will overthrow the government?
americans own more guns than ever before you stupid faggot and it continues to trend upwards.
all the shootings just make people buy more.
sorry to ruin your fantasies of watching redneck white people get rekt by tanks and shit but it will never happen.
Most people dont value rights or guns more than their lives or even money and comfort.
the anti american terrorists is the government jeeze, why else would they all be going against their OWN constitution?
Seeing a redneck genocide would be nice for the genepool.
Their an enemy of AMERICA.
>delusional glowniggers making these threads thinking they won't get capped
The police force here is 10 strong. I could get an armed force 4x that size together in an hour. Thatmeans we'd be able to hold off minimally until state authorities arrived and possibly spread and multiply in the meantime. The endurance and peak of the force would depend on the # of volunteers.
Homosex is a form of psychosis, fren. Get help.
The fact that homosexuals have an average lifespan of 45 years should concern you. It's the most dangerous lifestyle choice you can make.
Choose to not be a psycho deviant.
Choose life.
Jow Forums cares
The USA is a much bigger country than Vietnam so if the police state turns on the people, the results will be even more embarassing. In fact, you would likely see the military stage a coupe against whoever was the president rather than go to war against the civilian population. Not just on ethical grounds, but because they won't want to have to look for booby traps and snipers around every corner.
Seeing billy bobs crackhouse get blown up for being a terrorist gun owner and the media will make people demonize and redicule these people.
I concur, he’s been trolling the boards for a while.
What about if I'm not a meth addict and my local police all vote conservative like me? Oh wait, I forgot I'm asking a faggot. Nvm.
Your federal kike mob dictatorship government hold the people of my lands hostage, American.
We have already mobilised and armed them and they will shoot to kill all federals on sight.
They are rebeling against your kike tyranny right now as we speak, yankee
>we could get an army 10x that
An army of obese people elderly pro governments, self preservationists and drug addicts?
Relax op.
You’ll have gun rights after we get drafted.
No, we are voting in Patriots and prosecuting traitors.
It's habbening right before your eyes.
It's how democracy works.
Terrorist organizations like antifa to be prosecuted and imprisoned. They call for violent overthrow.
Sucks to be you.
No one is going to be confiscating guns. The scare tactic is but a ploy to proliferate gun ownership. Commies hoisted on their own petard
We believe in the Constitution and the rule of law.
Jow Forums is unambiguously pro cop.
Prog faggot eternally btfo.
Next time.. on Dragon ball Z!
Only crackheads and medicated elderly watch the news, faggot.
We own the flow of information.
We are the news.
>eeeeerrr i cant run anymore
>autistic sperg can't follow orders
>elderly cant walk
>drug addicts dont think of anything except next fix of drugs
Anyone of any value would join the government than inbred delussional obese fat rednecks.
Show flag, Morris.
Another (((memeflag))).
>I don't know anything about history
>I don't know anything about guns
>I don't know anything about rights
Literally the most heavily armed, wealthy, and educated populations in the history of ever. Why do you think governments are always trying to make people dumber, poorer, and take away guns? Guess it works on people like you.
You could just turn over your guns to the government. Just as sheep are lead to slaughter. Our generation may not defeat the government. Our children may not defeat the government. The goal is to make the confiscation of gun expensive. Very expensive. Not just to the people in the government that are confiscating the weapons, but to all people working for said government. To all relatives of those working for the government. It will be very expensive for those particular people. Gun ownership is a god given right. No government has the power to deny me my rights without due process.
>replying to b8 and shitpoting
>not saging this faggotry
One mistake in your meme. Whose to say that the sniper wont defect to the side of the American people?
cops are cowards. as soon as stuff gets bad enough and real shit mode engages, they'll drop off.
What the fuck are you on about?
You're so delusional and schitzo you're making up some scenario about violent overthrow to justify something that's never-ever gonna habben.
Kek you're so pathetic.
In point of fact, 2019 will be the year user presses for Jow Forums to exercise constitutional rights.
