Thoughts on this dude???

thoughts on this dude???

Attached: Annotation 2019-05-14 161147.png (312x434, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What a fucking onions boy


Attached: 483.jpg (205x246, 18K)

>capitalism bad
>give money to my patreon
Sums it up


>both genders
>genuine & ironic
>left culture
a contradictory queer shilling his shitty book
to complete the meme he just has to be jewish and complain about white people

Attached: 1556249878844s.jpg (111x125, 3K)

Looks like a bugman

What, this fine gentleman? He's alright in my book:

Attached: Screenshot_20190514-002404_YouTube.jpg (757x476, 142K)

if you dont use twitter these people literally disappear

>like to dislike ratio is about 1:3
I guess no one wants to listen to shrill voiced megacucks bounce around their milky man-tits for 3 minutes

look at the comments, sargoy got triggered and did a raid

fuck, that's incredible

Attached: 20190514_033417.jpg (720x522, 142K)

Attached: male-feminist-comic.png (625x605, 57K)

being the thing that you supposedly hate the most is the whole point of male feminism

those goblins do have a rapey vibe but both of them are also married, so it's half correct

I don't know the average levels of testosterone levels in a normal Man, but I for sure know he's below the line.

> ironic+genuine
Get it??

Attached: 1275550.jpg (288x290, 20K)

He's probably suicidal.

>le beta sóy boy communist cuck!
back to with your buzzwords

Apparently he made up a fake girlfriend who was actually a real doll he named kimi kobayashi. Weird shit man

I remember him from GamerGate. Hasnt he an hero yet? He was a joke of a human.

t. redditor
Nice projection

Pink pussy hat = Absolute douchbag !

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