Anyone find it impressive how one man decimated the alt-right incel movement in like 2 months?
Anyone find it impressive how one man decimated the alt-right incel movement in like 2 months?
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no I don't find things that never happened impressive
show me where he ever lost a debate? please, give me a link
you can admit that this movement was bound to fall, 2016-2017, charlottesville was the peak and now its over, where going back to normal now
are all alt-right non-white like it dude?
>thinking destiny is smart
proof you're retarded
He's a 12 year old with a beard.
Ryan dawson completely demolished him
I didn't say he was smart. He might as well be dumb, but the incels and alt right conspiracy tards are even dumber so their arguments are easy to pick apart with Facts. Something that seems to be lacking from white nationalist incels
Mods should know better than to allow this eceleb spam until people start swatting and harassing these ecelebs. Mods stop being so goddamn stupid is stop this bullshit before it starts.
He lost every debate. Him winning is a meme
Alt right
Are both Redd it terms coined predominantly by the liberals.
Stop adopting their bullshit.
I'm 33 married, fit, and nothing about me is alt.
White genocide, pick that apart for me
nick fuentes made this guy look like a child
By getting triggered and calling people racist and talking like a fag?
Gave you some facts, go ahead and learn something today, maybe you will actually get it soon
most of the people you think represent the alt-right are actually leftists LARPing
take someone like alex jones for example. he runs this pro-america "woke" scam where he pretends china controls hollywood and saudi arabia did 9/11, even though the FBI admits they rounded up dancing israeli mossads and held them for 72 days for involvement in 9/11
the people you think represent us are just clowns that are trying to make us look bad. the reasonable people on the right are instabanned over and over again from all social media platforms. you have to go out in the real world and talk to people to find actual conservative people, they are not allowed on TV, radio, jewtube, faceberg, etc.
the majority of alt-right are just in it for the Patreon/Neet bucks
Fuentes is like 16 yo and Destiny got BTFO
Le talk fast but say nothing man
Watch his debate with Ryan Dawson or the debate on Trainwreckstv where he got BTFO by Fuentes.
Notice how Jow Forums and particularly (((ptg))) immediately resort to petty personal attacks against destiny?
Why does he make them seethe so hard?
I asked you to pick it apart. The wiki article doesn't do that, it just claims that it's a conspiracy theory.
So you can't pick it apart? Just like Destiny then. Saying that it's a conspiracy theory, isn't facts.
None of those articles say anything productive. What a waste of my time reading this. Leftist can't even provide their own beliefs just consumerist. Also what is this retarded incel meme look at that guy he is the definition of incel
All of those things are just gay bullshit. There is no debate to be had anymore. Demographic replacement is real, and if this change keeps happening we may see more people "subscribing to pewdiepie".
I'm assuming he is yet another critical theory burn out that preached mass materialism for the goy herd masses
Destiny acts in bad faith and is not to be trusted or debated. It's best just to ignore him, until he goes away. He is like a parasite.
Nick Fuentes and Sargon bested him in a debate a couple of months ago
>lost to Sargon of Akkad of all people
He is literally antifa shill