Groups like antifa and their violent agitation are very troubling.
They keep telling us we've been doxxed and that they are coming for us... perhaps we should take them at their word.
One guy with a bolt action rifle could make an entire squad shit their pants because they have to poke their heads out at some point. Police and military do not have enough sheer manpower to seriously wage an insurgency in America. You could maybe stop an insurgency if the government was super well liked by the people but our current government is the butt of every corruption joke.
>my gunsssss god given rights!!!
>WAAAAAGH, youll take them from.my comd dead body!
Some cops, then goes the SWAT and military.
The police were shitting themselves at the height of BLM because niggers with hipoints and no planning were setting up ambushes for cops.
Your greatest military got BTFO in Iraq to uni students hopping the border to join the jihad. You might want to sit down and do a bit of thinking mate.
someone post the copy pasta
These people are in full panic mode.
They think we don't know who they are IRL. It's grand fun to fuck with them.
Little pigeon toed cucks with their alien conspiracies snarky snivelling.
They're watching their world-view implode in real time. They don't yet understand how thoroughly they've been played.
And the game continues.
And it's more enjoyable by the day.
Isn't it amusing watching a demonic statist squirm? Lashing out and calling other people delusional, psychotic, insane, etc. All the while they're droning on and on about how they want the state to murder Americans
I am the military. What now, you squirmy little queer? How do you plan to gaslight yourself out of an insurrection?
>gets btfo'd immediately on the very next post by an user not even replying to him
You're forgetting something: the police and combat soldiers in the military are overwhelmingly right-wing white men. In a full blown civil war scenario they're on our side, not yours.
most will not be fighting on the defensive tard fag, see those queers in the pic?
now see them offf duty at walmart with their daughters with no backup in their shorty shorts and sandals and see that walmart eat a hijacked fuel tanker.
one by one faggot. and then people like you in very much the same fashion. no one is going to face off against overwhelming odds like that, they hand it in, and start hunting you the next day with other they buy build or steal, forever. now whut?
>cops are cowards
All the shouty screaming bully ones are. They think they get a free pass to bully people around during peace time because they have a badge but when peace time is no more their authority is only legitimate if they can put a bullet in every person that wants them dead. At first they'll crack down hard on normie burgers but when everybody is pissed off and grabbing their guns for the cowabunga then its game ogre for zogbots. All the smart cops would throw their badges away and try to distance themselves from the satanic government. Any true patriots would join the nationalists whenever shit goes down.
>Some cops, then goes the SWAT and military.
SWAT and military are people too user. Except these people are even harder than your standard donuts eaters. I know a good chunk of the military would immediately side with the nationalists and the SWAT fags all have homes that they go to sleep in at night. Insurgency is a bitch and a half when the people have nothing to lose and the enforcers continuously dwindle in funding and morale.
The vietcong did not have to brutally beat vietnamese to make them join their ranks. They simply had to let the american troops destroy some shit and the volunteers would come pouring in
My flag doesnt matter.
all that matterd is you were warned.
We are creating a nation within your "nation", and we will fight to the last one.
>Laughs in veteran just wishing a motherfucker would.
beat me too it
Curfew is in place and if youre out of your home youre an enemy the police check up on everyone registered to their county and search for illegal weapons.
Bipartisan Support for "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation Is Growing
Red flag laws have a history of bipartisan support. And when any piece of legislation has Democrats and Republicans locking arms in agreement, you know trouble lies ahead
Say bye bye to gun rights all of pol Jow Forums and anyone that can be labeled problematic and anti social.
80 percent lowers
Okay... whatever you say.
Meanwhile I will remind those reading that your true flag is Israeli, and that you are up to your usual subversion.
>Sandniggers have been decisively defending their shitty mudhouses from the american government for twenty fucking years with cheap rifles, no intelligence, tanks, helicopters, or anything else.
You’ll never take america by force, filthy jew fuck.
no, we are no kikes, I assure you this.
