reminder that supporting palestine and being an anti-zionist means you are indirectly contributing to white genocide. choose your camp right you low iq mongrels.
Reminder that supporting palestine and being an anti-zionist means you are indirectly contributing to white genocide...
kys Moshe
You must be one of those anti semites, using their newest symbol of hate.
>support us you dumb mongrels
Fuck you Hershel. Zionists finance terrorist groups targeting Europe and nigger immigration into Europe. Being a Zionist is the most anti-white thing you can do.
assuming this is true, and assuming you know of it, what makes you think your intelligence agencies and leaders don't know about it? a very fair assumption is that if you know, they know.
why aren't they stopping it?
you know why. false premise, or, they want it too.
crackers go home viva filastin
Then why use it knowing that it's a symbol of hate? Why not use other symbols?
>why aren't they stopping it?
You're getting close, Moshe.
I'll go out swigging, kike.
to another fallacy that is.
assuming its not a false premise, they want it too. why? well theres your memes about zog, or theres occam's razor. they are elected officials and the majority of voters that vote, believe in it. have you seen liberals? are you aware of their existence? they are real and your memes are schizo bs, you just can't seem to cope with it.
*cough*babra spectre*cough*
*cough*"jews will be at the forefront of flooding Europe with non-whites in an effort to ethnically replace the Europeans*cough*
You don't see non-jews advocating for that shit
jews are literally the sole problem of the world
Enough words, just pulverize Palastine out of existence.
what is palestine ?
jews aren't behind a big conspiracy to dominate the world schizo
explain how so?
Israel is based, they kill sandniggers
West bank annexation when?
The longer you wait, the stronger they lobby, they are balls deep in the UN already. Tick tock.
cmon guys, Israel is the only place you can call muslims goat fuckers and get cheers by everyone around
It's time to take a holylandpill
sandniggers couldn't take over Israel when their country were major regional powers and Israel was still at its beginnings, how coild they possibly win today?
Have you seen Israel Lobby groups? Are you aware of their existence?
Are you seriously arguing that the average American retard would even know about your shithole country without astroturfed policy pushed by lobbied politicians and constant propaganda by Jewish owned MSM? You realize pic related is actually factually verifiable, right?
Same way commie negroids toppled us and Rhodesia, lobbying.
Israel and Palestine is an artificially constructed conflict designed to simmer down or escalate as needed. Stop buying in to the bullshit narrative
because whites were at best 10% of the population in those countries
And how much % of the Middle East are Jews?
Leftist women and the MSM programming, if you want to be specific. Why do you tolerate self-proclaimed "atheists" running temples? Why do you tolerate leftist females speaking for you? Why did those with Hebrew surnames in Stalinist Russia burn temples along with churches? When blacks fall into degeneracy it's expected. When whites do it it's ugly. When Jews fall they fall the furthest. You know it, and yet you don't denounce them. Why?
Yes, Yes, no but its legal and expected in a democracy (every group can voice their needs and wants), yes I have checked some of them
and besides, the NY times hates israel (the last caricature with bb and trump?) and CNN at the very least doesn't like israel. NBC i don't really know.
your pic helps my argument more than it does yours
see ^ and don't underestimate your citizens
they aren't bright but they aren't that dumb
Thanks for the reply but I really would appreciate answering those specific questions.
exact opposite , by supposrting zionist you are making sure whites will go extinct, retard!
unironically will never happen Boer Gibsmedat nigger
mere creation of israel fucked up middle east beyond repair. Before Israel, their religious bullshit was perfectly contained within their sanddune fairly lands. Now they are migrating to all over Europe. Thanks, Jews.
Gotta wonder how many of our politicians took that aipac money
reminder that not suck dick and being anti-gay means you are indirectly contributing to white genocide. choose your camp right you low iq mongrels, and suck my dick