How do i get a qt japanese waifu like george soros Jow Forums?

how do i get a qt japanese waifu like george soros Jow Forums?

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Move to Japan

I have yellow fever and that bitch is hideous

an hero

did no one even bother to click the pic?
she looks retarded
and he looks like a blowfish

You don't want to

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come on
the dude is almost 90

when your married to satan it kinda takes a toll on your soul

>she looks retarded
that's just how gooks look

anyone with any brains is already here getting their waifu, enjoy your scraps.

She’s mostly white from the looks of it


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Can you not read?
Yeah I was thinking that but she probably was repulsive before as well tbf
My yellow fever doesn't discriminate against hapas

2016 was prime time for waifu gibs. I've already claimed three. All that's left are the leftovers of the leftovers.

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Bullshit. You haven't even been to rural areas yet.

You don’t. Stay on your side of the globe and forget we’re here. We’re full

This, the rural village I was living in literally gave me their daughter for a better life.

By being a rich old man obviously.

I want this chick.

What the fuck. A horse.

Asian women like white men just as much as white men like asian women. It's easier thank you think

Its always funny how people who can't cut it among their own race try to pick around in other peoples bitch basket.

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I already have 3 waifus. Why would I want more?

k-keep posting...

you really think a 90 year old cares about that shit

looks munted.

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Are they going to create Kalergi 2.0?

What kind of sick fuck shaves a horses ass.

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I literally would
Both holes

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a plane, most probably

Are these supposed to be a turnoff?
>pic related

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Why did George Soros marry a Zelda OOT speedrunner?

become rich

hot little pussy
virgins have never seen outer labia before its spread, kek

Japanese women are whores and easy as fuck. That is why so many ugly western men move there and somehow manage to find wives. It is because the average Japanese Male is a skinny, weak, unattractive cucks.

You are a white man, you have the potency for more than 3 waifus.

I'm pretty confident most men would as well

Shit, I didn't know this monster had a J-wife. IS she from Japan, or Japanese American?

>anyone with any brains is already here getting their waifu, enjoy your scraps.
Why don't Jap girls shave their greasy, hairy pussies?

I just threw up in my mouth, thanks OP.

There's something disgusting about Jap girls. I can't quite put my finger on it. Anyone?

There is nothing that makes me go softer then brown nipples and cunt. That is fucking feisty >213054171

be white, attractive, and have a job and education. My city has lots of nips and sometimes I will just say "I want to find a wife and move to Japan because life in Japan is better these days" and just see how she responds. Lots respond favourably. You just can't be ugly or a loser.

kys illiterate nigger

>be white, attractive, and have a job and education. My city has lots of nips and sometimes I will just say "I want to find a wife and move to Japan because life in Japan is better these days" and just see how she responds. Lots respond favourably. You just can't be ugly or a loser.
Wrong. You simply need to have good SMV. Nothing else matters. Except if you have billions of dollars, like this cunt.

And having a high SMV is much easier when you're white, who are proportionately the least likely to be manlets, facelets, brainlets, etc.

Literally imposible

>believing his meme

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Source to video please. Who is he?

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>be me
>set my gps to northern china for 1 day
>match with some qt asian girl (well like 50 but i only bother to chat up the cutest one)
>asks me for my wechat and we start chatting on there
>asks me a bunch of annoying questions like how many girls i've already been with in china, just assuming that since im white im there to fuck a ton of girls
>i tell her none i just got here (lulz)
>tell her i want to meet up soon
>she says when
>i say "tonight, but we can just meet at my hotel, it has a bar" (googled some hotel in the area I set my gps to, lmfao)
>she says "ok but how will i get back home? its dangerous to take taxis at night"
>i just say "you can stay with me, it's a big room"
>she says "ok, as long as u arent dangerous"

>this bitch literally is willing to meet and fuck me within 1 hour of meeting me online

>have her show up at "my hotel"
>she texts me that she arrived
>tell her "oh shit im getting a call from back in the states, my father is in the hospital, i cant come down i have to comfort my family"
>she buys it and takes taxi back home anyway (LOL)
>wake up this morning, 3 texts from her saying hello/goodmorning and asking if we wanted to meet up today instead

i lol every time i think about how i've been living this meme for so long. im a sex tourist but have spent most of my time in colombia, thailand, and now philippines, but it's still shocking.

is this whats going to connect us together? asian waifus?

It's actually hilarious how cartoonishly evil he looks

She's probably corrupted him even further into evil.

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Very rarely would a nip marry a foreigner.

The chinese & other asians are all about the mixed babies though

Based soros. Nazi, then capitalist god, now he cucks weebs. Truly an amazing life

Unironically this.

English teachers out

>tfw soon getting qt 3.14 nip gf
Feels good man

Whatever happened to the "No sorrow for Soros" threads?

>believing butthurt white roastie lies

Say hi to your son

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BTW if you aren't a chinlet the same is true for white roasties.



In what world is this considered Japanese?

She might be Asian, but she looks spiritually Jewish. Absolutely repulsive.

>spiritually Jewish
The fuck is that?

Like a wigger

So if you like money, you are practically a joo?



Even weabs know better than to wife a white girl lol.

>Kalergi was a mixed race Jap-White

I plan to have at least 5 to 7 kids, some of them will be asian ofc, cute asians like their mothers, but some of them will come out white too, just pure statistics

but those are all pure asians and i'm white with blonde hair/blue eyes 6'2" 220 lbs with the shoulders of an ox

my sons wont look anything like that lmfao

She's extremely gorgeous compared to him.

You're unbelievably retarded
Sure but that's hardly a fair comparison

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the cheapest woman tends to be the one you pay for

They don't shave down there?

She's obviously completely overwhelmed sexually by his rugged handsomeness and muscular body.

Will you get sexual satisfaction when he's significantly shorter and frail looking, and has to listen to you plow his mom (which looks exactly like him) in your bedroom?

probably the most pathetic post ive seen in a long time

Considering I plan on settling with a northern Chinese girl, no. They're usually taller than white girls.