It is your kike dictatorship that we resist.
u gay af my dude
do it faggot. you dont get it take the guns ill have more the next day probably yours. nobody is going to rambo a swat team on the defensive...when it starts your cops judges liberal voters will be hunted down and murdered in so many ways and 90% of them will not require guns, simply bumping into your faggot ass from behind as you go down the stairs will do in many cases. it is you and these very faggots and your precious leaders that will be getting their doors kicked in their cars bombed snakes slipped into their houses their food poisoned cars hitting them in broad daylight ooops you are such a dumb faggot a desparate dumb cummy lil morsel dibs on your asshole
"cuz' no one's gonna warn ya, and no one's gonna yell ATTACK, and you won't feel the steel...until it's hangin' out yo back!"
>You’ll never take america by force, filthy jew fuck.
Which is exactly why the jews worked to subvert the west after Weimar. They learned their lesson in Weimar because they boiled the frog way too damn fast and it hopped out of the pot and punched the jews right in their faces. Burgers have been effectively brainwashed enough by kikes that there will be considerable fighting on whether or not we should go full commie. Do I think the side that is against the international banking cartel will win? I hope so. Do I think a vietcong style insurgency in America will be easy? It'll certainly be harder for the government when they have to fight against the people that are in charge of maintaining the infrastructure. All I know is that its going to get really fun for the kinds of people that aren't completely plugged into the normiesphere
>Problematic and antisocial
Like joining antifa?
Yes, joining a terrorist organization is grounds for confiscation.
You don't need to have any guns, as you confess.
And I think that's the larger point here. People who advocate for the confiscation of guns are tacitly admitting they should not own guns... they're just projecting that admission onto the rest of the population.
Also, people who live within the city limits of major metros should also be forbidden guns.
Just in case things turn for the worse, city libs should be forced to deal with the consequences of their intellectual deriliction
thats why they put trump into office. but the thing about trump is, is that he's literally from the 80's. theyre trying to push the reagan thing with him type thing. but one person can't bring that back just as many people destroyed it.
bush sr was a pile of shit who started all this crap. they just brought trump out and had planned to the whole time to try to get a good side of the government. thats what theyre pandering to now and trying to do
Observe the style of this user's posts. It becomes clear when viewing them all that he seems like he is trying to hard to be
>fluent in Jow Forums
Curfew is in place and if youre out of your home youre an enemy the police check up on everyone registered to their county and search for illegal weapons.
How do you counter this?
We don’t have to lift a finger
The biggest problem they face is their total lack of creative cache.
They really can't keep any but the most idiotic's attention. Literally no one with half a wit is paying attention to traditional media.
All the cool kids keep coming to us...and that process is gathering pace.
Meanwhile, fag progs like op are in panic mode showing their hand. They're pressing too fast and too hard.
Moreover, people now see past (((bipartisanship))). The term rino is the worst pejorative with which a conservative can slander another.
'centrist' republicans are being sacrificed and slaughtered.
That's what the house election in 2018 was all about.
We're going to purge several from the Senate in upcoming primaries, several gubernatorial races and scores of house seats, all while winning back more districts than we lost with real conservatives
2020 is going to be glorious.
2022 is going to be giga-epic.
2024 is going to cement things for three generations.
The public will conflate the corruption and depravity to soon be revealed with a political ideology.
Joe Biden is going to win the nomination. And it's going to be one scandal after another.
You fag progs are so fucked.
Gun control is literally the last of your worries. We mainly press it to trigger you fags.
even in the day? boy thats a productive society nobody but the cops going to work huh?
is that curfew forever faggot how long do the people put up with that you think?
you are damn right at that point we are the enemy and we deal with that by being out there hunting their asses, what, can they live forever in a state of siege never more than 30 feet from each other and commanding a "no civvy within 10 feet of an officer" zone at all times? lol
gotta sleep sometime fool i get you when you are not where you aint faggot. now whut?
do they eat from the restraunt one of us works in? yummy botulism....do they pump their own gas? boom bitch. you are a tard with no imagination and a death wish. you make me hard kid.